☆*:.。. skirts and meanies.。.:*☆

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Liam fiddles with Zayn's stuffed animal waiting for the bit to come out the bathroom. Zayn had invited him over for a 'surprise', which Liam was scared for deep down

When he said that before, that's when Zayn showed him how good he was at grinding and Liam couldn't lie

He was really good

Now he knows it's nothing sexual, he went shopping the day before and he wanted Liam to see.

Before that he had dinner with his parents who were really nice, besides Yaser bragging about his gun collection scaring him

Zayn had told him he was lying which he was relieved. But atleast he got the approval, now all that's left is Zayn meeting his mother and father

"Liam you ready?" "Yup" Liam says popping the 'P'. He sat back against the headboard of Zayn's bed as he waited

Zayn opens the door smiling shyly at the older boy on his bed, "Taadaa, you like?" The dark haired boy says swaying his hips letting the black skater skirt moving

Zayn opens the door smiling shyly at the older boy on his bed, "Taadaa, you like?" The dark haired boy says swaying his hips letting the black skater skirt moving

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Liam tilts his head at his outfit, "A skirt?" "Yeah, I wanted to try it. Is it okay?" He asks toying with it. "C'mere" Liam says motioning him over

Liam smiles at the way Zayn skips over to him, once Zayn is where he wants him he hold his waist. "So?"

"You look adorable" "Really?" Zayn asks smiling widely. "Yes, fits you well" Zayn squeals hugging him, "I'm glad you like it, cause I know some people think it's weird" he says with a pout

"Well I don't think it's weird, you look beautiful" Zayn smiles wrinkling his nose a little, "Thank you Li"

"You're welcome" he says pecking Zayn's lips. "But I'm worried" "Why?" Liam asks frowning. "My butt isn't big enough"

Liam tried to crack a smile, "Huh?" "This skirt is supposed to define my butt but it's smol" he says pouting

Liam tries to grin, "Oh?" "Do you think it'll grow?" Liam sucks his lip in not sure what to say, "Oh Zee"

"It's not is it?" Zayn asks crossing his arms. "I mean, I don't know" Zayn starts to sniff, "Leave" "What? Why?"

"You said it was going to grow the other day!" He says frowning. "Well L, give it some time" "No! Go, I want to be alone" he says belly flopping on his bed

"Zee cmon" Zayn mumbles something in his pillow making Liam smile. He knows he's supposed to be upset about his boyfriend kicking him out but it's adorable

"Okay bubby, I'll be in the livingroom" "Don care" Zayn mumbles loudly. Liam gives Zayn's butt a small pat.

Liam snickers quietly walking out his room letting Thor out along with him. "Hey Lima" Harry says looking up from his laptop

"Hi" he says plopping on the couch, he pulls the dog on his lap petting him. "Oh god, what happened now?"

"Zayn showed me his skirt-" "It's cute, isn't it? What you don't like it?" "I do, I love it but he asked me if his butt was going to grow"

Harry covers his mouth, "What'd you say?" "I said kinda then I hesitated, he kicked me out his room"

Harry starts to giggle, "Aw Li, you know to always say yes. Or else he'll ignore you" "He's going to ignore me?"

Harry nods, he glances at Niall coming out the kitchen. "Wha happened?" "Liam answered Zayn's question about his butt, poor lad"

"What'd you say?" "I said kinda, sorta, I don't know" Niall shakes his head, "Now he's going to ignore you, poor baby"

"I think we need an intervention" Harry states standing up. "For what?" "Zayn's butt, he needs to stop dreaming. He's know those little apples aren't growing anytime soon. I'll be right back"

Niall laughs into his arm, "Oh god he'll ignore you too!" "It'll be worth it when the point is across"

Liam smiles at them unsurely scratching behind Thor's ear, "What's happening?" "Just wait, family intervention"

Suddenly Harry drags a pouting Zayn behind him, his little skirt still on his waist. "Zayn were worried about you" Niall says putting on Harry's frames

Zayn tilts his head frowning, he sits far away from Liam glaring. "Why?" "It's about your butt Zee, you know he truth"

"B-but my mummy says-" "You really believe?" "Yes, my mum says so. Just because you all have well developed ass cracks doesn't mean mines won't as well"

Niall splutters into his hands starting to snicker. "Zee, you need help" "No, you need help!"

Liam opens his arms, "C'mere" "No! Meanie" "c'mon, lemme make it better"

"Yeah Zee, let daddy make it better" Niall says. Liam's cheeks turn red scowling, "Shut up" "What? You know you two aren't that quiet"

Zayn pouts moving closer to Liam to curl in his chest, "You all are meanies, I deserve to dream about my booty" Harry pats his butt, "Keep dreaming about that golden ass"

"That's why you look like a horse" Zayn says hiding his face in Liam's chest. Harry glares at Niall whose cackling loudly, "S'not funny"

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