☆*:.。. Mommy and Baba .。.:*☆

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Zayn bounces around the house making Harry frown as Thor barks following him around. "Zayn? What are you doing?"

Zayn squeals in reply before rushing in his room, "Nothing!" Niall snorts exchanging looks with Harry, "Maybe Liam is coming over?"

"But he's usually here everyday" Niall shrugs, "Well maybe he ordered something offline and it's coming today?"

"Maybe" Harry says before leaning down to pet Thor. Suddenly the doorbell rings making Niall get up to get it, once he opens the door he's being pulling into a hug

"Oh Niall! Look at how big you got, look at those cheeks" Trisha gushes pinching them. "Hi Mr. And Mrs. Malik, I didn't know you guys were coming"

"Oh yeah, we're here to check on Zayn. Is he hear?" Niall nods opening the door wider for them. "Oh Harry, come here and give me a hug" Trisha says making Harry grins rushing to hug her

"Oh look at how tall you're getting, and handsome too" Trisha says pinching his cheeks. Harry cheeks turn red, "Thank you Trisha, I didn't know you guys were coming"

"It's more of a surprise, where's my little Cherub?" Trisha says looking around. "Zayn! Your parents are here!" Harry shouts as they sit down

"Well boys, this place looks great" Yaser says leaning down for the dog to sniff his hand. "Thank you, I mostly do all the work" Harry says flipping his hair.

Zayn rushes in before squealing loudly, "Mommy!" Trisha gets up pulling Zayn into a a tight hug, "Zaynie, oh my little baby" she says kissing her head

"Have you been a good boy?" "Ahuh, the best" he says pulling away bouncing excitingly. "Where's my hug Zee?"

Zayn smiles hugging Yaser tightly, "I missed you two so much" "Aw we missed you too buddy" Yaser says ruffling his hair.

"So what have you been doing?" Zayn sits down in between Harry and Niall as they sit across from them.

"I've at the library a bunch of times, I made cupcakes and a bunch of other stuff last night if you want some" Zayn says motioning to the kitchen

"Maybe later" "How was your trip?" "Oh beautiful though it was hard work" Zayn smiles nodding, "How was the plane trip?"

"It was nice, oh dear you should come along with us next time" Zayn shrugs, "I don't like planes remember" Zayn says pouting.

"Yeah but duckie it's very fun, what will it take for you to try?" Niall smirks, "If Liam was with him" Zayn's cheeks turn red as he playfully smacked his arm.

"Liam? Who's Liam?" Yaser asks frowning. "Zaynie's boyfriend" Harry sing songs.

"You have a boyfriend?" Zayn nods smiling happily, "Ahuh, he gave me a promise ring" he says showing them his finger.

Trisha gasps, "Oh he's the real deal huh?" Zayn nods smiling shyly, "Yeah he's a gentleman" "Well I want to meet this Liam" Yaser says crossing his arms.

"Why?" "To see if he's good enough for you" Niall pinches Zayn's cheek listening to him whine, "Aw wouldn't that be cute?"

Zayn shakes his head pouting, "You're going to embarrass me" "Aw we promise we won't duckie"

Zayn nods staring at his ring, "We can go to dinner?" "That would be lovely, we'll get to know him a little better"

Zayn stands up getting his phone from his pocket, "Lemme go get him" he says before skipping towards the door.

"Zayn you don't have to-" Zayn skips out the apartment closing the door with a slam. "Oh that boy never listens" Yaser says shaking his head.

"He seems to really like this boy" "Oh yeah, he's infatuated with the guy" Niall says with a snort.

"Now boys I want you two to be honest, is Liam good? You approve?" "Yes sir" Harry says with a nod. Niall grins, "If Harry agrees then you know it's true. You know he's a second mother"

Harry playfully punches his arm, "He was shy when I met him, but he's very sweet. He treats Zayn like he's the world"

Zayn knocks on the door repeatedly, "Liam open up!" Zayn put his hand down when he was met with Louis, "Hi loulou, is Liam home?"

"Yeah in his room" "Is he being dirty?" Zayn asks wrinkling his nose. Louis chuckles letting him in, "Naw, I accidentally slammed his door and his comics fell off the shelf"

"Aw," Zayn says pouting. "Kk" he says skipping towards his boyfriend's room. He knocks gently, "Leeyum? Can I come in"

Zayn pressed his ear to the door hearing a muffled yes, the dark haired boy opened the door peeking in. "Hi Zeebee"

"Hi Limabean, Louis told me what happened" Liam nods scowling at his half empty shelf, "Did you want something?"

"Well I got a surprise at him" "Oh really? What is it?" "My parents are here! And they want to meet you too!"

"Really?" Liam says frowning. "Ahuh, I told you how sweet and amazing you were" "Oh, so they want me to come now?"

"Yes," Zayn says grabbing his hand. "I'll help you with the magazine when we get back from dinner"

"Dinner?" Liam squeaks out nervously. "Ahuh don't be nervous, my mom is a lot like me" "And your dad?" "The opposite, he's a little protective so if he glares just tell me and I'll tell him to stop" Zayn says waving to Louis as he drags Liam out the apartment

"Kk" Liam says gulping slightly. Zayn got on his tippy toes to kiss his cheek before retracing his steps, back to his home

Zayn squeals opening his front door, "Hi hi!" He shouts excitingly making Liam blush under his parents gaze.

"Oh you must be Liam! You're just as adorable as Zayn, gimme a hug" Trisha says getting up to hug the man

Liam hugs her back smiling, "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Malik" "Oh just call me Trisha, any boy who makes my baby happier than he already is has my approval"

Zayn gives his dad a look, "Baba, meet Liam. Be nice" Zayn says with a frown.

Yaser reluctantly extends a hand, "Yaser" "Liam, sir" Liam says shaking his hand nervously. "You like Zayn, yes?"

"A lot, sir" "You treating him well?" "Yes sir" "Good, because if I hear anything bad best believe I'll be at your front door"

Zayn huffs, "Baba stop! You're embarrassing me" he says crossing his arms. Liam nods quickly, "Yes sir"

"Now how about we go to that lovely diner down the street, yes? We'll get to know you more Liam" Trisha says pinching Liam's cheek

"Okay" Zayn sends his dad a glare once his mother attaches her arm to Liam's dragging him out the room.

"You're being a meanie!" "I'm sorry but I have to get tough sometimes" Zayn pouts, "Big meanie" he says following his mother and boyfriend out the door

"Oh that boy" Yaser says shaking his head.

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