☆*:.。. smirks and confessions.。.:*☆

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Zayn smiles putting his cry baby album in Louis' car, turning the volume up. "Seriously? Can we not listen to her?" Niall asks, making Zayn turn to glare

"You listen to whatever I play" he says making Niall move closer to Harry who was laughing.

"Liam you're boyfriend is a demon, fyi" Liam smiles shrugging as he pulls out the parking space, "He's a cute demon"

"I thought Louis was coming with us?" Harry asks making Zayn look at him with a smirk. "Oh he's coming alright"

Harry looks Zayn up and down, "Zee, you're scaring me" "I know" Zayn says before singing along to pity party

Zayn was sure that he and Liam's plan would work, it just had to. Harry is already jealous, Zayn couldn't help but imagine his friend's face when he sees Gerald

He felt bad but then he was going to be happy when Harry finally admits he likes Louis. As Liam stops infront of the diner, they all got out going inside

Zayn intertwines his hand with Liam, "This is going to be very interesting" he says making Harry frown. "You in a good mood zee?"

"Yup" he says pulling Liam to find a booth to sit in. Zayn swings his legs a little staring at the entrance door, "They're late" he whispers to Liam

"They'll be here, either way the plan will go fine" Liam assures him. "Zee, did you buy your Melanie tickets yet?"

Zayn gasps, "I almost forgot!" He says loudly pulling out his phone, Liam smiles at how adorable he is.

"There are still more left, we need to get meet and greets, front row and everything" Zayn says.

"Hey there's Louis" Liam says with a grin. Harry turns head noticing the guy he saw yesterday by his side.

"Who the hell invited him?" Harry asks looking at the other three. Zayn raises his hand a little, "Cause he's new and I didn't want him to be alone"

"We hardly know him!" Harry whisper shouts. "Gerald is nice! He likes dogs" Zayn whispers shouts back.

"I don't give a fuck" Harry says making Niall bite his lip trying not to laugh. "Hey guys, this is Gerald, Gerald these are the guys"

Gerald shyly waves when Niall moves over for them to sit, "S'nice meeting you" Niall cheeks turn red, "Where are you from?"

"Scotland" Niall raises an eyebrow, "Really? I go there every year for a trip" Harry was too busy glaring at Louis

"What's wrong Harold?" Louis asks, raising an eyebrow. Harry rolls his eyes looking at the menu

Louis frowns looking over to Liam who shrugs. "I think Niall likes Gerald" Liam whispers to his boyfriend who was looking for tickets

Zayn looks up, he notices the fond smile on the blonde's face talking with the curly haired man.

Harry scowls at Louis who gives him a confusing look, "M'going to the bathroom" he says standing up, already leaving without another word

Louis gets also, "Same" he says, rushing after the man. Liam looks over to Zayn, "What do you think will happen?" "Well they could argue or have sex in there"

After an hour Liam gets worried, "I'm gonna go check on them" Zayn pouts, "I wanna come, Niall is giggling to loudly" he whispers, glancing over at Niall who was making googoo eyes at Gerald. Liam grabs his hands, "We'll be right back" he says making Niall wave him off

Liam holds Zayn close as he walks up to the mens room, "Do you think Harry killed him?" Zayn frowns, "I hope not, what if he tried shoving his body in the toilet?" Liam stares at his boyfriend, "I don't think that could be possible baby"

Zayn nods, "I saw it on law and order, they found the guy in the toilet" Liam pecks his head, "Maybe you shouldn't watch that anymore honey" He says opening the bathroom door.

They both peek in noticing no one inside, Zayn was about to say something until he noticed two pairs of feet and clothes in the stall. Zayn tugged at Liam's shirt pointing, "What's that?" He whispers.

Liam tilts his head but covers his mouth hearing Louis moan Harry's name. Zayn covers his ears gasping, "You guys are having sex!"

There's a loud noise in the stall making the two men inside bump into eachother, "Zayn get out!" "This is a public place" Zayn says crossing his arms.

"Zayn I swear i'll tackle you why I'm naked" Harry yells making Liam grin. "Well I guess out plan worked" "What plan?" Louis asks this time, trying to push Harry away from sucking another hickey on him.

"We invited Gerald to make you jealous Haz, now you guys are having sex!" Zayn says excitingly, jumping for joy.

"You two are some sick bastards" Liam smiles knocking on the stall door. "Well have fun having sex in a germy bathroom, me and Zee are going to get some pizza" Liam says grabbing Zayn's hands. "Bye don't come back" Harry yells.

Liam quickly pulls Zayn out hearing the two men begin to moan, "That was gross" Zayn shrugs, "It was cute, one day that'll be us. But not in a bathroom" he says poking Liam's nose. Liam's cheeks turn red, "Yeah?"

Zayn nods kissing his cheek, "Yup but when I'm ready" he says pulling him over to Niall and Gerald who we're whispering to each other. "Where are the other two?" Niall asks.

"Fucking in one of the bathroom stalls" Liam says making Zayn giggle, picking up a slice of pizza. "Ew" Niall says cringing.

Liam wraps an arm around Zayn, "Just know that I'm fine with waiting" he whispers in his ear. "Really?" "Yeah, cause I wanna wait too" Zayn grins, "Okay daddy" he says kissing his nose.

"You know we can hear you, daddy" Niall says making Gerald laugh. Zayn glares, "Be quiet buttchin" he says making Niall gasp holding his chin. "I do not have a buttchin!"

Liam nods, "Yes you do" he says, feeding Zayn French fries. Gerald shurgs, "I think it's cute" Niall smiles, "Thank you" he says, his ears turning red.

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