☆*:.。. Bruce and dates .。.:*☆

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Zayn brushed his hair gingerly with a big smile on his tan face. Today was the day he goes to the park with Liam, he even said that he would give him a surprise.

Zayn wanted to know real bad but Liam kept saying that he had to keep it a secret surprise and Zayn didn't want to ruin a surprise

"Zaynie you almost done?" Niall asks from the other side of the door. Zayn double checks him self before applying some lipgloss on his lips to make them prettier.

Once he's done he opens the door poking his head in, "Finished" Harry bounces on the couch, "Oooh lemme see!"

Zayn shyly walks out the bathroom fiddling with his hands, "Do I look ok?" Harry coos, "Aw Zee you look adorable" he says smiling at Zayn's denim shorts and his pink floral shirt. "You think he'll like it?"

"Oi, he'll love it. He's gonna drop to his knees and babble about how good you look" Niall says going into the bathroom. 

Zayn sits on the couch fiddling with his thumbs, "Do you think this is a date?"

"Did he say it was?" "No but I really hope it is one" "Well maybe it is, what matters is you having a good time yeah?"

Zayn nods smiling, "Ok Hazza" Harry pulls him in a side hug, "Just know if this Liam guy hurts you, just tell me and Niall and we'll break his dick"

Zayn covers his ears gasping, "That's disgusting!" "I know, I know" Zayn smacks his arm playfully before checking his phone.

"He says he's walking down the stairwell now, that could be any minute" Zayn says looking around nervously.

Harry helps him up, "Take your jacket just in case it gets cold when you come back" "Harry it's 90 degrees out, he doesn't need a damn jacket" Niall says coming out the bathroom with a freshly shaven face.

"Niall can I touch your face?" Zayn asks skipping over to him, already squishing his cheeks

"You're already doing it now" he snorts letting him pat his face. Harry stands near the door looking through the peep hole, "Can be here any second" he murmurs.

Suddenly all he sees is a blue eye ball, causing him jump away in fright. "HARRY WE'RE HERE" Louis yells from the other side banging on the door.

"Louis' funny" Zayn giggle continuing to touch Niall's face. Harry opens the door with a scowl, "Didn't your mother and father teach you not to bang on the door? Or yell for that matter?"

"Well my just my mom, my old man is dead so" he shrugs it off looking towards the hallway with an annoyed look.

Harry drops his scowl giving him a sympathetic look, "I'm so sorry" he says quickly, feeling bad.

"No it's ok, didn't like him anyways," he says with a reassuring smile, shrugging a bit before glancing in the back of him.

"Liam get your ass over here!" He says staring at the corner of the hallway,

Harry notices a pair of brown eyes poking out before hiding again, making him feel a bit soft.

"Is he alright?" "He's being a shy guy right now" "Well maybe if I get Zayn, he'll come out!" "That would be swell"

"Zee c'mere" "But Niall's chin, it feels like a baby's butt" "I don't care, you'll be able to touch it later"

Zayn pouts walking over to Harry, "Hi Louis," he says waving to the man who smiles in response. "Yes?"

"Liam's here" Zayn gasps looking into the hallway, but frowns. "Where?"

Louis sighs, "Around the corner, he's being shy right now" "He doesn't wanna see me?" Zayn asks his lip already poking out looking like a kitten who just got kicked.

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