☆tricked and lost☆

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"Harry? C'mon you haven't gotten off the couch for days" Gemma whines, poking at her brother's forehead.

"I shower now! At least get used to that" "Yes I'm happy you don't make my apartment smell like a dumpster dog, but you aren't doing anything but eat chips and cry"

Harry pouts, "I can't help it! I miss Louis" "Then go talk to him" "No! I can't take him back easily" "Harry you're an idiot"

"Thanks gem" "You're welcome, M'going out with a few friends for lunch" "Don't miss me too much" "I won't" she snorts, making her way to the front door.

Harry sighs, looking down at his feet. Louis had called them cute one time, he huffs in annoyance laying down in the couch.

He really did miss Louis and especially Niall, he's regretted saying that he hated the blonde. He didn't hate him, hating Niall would be like hating puppies

He was just angry and people say dumb stuff when their angry, now he's regretting everything now. Harry closed his eyes for a moment before hearing the door bell ringing twice

The man whines loudly, trudging over to the front door. As he opens the door slowly, "Hazza!"

Harry frowns, "Zayn? Liam? What're you doing here?" "Well, we wanted to see how you were doing" Zayn says with a shy smile, rocking back and forth in his toes

"I'm fine, see you later" Harry says, about to close the door until Liam stops him. "Mhm we just wanna talk Harry"

The man raises an eyebrow, "About what?" "Aren't you gonna let us in?" Harry looks at them suspiciously, "No, you guys are being creepy"

"Well can we take you somewhere? I'll treat you to ice cream, I have my wallet" Zayn says, showing him his hello kitty wallet.

Harry couldn't help but coo, "Alright, let me get my shoes" he says, letting him enter inside the flat.

Liam sends Zayn a wink before sitting on the couch, "The plan's going swimmingly" Zayn nods, "I told you my plan will work" he whispers cheekily.

"What are you two whispering about?" Harry asks, finally getting his boots on. Zayn pecks Liam's cheek, "Private stuff, ready for some ice cream Hazza?" He asks, standing up.

Harry nods, "Yeah, thanks for visiting" he says with a smile as Zayn latches onto his arm. "No problem, we're going to have an interesting day together"

"Really?" "Yes, m'gonna make you feel so much better with hugs, kisses, and junk" "Thank you Zee" Harry says with a sincere smile.

"Niall isn't home right?" "No, he went out some mates at the bar" Liam says as they walk to his boyfriend's shared apartment.

Harry sighs, "Good, I've missed my room" he says with a pout as Zayn unlocks his door.

Just as Harry enters the apartment first, Zayn quickly slams the door closed making the man jump.

"Get the cuffs!" Harry looks at them both crazily as Liam pins him on the couch. "What're you doing?!"

"Saving your relationship and friendship Hazza, you'll thank me later. Niall! Louis!" Zayn shouts making the curly haired man gasp so

"You fuckers set me up" Harry growls as Liam holds his hands behind his back. "Correct!" Zayn says, watching Niall and Louis rush in

Zeebee & Limabean≎ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now