☆bdays and gifts☆

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WARNING: Up ahead is my, hopefully not so crummy smut, I've written. Pls enjoy😅


Zayn frowns deeply, sniffing as he looked around the empty apartment. He wasn't supposed to be alone on his birthday, Harry nor Niall left a note.

What hurt even more was the fact that Liam hasn't seen him, nor called, and not even a simple text message wishing a happy birthday.

Zayn wipes his red eyes, grabbing his phone. He made sure to dial his mother's phone number, of course she would remember his birthday

"Hello?" "Hi mummy" Zayn says softly, playing with his pink finger nails. "Hey ducky, happy twenty first birthday!"

"Thanks" "What's wrong?" "Niall, Harry, and even Lou forgot my birthday, and I haven't heard from Liam at all. Everyone forgot and now I'm alone and Thor is the only one here for me" Zayn says, starting to cry as he glances at his dog sniffing around the tv stand.

"Oh Zee, don't cry. It's okay" "Nuh uh, I-I really wanted to spend my birthday with Liam but I guess he doesn't care about me anymore" The newly twenty one year old says, wiping his tears off his cheeks.

"Don't say that angel, how about you come home? You can spend your birthday with your father and I, like the old days?" Zayn sniffles, "Will you make a cake?"

"Of course, you're favorite red velvet cake" "And sprinkles?" "Loads of them" Zayn smiles, "Thank you mummy" "You're welcome angel, I'll see you when you get here"

"Okay" The man says softly, hanging up his phone. Zayn shoves his phone in his pocket, retrieving the leather jacket that Liam had given him months ago.

"Atleast you remembered my birthday Thor" Zayn says with a pout, attaching the leash on his dog's sparkly collar.

Zayn still didn't know how to drive yet, Liam was supposed to show him one of these days but apparently he has no chance today.

"Why is it always me Thor? I remember everyone else's birthday but no one can remember mines, that's not fair at all," Zayn mutters to his dog who trotted happily beside him.

"Is it because I'm too nice? I mean, I can't be mean. I don't like being mean," The young man says, sighing deeply.

"Daddy really hurt my feeling Thor, maybe the next time you see him you should pee on his dumb Nike shoes" Zayn says, giggling when his dog barks in reply.

As soon as he spots his parents house, he notices the lights are out. "Aw did they go out?" He asks himself as he walks up the steps.

Zayn took out his keys, looking for his parent's house key. Before he goes to unlock the door, he makes sure to take off the leash on his dog to let him in.

"Mum? Dad?" Zayn asks loudly as he enters inside and closing the door behind him. He makes sure he locks it before entering the dark living room


Zayn jumps a little, clinging onto Thor as he stared at his family and friends crazily. "You scared me!" He then notices Liam wearing a happy birthday hat, "Liam, where have you been!" He says, setting Thor down.

"Planning your party" he says sheepishly, the younger man notices the happy birthday banner hanging above the couch. "You remembered?" he asks.

"Of course, did you think I would forget your birthday?" Zayn coos, rushing forward to hug his boyfriend tightly.

Liam smiles fondly, kissing his cheek. "Alright that's enough touching, look at your cake buddy!" Yaser says making Zayn rush over excitingly. "Cake!" he exclaims, motioning for his boyfriend to come over.

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