☆camping and separation☆

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Liam chews on his lip nervously, staring around the campsite as Zayn's uncles sat on either side of the man.

The brunette finally met his boyfriend's family who were all lovely people, but his uncles scared him the most. They were huge, almost as big as Yaser which terrified him even more knowing that he could be snapped into a twig.

They invited him camping, a trip Zayn's parents do during the summer. Liam was excited, he loved camping but as soon as he found out Zayn's uncles decided to come along too he sort of wished he could've stayed home.

Zayn was too busy in deep conversation with his mother who was gushing about some up and coming family reunion, Liam tried to pay attention as he sat on the log but the two burly men beside him were distracting.

"So, how have you and Zayn been?" Yaser's older brother, Frank, asks quietly. Liam quickly nods, kicking at the rocks underneath his sneakers. "Very well sir"

"And you're treating him well I hope?" "Yes sir" "Not forcing him into anything he doesn't want, right? Because if that ever did happen, then that'll be a huge problem" The green eyed man says, sending him a look.

Liam winces slightly, "Yes sir" "So you have been forcing him?" The brunette shakes his head immediately, "No no, I meant I understand what you're saying. I would never hurt Zayn like that, I swear" he splutters, looking at either man.

"Good, just wanted to make sure you got the message," Johnson starts out, sending the young man a smile.

"The last guy Zayn ever went out with completely broke his heart, we had to straighten him out with a baseball bat y'know?"

Liam makes a face, "A baseball bat?" "Yup, if you ever come to one of our family reunions I'll show you" The man says, nudging his arm playfully.

The brunette makes a noise in his throat, rolling the pebble under his sneaker to distract himself.

"Long story short kid, Zayn is a ball of sunshine don't you agree?" Liam nods, "Yeah" he says, smiling softly over at his boyfriend who was tying his pink boots.

He found it so adorable that he still does he bunny ear trick with his shoes, no matter how many times the older man has shown him. "And he deserves a good life right?" "Of course he does, he deserves the world"

"I'm glad you agree Liam. He seems to really be fond of you, it would be upsetting to see you lose some body parts for hurting him" Frank says earning a chuckle from his brother.

Liam gulps as he nods slowly, he don't understand why Yaser isn't threatening him right now. Possibly because Zayn had even threaten the man if he even tried.

"Hey what're you three chatting about over there?" Yaser asks, everyone's attention focusing on Liam as well as as his brothers.

Zayn's father had finished placing the firewood on the side for later, sending them a curious look. "Just a little chat about human anatomy" Liam says as his cheeks turn red, making everyone laugh as Frank squeezes his shoulder hard but in a good way.

"He's a keeper Zee, this man sure does listen well" Zayn smiles fondly, getting up to shoo his uncles away. "Thank you, he's the best" he says, pecking his boyfriend's cheek as he snuggles his side.

"I'm glad, I hope you know you two aren't sharing a room in the cabins" "Why can't we share a room?" Zayn asks, crossing his arms.

"Because it would be appropriate, you think you're poor old mother wants to hear you two when you're rocking the chair?" Frank asks incredulously making both men blush as Trisha smacks his arm.

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