☆*:.。. Condoms and yuck.。.:*☆

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"Hey ZeeZee? Can you come here?" Harry asks loudly, glancing over at his three friends in the living room.

Liam frowns, "Um not that I don't love staying over here with Zee, but why're we here?"

"Zayn is an angel Liam, you've made him dirty but he's still my little baby angel" Harry says, taking out something silver out his wallet.

Niall frowns, "Is that a condom?" "Yes it is" Louis grins, "Oh okay, I see where this is going. I always wanted to have a fivesome" he says unbuttoning his shirt.

Harry scoffs, "Put your shirt back on, I think I'm enough for you" Louis shrugs, "True, but I think Niall is pretty big, eh Nialler?"

Niall shrugs, "You'll never know" "Oh but Gerald will, that's alright I can't wait for the tea honey bun" Louis says crossing his legs.

Zayn suddenly walks into the living room wearing his little giraffe onesie, "Yes?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

Liam coos, "Hi beautiful" Zayn smiles sleepily, "Leeyum" he says, rushing over to sit in his lap hugging him.

Louis holds his heart, "C'mon, you're making my eyes sweat" he says making Harry roll his eyes.

"I didn't bring you in here to be all cute and cuddly, we need to talk" Zayn nods putting on his little giraffe hood, "Okay, I'm all ears" he says with a cheeky smile as he pokes at his giraffe ears

Niall laughs, "I'm all ears, that's hilarious. C-cause of his giraffe ears" he says making Harry look at him weirdly. "It was not that funny"

Liam hugs him from behind, "It was cute, just like my Zaynie" Louis pouts, "Harry why can't you be cute like Zayn?"

Harry scoffs, "You said I was fine the way I was" "You are but cmon, Zayn is wearing an animal onesie! I want to keep him in my pocket now" Louis says pinching Zayn's pink cheeks

"Aw you guys would've been cute together" Niall says earning a glare from Harry. "He's mine" Liam says with a glare, moving away from Louis with a growl.

Harry sighs, "Alright settle down you dog," he says making Liam bury his face into Zayn's neck. "I invited everyone here for a reason, now Zayn answer this question for me"

Zayn nods, "Kk" he says, wrapping his arms around Liam's neck. "What is this?" Harry asks, showing him the wrapper. "Candy!"

Niall splutters his beer, causing Louis to laugh out loud. Liam frowns looking at his small boyfriend, "What?" "That's candy" Zayn says with a proud smile, thinking he got the answer right.

Harry sighs, "No baby, here look" he says, ripping the condom with his mouth. "Random fact, Harry rips that like flash when we're in bed" Louis says making Niall cringe. "Tmi"

Harry displays the condom in his hand, "Okay Zee, I'll ask again. What is this?" Zayn gasps, "Balloon, gimme gimme!" He shouts snatching the condom from Harry's hand

Louis gives Liam a look, "Oh dear, good luck with having sex with him" he says patting Liam's back.

Niall laughs watching Zayn try to blow into the condom. "Zayn honey?" Zayn looks up, "Yes?"

"That's a condom not a balloon" Harry says. Zayn cringes, "That's why it taste like this? Yucky" He says, throwing the condom in the waste bin nearby.

"Do you know why people use condoms?" Zayn nods, "So people don't end up on teen mom" he says making Niall face turn red as he laughs into his arm

Harry frowns, "Who told you that?" Zayn looks over to Louis who was looking the other way, clearing his throat.

"Louis" Louis looks over at Harry, "What? It's true!" Liam shakes his head, "People wear condoms to be safe from diseases and getting pregnant when they sex honey"

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