☆*:.。. Surprised and really?.。.:*☆

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Zayn fiddled with his pink jumper that had tiny little clouds on it, which was his favorite because clouds were his favorite thing.

Currently he was watching Niall yell at the tv because right now his favorite basketball team was losing.

"Niall stop yelling, you're going to hurt Zayn's ears!" Harry yells from the kitchen.

"Well you're yelling too!" "Because you have the damn tv so loud you irish prick!" Niall scoffs turning the tv down, "You didn't have to call me a prick, you prick"

Zayn covers his ears, he was used to both of them cursing but he could never get the courage do it himself.

His mom told him when he was nine years old that if you did God would be upset

Ten years later he still believes in it, even when his parents said it was ok to curse now that he was a grown up.

"Zayn you can put your hands down now, Harry shut his big mouth"

"Shut up Niall," he smiles at Zayn poking at his cheek. "You ready to find you a man?"

The younger's cheeks turn scarlet as he gets shy, "Maybe" he murmurs, shrugging his slim shoulders.

Harry chuckles helping him up from the couch. "Who's ready to get wasted?" Niall yells grabbing his jacket opening the door for the two boys.

"Not me" Zayn says making Niall snort. "Of course, you're our ride home"

On the ride there Zayn got to play his Melanie Martinez album which doesn't usually happen since Niall doesn't like her music.

During the ride he was singing all her lyrics from word from word, Harry smiling the whole way because his bestfriend had the voice of an angel. Maybe if he wasn't so shy, he'd join xfactor or something.

Harry parks in front of a large house, the windows flashing all different colors making Zayn stare in amazement. "Pretty" he says pressing his face in the window.

"Lets go in the house instead of staring at the lights Zaynie" Niall says opening the door for him.

Zayn gets out nervously looking around, "How long are we staying?" "Well until Niall can't walk" Harry says walking up he steps behind their roommate.

The blonde makes sure to glare at him for his comment before opening the front door, the music blasting

Zayn winces when Harry pulls him inside, it was a little dark and the music was a little to loud for the younger boy.

Niall had already disappeared in the crowd making Harry groan, "Let's go get you a soda and we'll sit yeah?" Zayn nods being dragged into the kitchen by him

Harry dug in the cooler grabbing a beer for himself and a pepsi for Zayn who smiles taking it.

Once they go back to the living room they sit on the couch, "See anyone you like?"

Zayn looks around the crowd for a few seconds, cringing when he sees a couple nearby making out. "No" he yells over the music.

"Harry! Niall told me you we're over here!" Ed yells coming over with a huge grin on his face.

Harry's eyes light up getting up to hug him. Ed twirls him a little so his back was to the younger man sitting on the couch.

Zayn gave Harry a cheeky smirk making a heart shape with his hands, holding it to his chest. Ed was a somewhat short husky ginger with a voice of the heavens and Harry's crush.

They've been friends for 3 years exactly and Harry still hasn't told him how he felt, but he couldn't.

Why? Ed was straighter than a freaking ruler, it would be embarrassing to confess that his gay friend was sort of crushing on him

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