☆*:.。. Timeouts and hi .。.:*☆

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Niall frowns walking through the front door of his shared apartment seeing his small dark haired best friend wearing his giraffe onesie in the corner with his head down.

"Zee?" "Hi Ni Ni" Zayn says still not looking at him. "Why're you in the corner?" Zayn holds his stuffed animal to his chest, "I'm in big trouble" he says pouting.

Niall coos taking his jacket off to put on the couch, "Why're you in trouble?" He asks walking over to sit on floor beside him.

Zayn turns to him in his chair pouting, "Cause I wasn't answering Harry's calls and texts when I was with Liam yesterday. I told him I was sorry and that I was caught up but he was upset"

"That's stupid" "Yeah and he said that I needed to be in time out til he comes back" "Where did he go?" "His classes" Zayn says sniffing.

Niall frowns, his classes four hours. Zayn being in the corner for four hours is just harsh.

"What were you and Liam doing?" Zayn cheeks went red shrugging, "That's between us" "Was it fun?" Niall asks raising an eyebrow. "Yup, he said that next time I come over we'll do it again"

Niall wasn't sure what it is, but he's pretty sure it's something dirty since his cheeks were bright pink. "Well how about I call Harry?"

Zayn nods, "Please? I wanna a snack then a nap" Niall nods taking out his phone to dial Harry's number.


"Hello?" Harry says pressing his phone in his ear. "The hell is wrong with you?" Harry frowns continuing to walk down the busy city sidewalk, "What?" "You put Zayn in time out, why?"

"Because" "Because what? You're an ass, he's in his little giraffe onesie in the corner. Do you know how both adorable and sad that is?" "I only said until I come back"

"Well he's off time out," Harry can distinctly hear Niall telling Zayn he's finished. He hears Zayn cheer and that's the end of it. "You're a butt head"

"He wasn't answering me!" "He was hanging with his boo thang, leave him alone"

"But did you hear what he was doing?" "Something fun, something you should be doing. Don't you have that date with Louis tonight?" "Yeah so?"

"Try to have fun please, Louis is actually a cool guy" "Yeah sure, besides its just a one time thing" "you never know mate"

"Yeah whatever, I have to go" "Fine, I'll see you later" "Bye" Niall says before hanging up. Harry huffs shoving his phone in his pocket before walking towards the record shop Ed works at

He smiles opening the door being met with various rows of vinyls and CDs, he spotted the messy haired ginger scanning through the discs. "Hi Ed!" He exclaims catching the gingers attention.

He give him he award winning grin waving him over. Harry jogs down the aisle hugging him for a split second before letting go, "How're you?"

"I'm great, and you?" "Good good, how's life going?" "Amazing actually, I met Stella's parent last night. They were so nice, her dad used to be in a band and he has a whole collection or guitars" Ed says amazingly

Harry nods, "Oh that's cool" "I know right? And her mum? God she makes the best cookies in the world, I think they liked me. They want me to come over for a barbecue next week"

"Wow, their already attached" Harry says chuckling weakly. "Yeah, so what's up with you? Haven't seen you in a while" "I'm great, I actually have a date tonight"

Ed looks at Harry with his blue eyes shining wth excitement, "Harry that's great! Who's the lucky lad?" "His name is Louis"

"Louis? My Louis? Tomlinson?" "Yeah that's him" "Dude nice, I'm glad you took an interest in him. Sweetest guy in the world" "Really?" He asks snorting

"Yeah I mean he might be a bit perverted and sassy but he's been through a lot. He's seriously the most selfless guy I know" "What do you mean he's been through a lot?"

"Well we've known eachother since highschool, during that time his mum was a workaholic so she was never home and his dad was a drinker. Used to hit him sometimes, his mom would do nothing about it. One of the reasons why I despise that woman"

Harry frowns, "Really?" "Oh yeah, half the time Louis would be over my house, mainly Liam's. He moved in with Liam and his family in junior year, those two are literally like brothers"

Harry smiles softly, "That's great" "I know, Louis was mad that Liam told his mom about his parents but I'm sure he's happy now"

Harry nods understanding, "I didn't know about this, I mean I know his dad passed" "Oh yeah, he doesn't like taking about the guy. He even went to his funeral, now of my old man did all that to me I wouldn't have gone to his funeral"

"He still cares about him" "Yeah, the boy has a heart of gold but he tucks that away. I think you two would be great together, Louis needs a little love to brighten his life"

Harry leans against the shelf over the records, "Maybe you're right" "I'm always right remember?" Ed says cockily as he walks to the next aisle

Harry knocks on Louis' front door softly before standing back. After a while it's quiet until he hears the locks on the door being moved.

Harry was soon met with Louis' smug look, "Hi" "Hi" Louis says with a grin. "You ready?" "Oh yeah, Zayn and Liam are watching echo tonight. Can't leave her by herself"

"Aw that's cute" "Yeah and she likes getting in the bath tub, I don't want her to keep doing that or she'll get hurt" he says looking down the hallway seeing the happy couple walking over

"Hi hi" Zayn exclaims, still in his giraffe onesies. Liam smiles fondly at the boy, "We got your cat, don't worry. Have some fun" "Alright, I'm trusting you with my baby boys"

Zayn salutes before rushing into the apartment to find the kitten. Liam smiles at them sheepishly before following the younger boy. Louis snorts closing the door behind him, "Alright let's go" he says giving Harry a small smile walking

"So what're we doing?" "Dinner of course" "Dinner where?" "Young Harold, you ask so many questions. Just walk and talk with me yeah? Before you start interrogating me" Louis says with a snort

"Alright" Harry says quietly following the short brown haired boy. He couldn't help but stare at his butt, he had a nice round butt that he couldn't look away from

"Harry have you no manners? If you wanted to stare, you could've said so" Louis says cheekily wiggling his bum making Harry blush. "Shut up, you had a bug on your pants"

"On my pants?" "Yes" "Sure Harold, sure"

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