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~two years later~

"I already know Liam is gonna love my present, I spent thirty dollars on this" Louis says, showing his friends his gift for the Wolverhampton man.

Liam's birthday was less than 24 hours and they all decided to meet and show off the gifts they bought for him while the man was out working.

"You're going to give a soon-to-be 25 year old man Toystory?" Justin asks with a frown. "Correct, but that goofy ass soon-to-be 25 year old loves Toystory. Besides it's all three movies in one. Now, beat that shit" Louis says with a cocky grin.

"Well he might like my present a little more" Zayn pipes up with a shy smile from the couch, using one hand to play with his shoulder length hair while the other is to massaging his Thor's big paws.

Zayn's been growing it out for a long while, wanting Harry to start braiding it like he used to.

Louis scoffs, "And what did you buy strawberry shortcake?" He asks, using one of his various nicknames for his friend .

"I didn't buy him a gift" "Homemade?" "Mhm something like that" Zayn says with a small giggle, his cheeks turning a red causing the feathery haired man look at him weirdly.

Louis couldn't help but stare at him for a while, noticing how shiny his skin looked but shakes it off nonetheless.

"Best friend vs. boyfriend. This is going to be good. Let's see your present Zee" Niall says with a grin interrupting his thoughts, looking in between Louis and Zayn.

"No it's a surprise Ni" Zayn says, fiddling with the strings of Liam's hoodie. For a while he's been obsessed with wearing his clothes, never getting enough of his smell.

"I can keep secrets" Louis butts in, sounding offended. Harry scoffs, "Babe you didn't keep that secret about that thing you and me like to do"

"What thing?" "Wear cat costumes" Niall says with a shudder, making Justin frown. "Cat costumes? For what?" "Don't ask" Harry says, waving him off.

"For like, sex?" "I said don't ask blondie, Niall control your American man over here" Harry says, motioning to Justin.

Niall sighs, "Babe don't ask about it, I don't think any of us wanna hear about their sex escapades" He says, patting his boyfriend's bicep.

"I just wanna say I'm actually Canadian" "You don't have an accent so no difference" "Actually-" Justin starts out, only to have Louis shush them both.

"Shut up maple syrup, now what is your gift Zee?" Louis asks, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm not telling you, it's a surprise Lou"

"Man, it must be some badass gift huh?" "You'll find out at the party" Zayn says, hiding his smile in Liam's hoodie.

"Okay, it's on then. No one outdoes me at presents" "You got me a large potato for my birthday" Niall says, scoffing. "Look, didn't you tell Zayn to make French fries with it?"

The blonde sighs, "Yeah" "And how was it?" Louis asks, watching the Irish man blush. "They we're actually really good, never mind" he adds, hiding his face in Justin's chest in shame.

"Exactly, beat that twinky" Zayn grins, swinging his feet in the chair. "I will, don't worry" he says before skipping off to his room.

Harry and Louis exchange looks, "What is he planning?" The tall man says, raising a slight eyebrow.

"Maybe it's something cute, like a sweater?" Niall suggests.

"Zayn, being the twinky grandma he is, knits sweaters for everyone so that's off the list. Either way I know it's something damn good. I need to sabotage it," Louis says, earning a pinch in the arm from his boyfriend.

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