☆*:.。. Sorry and princess .。.:*☆

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"Why're you still angry with me? It's been a week Liam! I mean you got your boyfriend calling you daddy, That's hot" Louis says with an amused grin.

"Okay yeah it is, but why would you do that?" "Liam, that makes the relationship spicy. You've got yourself a twink and you didn't even think about using the daddy card?"

"Not now, oh my god you should've seen him. He was another person when I told him he was to innocent. His eyes got all dark, he kissed my neck and the way he kissed me? Jesus Christ" Liam groans collapsing on the couch holding his heart

"God you're lucky, I would've loved to see that" "Yeah yeah, and I kinda have to thank you too" "Oh really?" "Yeah, so thanks. I still hate you right now"

"That's all good, you still love me" Liam snorts sitting next to him on the couch picking up his kitten, "So" Louis frowns at him, "What?" "Did you ask Harry out?"

"Yeah" "Oh my god really? What did he say?" "No" Louis says with a shrug. Liam pouts, "Maybe he's playing hard to get?" "He's in love with someone else Li"

Liam face falls completely, "Louis I'm sorry" "And the thing is, it's with Ed" "Our Ed? The messy red hair and has a girlfriend he's absolute crazy about?"

"Yes, but I'm not giving up that easy. He knows deep down that Ed doesn't like him back" "Well you can change his mind, that he should be in love with you"

Louis smiles, "I'll try, but I don't know if it'll happen. He said he'd never date me, am I really that bad?"

"No you're not. That's really unfair, he doesn't know the real you or at least get know it. The sweet, funny, slightly an asshole, but caring guy you are. That's why your my bestfriend"

Louis smiles, "I wanna punch you, you're so sweet Liam"

"I know"

"Or should I say daddy"

"I take everything I said back"


Liam knocks on Zayn's apartment door loudly before stepping back, today Zayn invited him over to hang out.

Today he was actually gonna ask him to be his boyfriend, they've been dating for almost a year now. The door opens and Niall waves opening it wider for him, "How're you mate?"

"Good, and you?" "Eh peachy" Niall says closing the door. "Zayn went with Harry to get groceries, they'll be back" Liam nods sitting on the couch, Thor rushing over sniffing him excitingly

"So what're you two going to do today?" Liam picks up Thor petting him, "Zayn wanted to hang out, but today I wanted to ask him if he wanted to be my boyfriend"

"Aw really!" Niall says with a grin. Liam nods shyly, "Yeah" he says, chuckling when the puppy licks at his face. "Aw that's great, Zayn is going to be so happy"

Just then the front door opened, Harry and Zayn come in carrying bags. "Oh hi Liam" Harry says before bringing the bags to the kitchen.

Zayn places the bags on the floor before rushing over to sit in Liam's lap, "You came early"

"Yeah, but I got to sit with Niall though" "I hope he was being good" Zayn says wrapping his arms around Liam's neck as he gives Niall a look.

"Yeah yeah, you two go have fun. I'll put the bags away" Zayn squeals getting off of Liam lap before pulling him to his pink room, he lets Thor trot in before closing the door.

"So what're we doing?" Liam asks sitting on the white bean bag. "Well I wanted some alone time" Zayn says with a mischievous smile as he sits on Liam's lap facing him.

"O-oh, what's that?" "Kissing, I think last time you liked the way I kissed you. I'm getting better I think" "Well you can show me better than you can tell me" Liam says staring at Zayn's pink lips.

Zayn glances at Thor noticing the puppy already sleeping in his little pink bed Zayn bought from Petsmart. Just as he was about to coo he felt a hand grab at his chin making him face Liam

Zayn cheeks turn red as Liam rubs at his abdomen. He liked feeling Liam be in control, he starting to really get fond of it.

"I like it when you do that" "Yeah? Take control?" Zayn nods leaning in. Liam fills the gap between them kissing ever so slowly, just how he likes it

Slow and passionate, full of tongue but so much love. He really really really likes Zayn, he should ask him right now. "Zayn" Liam mumbles onto Zayn's lips causing the younger boy to pull away frowning

"Am I kissing wrong?" Zayn blurts out looking afraid, more embarrassed. "No no, Princess you're fine. Your kisses leave me breathless, like it does always"

Zayn cheeks turn red feeling shy, he wanted to squeal and jump on rainbows because Liam called him princess.

"What is it?" "Well I wanted to ask you a very important question" Zayn nods playing with Liam's lose shirt button, "Yes?" "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Zayn gasps stopping his movements, "Boyfriend?" "Yeah, I mean it's been almost a year. And I really really like you, just being around you makes me happy"

Zayn gets up from Liam's lap rushing out the room making the older man sit there frowning. He wasn't sure if this was good or bad, suddenly a bunch of squealing came from the other room

Liam noticed Thor jolting awake making him coo at the startled puppy. Liam was just about to get up and check on Zayn but the dark haired already skipped in with a big smile.

"So?" Liam asks unsurely. Zayn plops himself back onto Liam's lap nodding, "Yes I'll be your boyfriend," Zayn wrinkles his nose watching Liam smile triumphantly. "Sorry I had to tell harry and Niall"

"That's okay princess" Zayn blushes wrapping his arms around Liam's neck, "Can we get back to kissing, Daddy?" he adds the last part batting his long eyelashes making Liam nod, maybe a little to quickly. Zayn smiles smashing his lips onto his boyfriend, he can't believe it

His first actual boyfriend, he smiled into the kiss. He felt something poke at his butt cheek but he ignored it

Liam has been getting a lot of Mr. Happys when they kiss. He's told Niall that and he says it's good to have an affect like that on a man

He also told him that he was almost to the next level, touching, as Niall calls it. But they did touch eachother, didn't hold hands and cuddling count?

The answer was no, Niall said there would be more and Zayn couldn't wait. Harry says that he has to remember to tell Liam that if he doesn't feel comfortable, always say no sternly

Or in Niall's case kick him in the balls. But he's not going to do that at all, that would hurt really bad. Besides he wouldn't want to hurt his new boyfriend

Zeebee & Limabean≎ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now