☆teen parents and puke☆

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"Uh Zee? Where'd the baby come from?" Liam asks unsurely when he enters his boyfriend's apartment, noticing the man happily bouncing a gurgling blonde baby in his arms.

"Oh god, your boyfriend finally stole someone's baby. Niall owes me ten bucks" Louis snarls, earning a glare from the darker man.

"No I didn't steal a baby, this is my godson Jeffrey. Isn't he adorable?" Zayn asks with a fond smile, walking over to the two men.

"Aw who's a cutie pie? Are you having fun with your crazy god father? I bet you are" Louis coos as he tickles Jeffrey's belly, earning a squeal out of him.

"I'm not crazy" "You are, everyone knows you are. Poor kid might be as crazy as you if he stays over 24/7" Louis says, earning a hard nudge from his best friend.

"He's precious just like his god father," Liam says, sending Zayn a smile as he gently shook Jeffrey's chubby hand. "So who's baby?"

"My friend Gigi, she had work today and everyone she knew was busy except for me. So now I'm a young dad for the day"

"Well I'm sure Liam here will be happy to help, now you guys can be teen parents for the day" "Wait, you're leaving?"

"Oh yeah, I'm not changing any smelly diapers. I have six siblings, I think I still need a long break from kids" Louis snorts, already walking to the front door.

"Bye Lou" Zayn says with a slight wave, watching the man close the door in mid sentence. "So, uh. What do we do first?"

"I dunno, play? Jeffrey loves his stuffed octopus" Zayn says as he kisses the blonde's rosy cheek. He hoped he wouldn't cry as much, he was teething pretty bad.

"So how old is he?" "Eight months old, his birthday is in march" The smaller man says as he places Jeffrey on his blanket on the floor with his toys.

Liam lies on his stomach, grabbing the eight month old's blue octopus and shaking it around. "Hi Jeffrey" he says in his goofy voice as he taps the baby's nose with the toy.

Zayn smiles fondly, smoothing out his white blonde hair as he kicks at his feet in delight. "Do you like Liam? Huh? Isn't he cool?"

"Of course I'm cool, all the babies love me," Liam says as he grabs a rattle, shaking it hard only to have Jeffrey babble loudly trying to snatch it.

"And I know another special baby's birthday is coming up" the man sing songs, causing Zayn to frown confusingly.

"Who? Oh my goodness, I've never forgotten anyone's birthday before! Liam tell me!" "Woah, calm down starboy. I'm talking about you, it's January remember?"

"Oh," Zayn looks towards the calendar. "Hey it's my birthday month!" "I know, are you excited?" "Yeah, twenty one is a big deal. You're gonna remember right?"

"Of course I am princess, don't worry about it. It'll be a surprise, you'll love it" "Good because I really wanna spend my birthday with you Li" "That's sweet angel" Liam says with a grin, leaning up to give him a quick peck.

Jeffrey let's out a string of incoherent words as he watching the brunette scoops him up, holding him in the air before bringing him back on his leg before doing it again.

"I think he likes that" Zayn says with a giggle, watching his godson send his boyfriend a large smile showing off his two little teeth.

"I think so too" Liam says with a grin, his eyes crinkling at the baby's contagious laughter.


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