☆smoothies and hi's☆

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OkEy so I know y'all are wondering where the ziam smut is, yeah I've seen the comments and it's coming soon.

I just want you to know that I do suck at writing smut but I'll either suck it up and write the best smut I can think of

OR, have my friend write it because she's a pro at writing smut so either way it's a win/win😂

But I just to say the smut is coming soon, so pls pls pls be patient and it shall come :)

"Niall, psst, Nini" The blonde looks over at Zayn who was growing pieces of his napkin to get his attention.

"What Zee, I'm right across from you" Niall says with a snort. "There's a boy staring at you" Zayn whisper shouts, making him frown. "Where?"

The dark haired man jerks his head forward, slurping on his smoothie. Niall slyly turns his head a little, meeting a pair of bright brown eyes. "Holy shit"

Zayn looks around, "What?" "He's gorgeous" Niall says, turning around.

Zayn tilts his head noticing how flustered he looks, "What happened with LouLou's friend?"

Niall shrugs, "Gerald? I saw some picture on Instagram with him and some guy" "Friends?" "Sure, friends make out don't they?" The blonde says with a pout, fiddling with his straw.

"I mean you and Louis made out" Zayn says, slurping his smoothie as Niall glares. "Stop with the fucking shade, that wasn't even funny"

"I mean, it was a little funny" Zayn says, giggling a little. "Zayn that's not the point. The point is that Louis' friend probably isn't interested in me anymore, no one ever is for that long"

Zayn furrows his eyebrows, "M'sorry Nini" "It's okay" Niall says softly, turning his head to glance at the young man sitting at a small table looking at the menu.

"Go say hi, maybe he's different" Zayn says with a smile, fiddling with his straw.

"No no, I'm fine. He's probably busy" "Psh ordering food, go say hi" Zayn says, poking his arm.

Niall shrinks in his chair, "No, he'll think I'm nuts" he says shyly, fiddling with his styrofoam cup.

Zayn huffs, "Fine then, looks like a job for Zeebee" "Where's your sidekick?" Niall asks with a snort.

"He's out with his parents, but I'm sure I'll see them later. I'm solo now, so you stay right here" Zayn says before, making whooshing noises over to the stranger.

Niall gasps, "Zayn," he whisper shouts. "Get your little ass back here and finish your damn smoothie!" He says, before completely turning around.

"Oh my god" Niall mutters as he sinks in his chair, feeling a pair of eyes in the back of his neck.

He brings his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, hoping the guy would shoo Zayn away. "Nini!" A Bradford accent calls out after ten minutes.

"What?" "Look what I got" The younger man sing songs. The blonde sighs, slyly peeking up at him.

He notices a piece of white paper in between his skinny fingers, "What is that?" "A phone number, his name is Justin and you're welcome" Zayn says, handing him the number before sitting down in his seat.

Niall stares at the number incredulously, "You got his number?" "Ahuh, I told him that you think he's cute and he thinks your cute too"

"And you made sure he was single?" "Yup, I asked if he was a virgin too because that's good information. He said no, and then I told him that you weren't either" Zayn says making Niall's face turn red.

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