☆*:.。. Hungry and jealous.。.:*☆

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Zayn crosses his arms glaring hard at the woman Liam is talking to, his boyfriend was showing her the comic books in the rows.

"Zee? What's wrong?" "Why is that old lady talking to my man?" "She asked where the captain America series were" Niall says snorting

"I don't care, she's looking at him the way you look at beer" Zayn says turning away. Niall pats his back, "Why don't you read Bee and Puppycat? You like that cartoon"

"Yeah but I don't want to read knowing he's still talking with that old woman" Niall pats his head shoving the comic in the boy's hand, "I'm going bring back some burgers, m'hungry"

Zayn pouts watching the blonde leave he comic book, he climbs behind the counter before sitting on the floor

"Zayn? Zee where'd you go?" "Right here" Liam leans over the counter seeing his boyfriend with his cute little outfit, he had his tshirt tucked into his jeans and a pastel pink flower crown on his head

"What're you doing down there?" "Cause" "Cause what?" "Cause I like the floor"

Liam smiles unhooking the latch entering the back, "C'mere Princess" Zayn pouts getting up to hug him

"What's the matter? Seriously" he asks kissing his forehead "That woman was staring at you" "Who Cheryl?" "Yes, whatever her name is"

"Oh she was looking for a book for her nephew" "She couldn't do it on her own?" "You jealous?" "No" Zayn says sliding out his boyfriend's grasp, before sitting back on the floor

"Aw Zee, that's so cute" "How would you like it if someone was flirting with me?" "No one would try that" "Why not?"

"Because they'd wound up dead" Zayn huffs curling in the corner trying to read. "Well I'm going to help her some more, since you want to be a meanie"

Zayn ignores him flipping through the pages. Once Liam leaves Zayn kicks at his converse angrily

"Excuse me? Cutie pie? I wanna check out this book" Zayn looks up from his shoes noticing a boy standing there giving him a smile, "Oh sorry, I was being angry" he says getting up.

The stranger chuckles, "S'alright, it was adorable" Zayn cheeks turn red shrugging, he takes the book from his hands typing the cost in the cash register like Liam showed him

He stuck out his tongue carefully as he scans it perfectly, "$3.99 please" "You're the cutest guy I've ever seen, you know that?"

Zayn shrugs once again, "Thank you" "I like your flower crown" Zayn grins touching it, "Really?" This was a new one he bought, but Liam hadn't complimented nor noticed it since he's been here.

"Yeah, my sister loves them. I always buy her one when I visit home" he says handing him the money. "That's nice" Zayn says putting the money in the register

"Yeah, what's your name?" "Zayn" "Zayn? That means beautiful" Zayn smiles, "Yeah, that's right"

"I'm Declan" "Nice to meet you" he says handing him his book. "S'nice to meet you too, you doing anything later?"

Zayn fiddles with his pants buckle, "I have to stay here, my boyfriend is the owner" "Really? Why is a pretty little thing like you staying behind the counter all day?"

Zayn shrugs once more. Declan seems nice, but he only likes it when Liam compliments him. "Well that sucks, I'll see you later though?"

The younger waves, "Bye" "Bye cutie pie" Zayn watches him leave before picking up his book from the ground.

"Who the hell was that?" Zayn jumps a little, dropping his book on the ground from being frightened by the tone of Liam's voice. "Declan" "Who's Declan?"

"The guy that just left, didn't you see him?" Liam clenches his jaw, "Why was he talking to you?" "Well you were talking to Cheryl over there and he needed someone to check out his book" "Why didn't you just call me over?"

"Because" "Because what?" "Because I didn't want to" Liam points to the storage room. "No, I don't wanna" "Zayn" Liam says sternly.

Zayn huffs angrily grabbing his book before stomping along the way to the storage room slamming it closed.

Liam sighs going back to fixing the shelves.


"Zee? Can I come in?" Liam asks knocking on the storage door softly. Liam opens the door a little peeking inside to see boyfriend reading his comic book with a fond smile on his face.

He sticks his head in, "Hey princess" he says smiling at the small man

Zayn turns away frowning. "Babe can we talk?" "No" "Please? With a cherry on top" Zayn turns his head towards him, "With sprinkles?"

"Of course" Zayn turns his body around, "Fine" Liam fully walks in closing the door behind him, he sits beside the him. "You know why daddy had you wait in here?" Zayn shakes his head frowning.

"Because you said no" Zayn pouts fiddling with his comic, "M'sorry, but you we're being mean!" "Okay I'll admit I was being mean" "Why? I didn't do noffin"

"Well I didn't like you talking to that guy" "You jealous?" Zayn mocks. "Yeah, I was. He was good looking"

Zayn shakes his head, "But you're more good looking" "Why thank you, am I forgiven?"

"No" Liam's smile drops, "Why?" "You haven't complimented my outfit today, that broke my heart" Liam pouts, "Babe I always compliment your outfits"

"Yeah but today you didn't, you didn't even notice my new flowercrown" Liam pulls the boys on his lap, "M'sorry babygirl, your outfit looks amazing"

"Really?" "Yes it's the most cutest outfit I've ever seen. And your flowercrown makes it even better"

Zayn smiles shyly, "Really?" "Of course, it goes well with your gorgeous skin" The younger's cheeks turn red, "Thank you daddy" "You're welcome" Liam says kissing his temple

"Next time I see that guy talking to you, I'm gonna throw his ass out" Zayn giggles poking his shoulder, "That's not nice"

"Well I'm not nice all the time" "You are to me" Liam smiles hugging him tight, "You really are adorable"

"Thank you, I try"

Zeebee & Limabean≎ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now