☆sleepovers and meanies☆

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"Daddy?" Liam looks over to his small boyfriend under the covers. "Yes baby girl?"

"C-Can you check under my bed?" Zayn says, cuddling his stuffed bunny. "Why do you need me to check under your bed Zee?"

"So the penis monster doesn't grab me and hurt my butthole" Liam sighs, "Babe, it's been a week. There's no such thing as the penis monster"

"But Louis said that if I didn't check either way, then I'll wake up to my pants missing" Liam coos, "Alright just this once" he says, getting out of bed and onto his knees.

Zayn sits up holding his bunny to his chest, he watches as Liam peeks under the bed looking around. "All clear Zee" "Can you check the toilet too?" "The toilet?"

"Yeah, Louis also said that if you don't flush the toilet. The next morning when I have to go poo, the monster will grab my butt"

"What did Louis say when you have to pee?" "Then the monster come up and tries to grab my wee wee" Zayn says making Liam facepalm.

"Don't listen to Louis babe, he's just trying to scare you" Liam says as he walks to Zayn's bathroom.

Zayn lays back down, hearing the sound of the toilet being flushed. Liam comes back out, "Better?" "Much better, now cuddles" The younger man says, opening his arms.

Liam grins, getting back in bed. Zayn lays his head on his chest, "Thank you for sleeping over"

"You're welcome, I don't want my little baby to get scared of mean ole louis" Liam says, rubbing Zayn's lower back.

Zayn smiles, "Can I have a kiss?" Liam leans in pecking him a few times before smashing his lips fully on his lover's lips

Zayn moans loudly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck to pull him closer.

"Their kissing now"

"Aw swapping spit, that's so cute. Rememeber when we used to do that Hazza?

"We still do Lucifer"

"Yeah but lately you've been so distant, is it something that I did?"

"Louis you're exaggerating, we had sex this morning"

"So? Your body was there physically but not your mind, body and spirit spiritually wasn't"

"What came out your mouth made shit sense"

"Shut up Niall and go suck a dick"

"Louis, how the hell do you have sex without the body?"

"Oh multiple ways, it's like having sex with a blow up doll"

"Will you two shut up? God you sound like an old married couple"

"It's him, Harry isn't giving it to me anymore. I just want you to love me Harry, love me"

"Shh Louis, they'll hear your big mouth"

"What do you think Zayn is thinking about? I've never seen him focus on kissing before" Niall says, peeking inside.

"Maybe the penis monster?" Louis asks making Niall bite his lip, trying not to laugh out loud.

Harry smacks the back of Louis' head before opening the door a little more, but gasps. "Liam's taking off his shirt"

"My little baby is stripping, I raised him so well" Louis whisper to Harry, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye.

Niall raises an eyebrow, "This is better porn if I'm honest" Harry sighs, "Seriously Niall? You always have to be the weird one" he whispers making Louis nod

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