☆apologies and shit☆

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Dis short ;-;

Louis knocks on Zayn's bedroom door, waiting for a response. "Come in" a quiet voice says making him open the door.

"Hey buddy" Zayn stares at him with a glare. "Are you here to rip another of my toys?" He asks, pulling them close to his chest.

"No I came to apologize for being a downright dick and ripping bambi" Zayn crosses his arms, "I'm listening" Louis motions to the bed, "Can I sit?" He says about to sit down until Zayn makes a noise

"If you want to survive, I'd rather you not" Zayn says with a scowl making Louis raise an eyebrow. "Okay," he says, standing up straight.

Louis smiles shyly holding something tightly behind his back. "So I'm sorry for ripping bambi, I didn't know he-" "Bambi is a girl" Zayn says interrupting him.

"She," Louis corrects himself. "Meant that much to you. And you can't be angry with Harry, he was trying to take her from me"

Zayn nods. "So please forgive me, I don't want you to hate me so much that you wouldn't invite me to you and Liam's wedding in the future" Zayn couldn't help but smile at the thought, "On one condition"

"Yes?" "No more penis monster jokes" "Yes sir" "And no calling me the devil, even if I am a little mean sometimes and no being mean to me either. I don't like that"

"I promise" Zayn nods, "You're forgiven" Louis smiles, "Thanks, so you'll stop ignoring Harry?"

"Yeah, I miss him" Zayn confesses making Louis grin. "Oh and I have something for you" Zayn sits up, "Ooh what?"

"So since Liam couldn't fix bambi, I got her fixed myself and dry cleaned too" he says, moving his left hand from behind his back

He walks forwards handing Zayn his bunny making him squeals. "She looks brand new! And she has a bow!" he exclaims, smiling at his pink bunny.

"Yup and I got bambi a friend, I named him Jeff" he says, moving his right hand from behind his back showing him a green bunny that had looked the same as bambi

"Here you go" Louis says with a smile as he gives it to Zayn. Zayn smiles, taking it. "Thank you Louis, hugs" he says, opening his arms.

Louis sighs, moving forward to be held in Zayn's tight embrace. "Thank you" "No problem, thank you for forgiving me. Now I want you to do something for me"

"Oh, okay" Zayn says as Louis pulls him out of bed and into the living room. Zayn frowns when he sees everyone in the living room smiling at him, "This isn't another sex talk is it?"

Niall shakes his head, "Goodness no, you'll end up screaming down the hallway" he says laughing at the memory.

"Then what's going on?" "Well since I ripped something very valuable to you, I'm going to have you break something valuable to me" Louis says, motioning his phone on the coffee table. "Your phone? I can't do that"

"Yes you can, just get angry again" Louis says simply as Liam hands Zayn his friend's phone. Zayn examines it before giving Louis a unsure look. "It's okay babe, it'll be fine"

Zayn pouts, looking at Louis unsurely. "Just break it already before I change my mind" Zayn bites his lip, throwing his phone on the ground.

Harry winces watching Louis hold his heart. "Is that all you got?" Louis asks, his voice squeaking as Zayn began stomping on it violently making Niall cover his eyes.

Louis turns away, covering his mouth as Zayn continues to angrily stomp on his phone which screen was broken but still working.

After fifteen minutes the younger man stops for a break, "A-Are you done?" Zayn ignores Louis' question going into the kitchen, Niall removes his eyes to watching the younger boy.

"He's getting a hammer, oh my god" he says, rushing over to sit in between Liam and Harry, hiding lightly.

Louis backs away a little when Zayn comes out with an actual hammer, bending down to smash the phone into pieces.

Liam watches his boyfriend and he couldn't help but feel turned on by his adorable boyfriend's anger.

He's supposed to be frightened yes, but he knows he'd never do anything like that to him. But seeing Zayn all worked up and furious was now one of Liam's kinks, imagine how worked up he'll be in bed

Louis sucks in a sharp breath watching Zayn smash it into pieces, "Alright! Its dead man, it's dead" he shouts, making the younger man stop.

Zayn takes a breath, "This is a warning for you Louis," he starts glaring so hard that Louis fears that his brown eyes will be filled with flames.

"If you ever touch my shit and break it, I'll be your worst nightmare until you die" he says making the older man nod.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I think you brutally murdering my phone with a hammer was enough evidence" Louis says, wincing at the remains of his smashed phone.

Zayn takes in a deep breath before smiling, "Great, Leeyun can we make cookies? I bought the cookie dough with m&m's in them!" he says with excitement.

The dark haired boy stands up with the hammer in his grip making Niall flinch a little, holding onto Harry who rolls his eyes.

"Sure pumpkin" Liam says, adjusting his pants. "Yay!" Zayn squeals getting up, he tosses the hammer somewhere on the floor before skipping into the kitchen.

Niall swallows hard, "Um, I'm scared now" Harry waves him off, "Oh hush, it wasn't that bad" "He got a hammer and began smashing the phone into pieces Harry, are you kidding me?"

Harry shrugs, "Don't touch my baby's stuff or else he'll hit you with a microwave" Louis shakes his head, "Liam?" He asks staring at his friend who was squirming in his seat.

"Yeah?" "Do you have a boner?" Liam blushes, "Yes I do" Niall cringes as he gets up from his seat, "Okay I'm going to the kitchen"

Harry cringes, "Go to the bathroom with that" Louis smirks, "Unless you want Zayn to come in here and deep throat you like he always talks about"

Liam glares standing up, making sure to cover the zipper part of his pants. "Fuck off" he says, making his way to the bathroom.

Harry shakes his head, "Kids," he says standing up. "My baby I missed you" he says loudly making Zayn rush out hugging him. "I'm sorry for ignoring you hazza, it was boring without you"

"It's alright" Harry says, cuddling him. Louis raises an eyebrow, "Um y'know he's not really your child right?"

Harry scoffs, "I adopted him from Trisha while she's working, okay? He's still my baby" he says making Zayn nod. "Yeah Louis, buzz off before I grab that hammer"

Louis rolls his eyes, "Alrighty then" he says before picking up the remains of his phone. "When will you get a new one?"

"Well I'm getting an upgrade today so no worries" Louis says with a shrug making Harry snort. "You already had this planned?"

"I sure did, thanks Zaynie" Louis says blowing a kiss. Zayn smiles catching the kiss, before placing it on Harry nose.

"Aw Zayn" Harry says, pinching his cheeks. Louis scoffs, "Aw Louis, thank you for blowing that kiss" he says, kicking Harry's voice.

"C'mon zee, let's go make some cookies" Louis whines, "I wanna help," he says rushing after them. "Harry, make sure you nothing but the apron!"

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