☆walk-ins and yikes☆

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"You ready to go babe? We have to get to the movies early to buy junk, you know how you are with choosing" Liam says, leaning back in his seat.

Zayn scoffs, "I don't take long, it's hard to choose between popcorn, cheese pretzels, and candy" "How about we get a little bit of everything this time?"

"Okay, hold on" Zayn says excitingly, patting his pockets. "Did you forget your phone in your room?" The younger man smiles sheepishly, "I'll be right back"

"I'll count so I can see how fast you are" "Kk!" Zayn says, rushing away. Liam giggles a little, watching his boyfriend stumble up the apartment building steps.

Zayn paces himself as he rushes to the elevator, clicking the button repeatedly. He squeaks when it opens, he hits the number four before humming impatiently

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" Zayn sings quietly to himself, already excited to see Finding Dory in 3-D with his boyfriend today.

The dark haired man dashes out the elevator, rushing down the hallway. "Aw hi Goddard" Zayn says with a squeal, stopping in front of his elderly neighbor with the poodle.

"Oh how're you Zayn?" "I'm good, and you?" "Peachy dear, I need some help moving my dining room table around. Would you be a dear and help?"

"Ms. Nelson, I'm kinda in a hurry" "Oh it won't be too long, I promise" Zayn thinks for a while, his mother always taught him to help the elderly.

"Okay" he says, following the woman who lived next door. Zayn needed to remind himself to get his phone and reject the offer of tea and sugar cookies even thought their delicious.

During the course of the thirty minutes, Zayn had to move the dining room table six different ways to get her approval.

He was nervous that he was going to miss the movie previews or worse, the beginning of the movie. "Thank you sweetheart, you're such a doll" Ms. Nelson says, squeezing Zayn's cheeks.

"You're welcome, always here to help" "Oh would you like some tea and cookies? Goddard and I would love some company"

Zayn whines, "Maybe tomorrow? I have somewhere to be" he says, bouncing at his toes. "Okay dear, have fun"

"Thank you!" He shouts, quickly exiting the apartment to the door next to it. He quickly takes out his key, jamming it in the doorknob before rushing in the empty apartment.

"Hi Thor" Zayn says quietly to his sleeping dog in his pink bed by the doorway of his room. "Oh there you are sparkly" he says, snatching his iPhone 6s off the nightstand.

Zayn smiles fondly at the screensaver of Liam, he loved it a lot because he got to see his squishy face and bushy eyebrows every time he turned his phone on.

Zayn smiles fondly at the screensaver of Liam, he loved it a lot because he got to see his squishy face and bushy eyebrows every time he turned his phone on

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"Okay no time for admiration" The man mutters himself before rushing out his room.

Then he stops for a moment hearing a loud sound coming out of Niall's room, Zayn frowns deeply moving closer.

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