☆plans and cuddles☆

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"H-He hates me"

"No Louis, he doesn't hate you" "Yes he does and now I'm going to alone forever" Louis cries from under his blanket.

"Well you have echo" Zayn says, picking up Louis' cat. "Echo is the only one who'll love me, why am I such a screw up?" He asks as Zayn begins to pet his cat.

"You aren't boo, you made a mistake. It's been two weeks and you haven't left your bed. It smells like a hippo died in here" Liam says covering his nose.

Louis sits up, removing his blanket. Zayn jumps, turning away. "Do I look that bad?" He asks, rubbing his eyes

"You look like that thing from the conjuring movie" Zayn says making Liam nudge his arm.

Louis sniffs as he tried to pet down his messy hair, "I miss Hazza" he says, bringing his legs up to his chest. "We haven't heard from him since the night he found out"

Zayn nods, "I'm getting worried, he won't answer my calls. He always answers my calls" he says with a pout.

"How's Niall?" "The same as you, a bit more terrible. Harry told him he hated him and hit rock bottom, he won't leave his room" Zayn says with a pout.

"This is all my fault" "Well technically it is," Zayn says causing Liam to send him a look. "Sorry" he says, zipping his mouth.

"We just need a plan to get you guys back together, that's all" "And who's going to do that?" Zayn grins, unzipping his mouth. "We are!"

Louis stares at them for a while before snorting, "Hell no, you'll end up doing some stupid shit. I'd rather die in my bed like I was doing"

"C'mon! Zeebee and Limabean are on the case" Liam says making the older boy cringe. "The hell is that? Sounds like a dog disease"

Zayn scoffs, "It's me and Li's superhero names, I came up with it" he says with a grin, nudging his boyfriend's arm.

Louis sighs, looking around his room. "Are you sure this is going to work?" "Oh yeah, we're geniuses. Especially Zayn"

"Yes he's an evil genius, I've seen him in action" Zayn pouts, "M'not evil, I'm nice" "You weren't nice when you attacked me"

"You scared me with a banana!" "That's what you get for just wearing your panties in bed! At least you got something shoved up your ass and not Liam's dick, your ass would've been split into two!"

Liam snaps his fingers causing them to stop, "No arguing, and our sex life isn't your business Louis" "You're not doing any business either way"

"Hey!" "What?" "We're trying to help but you keep being mean, we can leave you in here to die wth your cat y'know" Zayn says, placing echo on his bed.

"You wouldn't" "Yeah I would, and then let Harry start dating again. Try me" Zayn says with a glare. Louis' lip quivers, "No don't do that, please help me"

Liam crosses his arms, "We will Boo, but we just need a plan" "And to get Niall out of his room too" Louis sniffs, "Okay"

Zayn nods, "We need to go" he says, grabbing his boyfriend's arm. "Where are we going?"

"To talk and walk, be right back LouLou!" Zayn shouts, dragging Liam out his room. The older man continues to pet at his cat, "M'gonna be forever alone Echo, just you and me" he says, earning a meow from his little cat.

- - - -

"So what's up?" "Handcuffs" Liam frowns before smirking, "Handcuffs? I like the sound of that, we should buy some. Oooh maybe the furry ones?"

Zayn's cheeks turn red, "No Li, we can buy some furry cuffs later for us" he whispers when Liam wiggle his eyebrows.

"Then what?" "We can cuff Harry and Louis together in a room! Then they'll be bound to talk"

"Are you sure?" "Yeah, I've seen movies of it before!" Zayn says with a grin. "Yeah but what if we lose the key?"

"We won't, I'm an expert at keeping stuff" Liam smiles, "Alright babe, I love the plan" "Thank you very much, now next stop Niall" he says, unlocking his front door

As soon as Zayn opens the door, Liam notices Niall sitting on the couch eating cereal. "Look who's back from the dead!"

The blonde sends him a glare before continuing to eat his fruity pebbles. "Ni we've got a plan!" Zayn exclaims, plopping beside his friend.

"Ew you stink"  the dark haired man says, moving away a little. "Thanks" "You're welcome so back with the plan, Zeebee and Limabean to the rescue!"

"What the hell is that?" "Our superhero names, Zaynie came up with it" Niall sighs, "Look guys, it's cute that you're trying to help but it's not gonna work. You heard what Harry said"

"But he didn't mean it!" "Zayn just because we're all friends doesn't mean we all to play around. He hates me, and that's the end of it"

"No it's not, he doesn't hate you. Probably wants to place your head on a stick but he doesn't hate you. That's a strong word" Zayn says with a pout.

Liam nods, "Exactly, my grandma said she hated my grandpa once" "And what happened?" "Well she did mean it actually, my grandma doesn't like a lot of people"

"Except me" Zayn adds making Liam roll his eyes fondly. "She loves Zayn though" Niall smiles, "Everyone loves Zayn"

"Yeah yeah, but anyways back to what we were saying" Liam says, trying to get them back on track. "You have a plan?" Niall asks, setting his empty bowl on the coffee table.

"Yup" Zayn and Liam say in unison. "A legit plan, like a solid one in which it will not fail and I won't have to stay in my room all day like a creep"

Liam hesitates a little before Zayn answered for him. "Yup! I came up with it" Niall rubs his temples, "Oh dear God" "But I swear it's actually good!"

"As long as no one is getting hurt" "Don't worry, we'll be the five best buds again" Zayn says with a determined look.

"Do you even know where Harry is?" "Most likely at Gemma's, he always goes there for his problems to be solved. She's like a female Dr. Phil"

"So you're going to bring him here?" "Yup, now just relax. Zeebee has it all under control" Zayn says with a smirk, rubbing his chin.

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