☆*:.。. tease and Louis!.。.:*☆

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a/n: i just wanted to say I'm glad people like this book, like before I just posted this randomly because I was bored. I was going to delete but seeing as you guys rlly like it, I'm glad I kept it

So yeah ignore my mushiness enjoy :)

Zayn fiddled with his lasagna watching his father and boyfriend engage in a conversation. They were at his parents home having dinner and the younger boy was very bored.

His father took a liking to Liam, and Zayn was glad. But he didn't want to hear them talk about sports or cars, he wanted Liam to pay attention to him.

He liked when Liam paid all his attention to him, but when he didn't he felt so annoyed. He needed his attention, his parents were taking it all away


He glanced at his mother who was mashing her mashed potatoes slightly, he doesn't know why she does that. They're already mashed, why mash them more?

Zayn took a bite of his lasagna thinking of an idea. He tries to contain his smile so he clears his throat softly, "Daddy can you pass me the salt?" He asks innocently.

As an instinct Liam as well as Yaser lean over to grab the salt. Liam winces slightly as Yaser raises an eyebrow so the brown haired boy quickly grabs the pepper.

"Pepper?" "O-oh yeah, I put them on my mashed potatoes. I like the spice" he says with a nervous smile sprinkling it over his potatoes.

Trisha nods, "Oh do you? Is it good?" "Oh yes, I love it" Yaser nods handing Zayn the salt, "Sounds good, we should try it dear"

Liam smiles weakly catching Zayn's eye, he almost gasped seeing the smirk on his tan face.

Oh he was so going to get it, he takes a deep breath going back to his conversation with Yaser.

He already feels Zayn's bright hazel eyes still staring at him with that playful smirk on his face.

"Dear help me get the dessert" Trisha says to Yaser getting up from the table, taking the boys played as well as theirs.

As soon as they got in the kitchen Liam send Zayn a scowl, "The hell was that?" He whisper shouts.

Zayn smiles licking the sauce from his dinner off his fork, "Hm? I don't want know what you're talking about LiLi"

Liam crosses his legs feeling himself twitch, "You are so getting it later when we get home" He says making Zayn smile wider.

"Can't wait daddy" he whispers lowly, Liam opens his mouth to say something but Trisha came in with pie.

"What're you boys talking about?" "Oh nothing, just telling Zayn how beautiful your house is"

"Oh thank you Liam, you're such a sweetheart" she gushes pinching his cheek.


"You're a tease you know that? Calling me daddy infront of your parents" "I don't know what you're talking about" Zayn says frowning cutely.

Liam pinches his butt making him squeal, "Oh I know your game Malik" Zayn blushes, "I was bored" "So being a tease helped?"

"Yes actually" Liam wraps his arms around Zayn's waist from behind as they walk to his flat, "Well when we get back to my room, I'll show you what it's like to be teased"

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