☆*:.。. owies and Melanie.。.:*☆

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Zayn pouts as his finger gently caresses  his sleeping boyfriend's fading bruise around his eye. "Babe what're you doing?" Liam asks, opening his tired brown eyes. He had just woken up to his boyfriend rubbing his eye, which he doesn't mind

"I just want this owie to go away" Zayn says quietly, leaning down to kiss Liam's closed eyelid. Liam opens his eyes once again smiling, "It's okay honey, it'll get better"

"But I want it to get better now! It's been a week and I still feel bad and terrible, I feel like I cheated" Zayn confesses curling into a beside the man. "Zayn? Zayn look at me now" Liam says sternly, waiting for those hazel eyes he loves the most to meet his brown ones

When he does Liam smiles softly at him, "You didn't cheat okay? You we're forced to do something you didn't want to do. I was there, and it hurt to see you go through that. You didn't cheat baby, you didn't"

"Promise?" "I promise" Liam says turning to the side, to stick his face in Zayn's neck making him giggle. "Your face tickles" Liam places a kiss on his neck, "I love you Princess" "I love you too Prince Charming"

Liam smiles, he could hardly see his beautiful boyfriend grinning back at him because of the intensity of his smile.

"Aw! Isn't that cute" Louis says loudly, walking into Liam's room his cat following him. Liam sucks his teeth sitting up, "Seriously? Do you have to ruin things?"

Louis scoffs, picking up echo kissing her head. "I ruin things out of love" Zayn pouts, "Boo Lou" he says making Louis rolls his eyes.

"Boo you too Aladdin, now Liam I want you to do me a favor"

"What is it?" "I need you, to go out, and buy me gold fish crackers" Liam stares at him for a long time before shaking his head, "No, you got money and a car. You do it"

Louis scowls, "Oi! Zayn get your boyfriend to get me my snacks!" Zayn zips his mouth, "Harry says never to meddle in people's business"

"Ugh, I'm going to punch that beautiful curly haired man" Liam gets up grabbing Louis' shirt. "What're you doing?!"

"Get your hazza boo to buy you your snacks" Liam says pulling Louis out the room. "You're supposed to be my bestfriend!"

"I still love you though, now bye" Liam says closing the door in his face. Liam could hear grumbling from the other side of the door, and of course he heard Louis call him a whipped ballsack but he could care less

Liam turns around to see Zayn sitting up waiting for him, Liam grins rushing over to him making the dark haired boy squeal when Liam hits the bed with his knees, falling ontop of Zayn carefully kissing his nose

Zayn wrinkles his nose a little, "Leeyum" he says before leaning up to kiss him. Liam kisses him back before rubbing his nose against his, "You want to help me work out later?"

"Really?" "Yeah, I need a partner. Lucifer is no help"


Zayn smiles watching do his sit ups, he was sooo strong. "Can I get a kiss?" Liam says, once he's up. Zayn leans over pecking him, then Liam goes back down. "This is fun" the dark haired boy says watching Liam come back up, leaning in for another kiss

Zayn kisses him again watching his boyfriend's body go back down. "Working out?" "Yeah, I get kisses" Zayn says wrinkling his nose.

For about ten minutes they continue to do so, until Zayn's phone rings. "Lemme get it" Zayn says reaching for his sparkly phone.

Liam pouts laying down for a second watching him answer his phone. "This is Zaynie, hi Hazza" Zayn says lying next to Liam on his stomach, his feet swaying making Liam snort. He runs his hands through Zayn's hair a couple times until Zayn let out a scream, making the older boy jump away

"You're kidding! Really?" Zayn shouts standing up, jumping excitingly. Liam sits up smiling at his childish boyfriend let out a squeal finishing his conversation with Harry. "Liam!"

"Zayn!" Zayn quickly crashes into the older boy, pining him on the floor. Liam stares at his surprisingly, "When did you learn this?"

"Porn, but guess what!" Zayn says, straddling Liam's lap excitingly

Liam tried not to laugh at how he says porn casually, "What?" "Melanie is coming to our city! Next month and I'm getting those tickets!"

"Melanie who?" "Melanie Martinez! My idol, my queen, the love of my life" "I'm the love of your life" "Well she's the girl love of my life, you're the boy love of my life of course. But oh my god I need to see her!"

Liam smiles, "Well go see her, how much are the tickets?" "Not a lot, but enough that I can gently break my piggy bank" He says clapping excitingly.

"That's great princess" "I want you to come too! We can go together!" Zayn says squealing loudly. Liam grins rubbing his waist gently, "Alright, anything for you babygirl" Zayn leans down wrapping his arms around Liam, hugging him tight

"You guys having sex on the floor? How inconsiderate. Harry and I we're supposed to be the first ones to do that" Louis says, earning a punch in the arm by Harry. "No, we're not"

"We will soon, we all know you want this ass Harry. It's okay" Harry rolls his eyes sitting on the couch, "Zee are you excited?"

"I'm gonna take Liam with me!" "What about me?" "You can come too if you want"

Harry shakes his head with a smile, "I'm just kidding, besides I'm not third wheeling" Louis plops on the seat beside him, wrapping an arm around him. "I'll keep you company baby"

Harry moves his arm away, "Don't touch me" "You didn't say that when we we're making out earlier" Zayn gasps, "You two are together?!"

"No" "Yes" Louis and Harry say at the same time. "I'm confused" Zayn says, sitting up again. "We aren't dating"

"But you keep kissing me though" Louis says, crossing his legs with a grin. "So? You have soft lips"

"I have a soft ass too, I need that hand of yours to smack on it sometime" Harry cringes moving away, "Please get away from me"

"See Zayn, we have people like Harry in the world. They try hard to get" Louis says making Zayn frown. "But why?"

"I am not playing hard to get" "You are, now if you saw me with another guy would you be angry?" "I wouldn't care"

Liam winces, "Ouch" "Fine then," Louis says with a grin. "Be that way cutie, i'll find me someone who'll devote their time to my ass"

"Fine" Harry says with a shrug. Liam and Zayn exchange looks smiling, "I'm glad we're not dysfunctional"

"Oh shut up Daddy" Louis says making Liam sit up glaring. "Buzz off" he spats. "Leave Liam alone, you meanie" Zayn says, throwing a penny at Louis who doesn't flinch.

"Be glad you're cute Zayn, be glad"  


I wrote the second part about Melanie bc my concert was last night and it was amazing! My friends and I got front row and she sang to us a couple times, she was perf :')

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