☆manly and angelic☆

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Liam cautiously turns his head a few times, sipping at his coffee with a satisfied moan. He leans on the counter in his boxers, enjoying the nice quiet time to himself before footsteps.

"Liam!" The brunette jumps hard, spilling some of the coffee onto the floor making him curse.

"Damn it Louis," He groans loudly, sending his blue eyed friend a glare as he laughs. "Sorry Harry, i'll clean it up" Harry shakes his head, "It's fine Liam, what'd you jump for? You look like a scared cat"

Liam's cheeks turn red when he gets on the floor, "Well um, after the party Zayn and I head back here" he says, using the towel to clean the spilled coffee.

Louis gasps loudly, "Don't tell me you two smashed?! Hit it from the back? Missionary position? On the wall? On the bed? Floor?! You choked his chicken? Did you eat the booty like groceries?"

Liam rubs his temples listening to his friend recite every position he's learned as Harry giggles contagiously behind his hand.

"Yes we had sex Lou, please stop" The feathery haired man squeals loudly, making the man get even more flustered as he rubs at his arm shyly.

"Harry! My baby finally had sex! He's a man now, Jesus finally came through" Harry rolls his eyes fondly as his boyfriend pulls Liam into a tight hug. "Is Zayn okay?" "Yeah he's fine, he's still sleeping. Was kinda hoping he stays that way for a bit"

"Why?" Liam clears his throat, "Believe it or not, he really really likes sex. I'm sore, I could hardly get out of bed today" "So wait, you took it up the ass?" Louis asks confusingly.

"Well I topped the first time and did all the work, then the fourth time I let him top" The brunette says with a shrug.

"Wait you bottomed? You burly steroid sausage looking ass let a little mini snowflake top?" Louis asks, making his friend blush as he nods.

"Yeah, it was actually enjoyable. He's a lot stronger then he looks" "Okay okay, what just threw me off is the four times. You two fucked four times?"

"Well, yeah but I wouldn't calling it fucking. It was love making" The brunette corrects, making the feathery haired man scoff loudly.

"Harry! Why can't you be as active as Zayn?" Harry scoffs, "Hey, be glad you get anything. Besides, I didn't know he was such a rabbit"

"Me neither, but it was amazing" Liam says with a shy smile. Louis scoffs, "I hate to say this but Zayn is more manly then you, holding up for four rounds? And for the first time? You're his bitch now" He says earning a giggle from Harry.

Liam waves him off unbothered, "That doesn't matter, what matters is the fact that I've never been so infatuated with someone this much before" "Danielle Pester" "Peazer" "Who cares? She probably has six kids by now"

Harry frowns, sitting on the counter. "Who?" "This chick Liam had a crush on in highschool, boy was she a hot mess. She got around real quick, heard she got knocked in senior year by one of the teachers"

Harry cringes, "Ew, really?" "Yeah and Liam here thought she was still the prettiest thing in the world. I predicted she'd end up like those super rich women who let themselves go after finding out her husband wants a divorce and takes all her money"

Liam finishes his coffee, "Hey that was the past, I have my very own pretty flower who's coming right this way" he says with a grin, watching his boyfriend limp from the hallway in his little giraffe onesie to the kitchen

"Damn, did the Paynetrain fuck up your ability to walk? You look terrible" Louis says as Zayn waddles over to Liam to cuddle. "Thanks" He mutters out, yawning loudly as his boyfriend runs his hands through his messy hair.

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