☆*:.。. moans and gremlins.。.:*☆

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Liam fiddled with his watch looking around his room, "Zee what're we doing?" He asks loudly, Zayn has been in the bathroom since Zayn had come over. "Just wait!" he yells from the bathroom. Liam huffs, he felt very awkward right now considering he was just in his boxers.

He doesn't know why, Zayn had told him too and rushed in the bathroom. Liam was just about to call his name again but the bathroom door opened revealing Zayn in his lace panties making Liam's almost pop out his head before covering his eyes.

"What're we doing?" Liam asks, it's nothing he hasn't before but he didn't it to seem like he was eye raping the boy's body. "Well I was on this websi-" "Again?" Liam asks with a groan.

He hears Zayn giggle. "Yeah and it said a way to pleasure a man without sex is being half naked" "What does that do?" Liam asks getting nothing in response. Suddenly he felt him fall back on the bed making him removes his hands

Zayn smiles sitting on his lap, "Like this" Liam cheeks turn red frowning, "Yeah sitting on my lap? You do that all the time" Zayn pouts, "You didn't let me finish" Zayn whines grabbing his phone from his nightstand. Liam gulps feeling Zayn's brush up against him.

Zayn unlocks his phone reading, "Okay so grinding"

Liam frowns, "Grinding? Where did you learn that from?" "Well on here, besides I do it to my pillow sometimes" Zayn says sheepishly making Liam groan loudly. "Just imagine I'm your pillow" he says suddenly interested, he holds onto Zayn's waist.

Zayn blushes embarrassingly before hiding his face in Liam's neck jerk his hips forward making Liam whimper squeezing his hips. Zayn bites his hip doing it once again to hear the noises Liam makes out his mouth. Liam squeezed his eyes shut, "C'mon baby girl"

Zayn moans grinding his hips down on Liam feeling the older man suck on his neck. Zayn lifts his head up to smash his lips onto Liam's, he shivers at the feeling of his hands groping his butt. Liam's hands palms the lace fabric layer that's keeping him from touching the real deal.

Liam threw his head back into the pillow feeling his boyfriend press his hips harder on his bulge, "God you feel so good babe" Liam praises making Zayn smile going faster.

Zayn leans forward, his hands locking in Liam's hair his elbows resting on his shoulders. The dark haired boy's breath we're ragged as Liam's hand move to palm the bulge in the front of Zayn's panties. "Daddy" Zayn whines as he bites his lip, his hips rolling down again eliciting a moan from himself and the older boy


"Have you seen Zayn?" Harry asks walking in Louis' flat after he opens the door. Louis stands there frowning, "Uh hello to you too" "Have you seen Zayn, Louis? I've texting and calling but he hasn't been answering"

"Oh he's with Liam" Harry nods walking towards the door. "I wouldn't do that if I we're you" Harry stops midway, "Why?" Louis presses a finger on his lips signaling him to stay quiet. Harry frowns about to ask why but he hears a very loud moan come out of Liam's room.

Harry's mouth drops, "The hell is that?" He whisper shouts rushing to Louis. "Your bestfriend and mines, sounds like their having a swell time in there" Harry glares, "Louis this isn't funny, their having sex!" "They are not having sex"

Harry tries to block Zayn's loud moans scowling at the man infront of them, "How do you know?" "Because Liam is a very vocal person, I hear him down the hall from room so I know. The only moans I'm hearing is the twink"

Harry smacks his arm, "Don't call him a twink!" "Well he is! Look just let them have their alone time and we can have ours" "Excuse me, you're funny Lewis" Louis smirks, "What, I have my own room. I want what Li's having"

"Goodbye, tell Zayn to be home by dinner" "We're still on for that date tomorrow night right?" Harry nods opening the door, "Yeah yeah, at seven o'clock" "Where something sexy, like to really outline that ass of yours" "Kiss my ass"

"I would love to if you stay a little longer"

"Goodbye gremlin"

"Bye honeybun"

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