☆*:.。. Promises and Baths.。.:*☆

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Zayn scowls watching his boyfriend show Cheryl the different section of his store, it made him very very very angry

Zayn has been helping Liam out with his store for a week now and somehow Cheryl's manages to stop by every day.

He begins fiddling with his overalls as he leans over watching the two in the aisle. "Excuse me sir? Could you check this out?"

Zayn looks down at the small boy waving the comic book in his hand, "Sorry, didn't see you there" he says giving him mother a smile

He quickly scans the book receiving the money, after he puts it in the register he hands the comic book to the small boy

"Thank you" Zayn says waving. Just as they left Zayn leaned over once again watching them still conversing

Suddenly she puts an arm on Liam's bicep making Zayn glare, he coughs loudly into his hand making them look over.

"You alright babe?" Liam calls out making him nod. Zayn's cheeks turn red, "Yes" Liam quirks his eyebrow before giving him a smile, he turns back around finishing what he was doing

Zayn scowls staring her down, he wasn't losing his man to some old woman. But then again, that's probably what someone said they got swooped in by a cougar

Everything was fine and dandy before she came in. Liam gave him lots of kisses and compliments, he even said that he was going to buy him ice cream after he closes the shop

Liam knows how much Zayn likes ice cream, but the dark haired boy feels that it'll take forever since the old hag was the only person left in the store. He wanted his damn ice cream that his boyfriend promised him

Zayn huffs, "Stupid Cheryl and her stupid face" he mumbles sitting on the floor. He leans over grabbing his book bag taking out his pink earphone, he plugs it into his phone

Liam waves Cheryl goodbye before going back to the front, he frowns looking around for his small boyfriend. "Zee? Where'd you go?" He asks loudly

He leans over the counter to see his boyfriend fiddling with his phone. Liam smiles taking one of the buds out, "Hey princess"

Zayn pouts waving a little. "What's wrong?" "Noffin" Liam climbs over the counter making Zayn smile a little, "I don't understand how you can do that"

Zayn shrugs, "Cause it's fun" Liam sits across from him, "Okay what's the problem?" "Can I tell you later?"

"Okay, when?" "Bathtime" Liam frowns, "Bathtime?" Zayn nods excitingly, "my favorite part of the day" "Um, okay? Well what do you want to do now?"

"Ice cream!" "Okay help me close down everything and we'll get icecream" "Two scoops?" "Two scoops"

"And sprinkles?" "Extra sprinkles" Zayn squeals knocking Liam backwards to hug him, "Yay!"

Liam smiles placing his hands on the boys small waist, "Zee lemme get up to put the sign up"

Zayn leans down giving him a kiss before bucking his hips into his, making the older boy groan moving his hands to the boy's small butt

"Mhm later" Zayn purrs in his ear continuing his actions, grinding on Liam slower than before

"God you're a tease" Liam moans out


Zayn smiles playing with his rubber duck, "You coming in?" He asks looking over to Liam in his swimming trunks

"Why're we doing this?" "Just get in the bathtub!" Zayn says with a frown. Liam raises his hands before climbing in the large unusually big bathtub

"This tub is huge" "I know" "Why do you have a big tub? You're so small" Zayn smiles shrugging, "Cause with a big tub it's fun, and I have more toys too"

Liam smiles when Zayn gives him his rubber duck, "Thank you, now can we talk?"

Zayn nods. "Now why did you look so sad?" "Cause of that hag" "Hag?" "Yeah, Cheryl" Zayn says with a disgusted tone.

"What about her?" "She's there 24/7, and half the time she doesn't even buy anything. She keeps drooling over you. That's my job" Zayn says crossing his arms making the water lap around his waist

"Babe you don't need to worry about her" "Yes I do, cause maybe she's a cougar?" "A cougar?" "Yeah, those scary old ladies that prey on little boys"

Liam wrinkles his nose to laugh, "Zee you don't need to worry about that, I don't find her attractive. I don't find any woman attractive"

"B-but what if I bore you, and then you dump me? Then you'll go to her and then I'll be alone again. I don't like being alone, s'not nice" Zayn says sinking down in the tub a little, sticking out his bottom lip

Liam coos, "C'mere babygirl" he says motioning to his lap. Zayn gets ups making the water splash everywhere making Liam flinch at the water getting in his eye

Zayn plops on his lap causing the water to smack his buttcheek, "Ow" he says pouting. Liam pecks his cheeks chuckling a little, "Listen good, okay?"

Zayn nods picking up the bubbles and placing them on Liam's beard. "I'm not going to get bored of you, you're far from boring baby"

"Really?" "Of course, you surprise me all the time" Zayn smiles, "I like surprises" Liam kisses his nose, "I know you do, don't worry about Cheryl okay?"

"You don't like her at all?" "Nope, I like you and only you" "Promise?" "Promise" Liam says kissing the spot on his neck

"Good because I saw her put her wrinkly hands on your arm. I don't like her touching you, if she does that again I'm going to pull those fake ass extension out her hair"

Liam eyes widen, he's never heard his angel if a boyfriend curse before. Zayn pokes his nose, "Did I go too far?"

"No no, that was kinda hot" Liam says kissing his temple. "Really?" "Yup" "Thank you, you're not the only sexy guy around here" Zayn says giving him an over the pose look

"You can't be sexy" "Yes I can! Why can't I?" "Because you're a little kitten" "I'm a sexy kitten" "Well you're my sexy kitten"

"Okay, I'll take that" "Good, now are you wearing swimming trunks?" Liam asks frowning slightly, he didn't get to see anything when Zayn got up since the water got in his eye.

Also when he came back from his flat to get his trunks, his boyfriend was already in the tub. "Nope" Zayn says cheekily.

Liam was just about to say something until the darker man wiggles his butt on Liam's crotch. "Well then"

Zayn smiles wickedly, "I always wanted to try something" Liam raises an eyebrow, "And that is?"

Liam frowns at the boy as he guided his hands down into the water, his fingers brushing against the boy's abdomen as he brings his hand lower

Liam eyes widen, "Oh? Okay" he says starting to smirk when he hears Zayn shudder.

I dislike cheriam (whatever the fuck kind a ship name is that) as much as y'all do ;-;

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