☆*:.。. pooh bear and NO! .。.:*☆

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Zayn jolted awake from his warm bed looking around confusingly, he whines turning away from the light beaming in his window. He sat there for a while cuddling his bunny until he remembers last night, he met a boy!

Leeyum, he thinks a big smile growing on his face. The last thing he remembers is eating cinnamon rolls with him at his favorite café called Winnie's, then going back to the party, and picking up Harry who was holding onto Niall who was singing something loudly in Irish

Zayn immediately pouts, he only said goodbye to him and Liam gave him a bear hug in reply.

Zayn starts to sniff sadly grabbing his phone, he smiles sadly at the bedazzled gems on the back of it.

He jumps almost falling off the bed when he feels it vibrate, he looks around his cheeks red to make sure no one was watching. He looked at the screen noticing a message

unknown: Morning Zaynie😁💓

Zayn stares at the message unsurely, what if it was a monster? Zayn unlocked his phone already typing, 'Who is this?' but his phone vibrates again.

unknown: oh this is Liam! My buddy Louis told me I should've told you my name so I wouldn't scare you, sorry Zaynie😳

Zayn squeals clapping, "I got his number" he shouts excitingly. He quickly erases his last message replying with a longi hi.

He quickly goes to his contact changing Liam's to Pooh Bear with a lot of hearts and a bear emoji.

Zayn removes the covers off of him showing his pink giraffe onesie he bought last week online. He opens his door skipping into the hallway, "Harry! Niall! Where are you?" he yells.

"In here Zee, keep it down" a raspy irish accent says with a groan. Zayn skips into the living room seeing Niall lying on he couch rubbing his head, Harry handing him some pills and water.

Zayn was about to say something until his phone vibrate, he giggles seeing Liam reply with a lot of sorry's and that he had fun last night.

"Why're you so giggly today mate?" Niall says with a smile, well mostly at his onesie. "I met a boy!" he squeals rushing into the bathroom.

"YOU WHAT?" They both yell in unison, Niall then holding his head because of his killer headache.

Zayn snorts closing the door hearing both the boys footsteps following him. "Zayn! When? Who's the guy? Did he take advantage of you?"

"Shut up Harry! Zayn was he hot? Was he nice? Does he have a hot body like I told you he should have?"

Zayn smiles opening the door a little to stick his head out, "I'll tell you later"

"What do you mean? Tell us now, we wanna know!" "NO! I'll tell you later, be patient little duckies. Zaynie needs his bathtime"

Zayn says closing the door, locking it. "Fine but as soon as you get out your spilling the beans!"

"KK" he says starting to run the water, adding the pink bubbles in it. He hears his phone ding so he quickly goes to check it.

Poor Bear❤️❤️❤️🐻: Do you want to go to the park with me tomorrow? They have swings and slides😊

Zaynie: sure! what time?😱

Pooh Bear❤️❤️❤️🐻: Maybe at 11? They have a bakery nearby I wanna take you too🍩🍪🍰

Zayn smiles looking up from his phone noticing his tub about to overflow. He squeaks putting his phone down to stop the running water, "Oopsie" he mumbles adding his toys in it.

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