☆*:.。. blow and revenge.。.:*☆

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"That's it princess, you're doing so well" Liam groans, as his boyfriend bobs his head on Liam's hard on.

Liam gripped Zayn's hair gently before sighing softly, Zayn was very very inexperienced but Liam couldn't help but find it adorable

Liam scrunches his face slightly when Zayn pulls off licking at his tip. The older boy runs his hands through his boyfriend's messy hair.

"C'mon babygirl, try to break me apart" Liam says as Zayn quickly goes down on him, swirling his warm tongue around him

Zayn looked up with his bambi brown eyes up at Liam who moans loudly. Liam was confused slightly, he doesn't remembered how they got in this position.

Before they we're napping, then Liam woke up to Zayn grinding on him , trying to wake up the boy. Then the next moment Zayn pulls down Liam's basket ball shorts in one swift movement before the older boy could get a word out

Liam whines when Zayn begins to tease the slit of his hard on, pumping the base of it. "There we go, god keep doing that"

Liam growls out, heeling that familiar coiling in the pit of stomach when Zayn grazes his teeth along Liam's prick

The Wolverhampton lad soon grips Zayn's hair, maybe a bit to hard when he moves the boy's head lower on him.

Liam was expecting Zayn to gag but the younger boy kept going lower, "Baby girl, I'm so close" Liam says pulling the boy away from his dick

Zayn frowns at him, "Why'd you stop?" Liam almost moaned at his hoarse voice, "Finish me off with your hand darling" Zayn nods before wrapping his hands around Liam's wet hard on, stroking it quick.

Liam legs began to shake when Zayn added pressure to his slit with his thumb, without a warning he squirts all over Zayn's face the boy flinch slightly when it hits his mouth.

Liam quickly wrapped a hand around himself pumping himself fast, moaning loudly

"God you look so pretty," Liam says, his chest heaving heavily. Zayn cheeks turn red when he licks at his lips. "How do I taste?"

"Weird" Zayn says finally getting the white substance off his lips. "You'll get used to it" Liam says leaning over the nightstand to grab a couple tissues, wiping Zayn's face clean. "How did I do? I tried to be like the guys on the videos"

"You we're amazing" Liam says giving Zayn a kiss. Liam pulls away, smiling as his boyfriend squeals a little. "When is your turn?"

"Tonight, I'd do it now princess but I have to get to work" Liam says putting himself back in his shorts, standing up.

He helps Zayn off of his knees and checks out his skirt, "I love the new skirt Zee" "Really?" Zayn says swaying his lips a little, making the bright pink skirt move along with him

"Of course, let's hope in the shower real quick. Okay?" Zayn nods, "KK, let me get my towel" Zayn says skipping towards Liam's bathroom.

He was the luckiest man in the world


Zayn smiles watching Liam around the store putting things in their correct order. His cheeks had turned red everytime the older man would catch him staring, then Zayn would wave a little.

There wasn't a lot of people in today and Zaynwas glad, that means they get to leave early.

"This means we get to leave early right?" Zayn asks grinning. "Well let's wait a while then we'll get to go home" Liam says leaning on the counter

Zayn leans on it also, bumping his nose against Liam's. "I'm in love with your nose" "Really?" "Yeah," Zayn says kissing it. "It's beautiful"

Liam eyes crinkle from the intensity of his smile, "You're beautiful, can't wait to please you tonight" he says making Zayn's cheeks turn red, feeling shy.

Zeebee & Limabean≎ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now