☆Concert and sorry☆

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"Okay how about this one?" Zayn asks, exiting the bathroom. Liam sits up on the bed, "Oh that's a new color, you work well with black babe" he says, biting his lip

He admired the way the panties hugged Zayn's little waist and his cute little butt. "Really? I didn't think that would go well"

"Darling, every color fits well with you" Zayn tilts his head, "Yeah but does this one really fit me well?"

"Yes because I don't think black has ever turned me on so much, c'mere baby"

Zayn blushes, making his way over to Liam who opens his arms. "You're so beautiful, y'know that?" He asks, pulling Zayn onto his lap.

Zayn grins, "I do now" he says shyly, purring as Liam rubs his bare leg. "How about you model some more for me yeah?"

Zayn smiles, "Mhm maybe later" he says, getting ready to get up but Liam grips his waist. "Gimme a kiss" Liam says with a pout, making Zayn giggle a little

The younger man leans down to peck his nose a couple times. "Not my nose, my lips!" "But I love your nose Daddy, it's so cute and perfect" Zayn says, wrapping his arms around his neck

"You really like my nose?" "Yeah, I wish I could have it all for myself" Zayn says, bumping his nose with Liam's. "Well you can't have it"

Zayn pokes Liam's button nose, "We share? I'll get to kiss it whatever I want" "Deal, kiss on it?" Liam asks cheekily, wiggling his bushy eyebrows

Zayn leans in making Liam close his eyes, puckering his lips. The dark hair boy quickly picks up his teddy bear, shoving it Liam's face before running into the bathroom with a loud giggle

"Hey! That was sinister!" Liam yells with a smile, picking up Zayn's teddy bear. "It was fun! Besides Lord Bearington needs kisses!" Liam heard his boyfriend shout from the bathroom

Liam laughs a little, "Babe the concert is tonight" "I know! I'm so excited! Oooh should I wear my white panties?" Zayn asks. "Yeah, that's my favorite one"

Zayn strolls out the bathroom, "Okay, how do I look?" He asks, twirling for Liam. "Beautiful, 100/100" he says making Zayn squeal

"Okay now I need to take my bath, do my hair, nails, and my outfit" "Need any help with that bath?" Liam asks cheekily making Zayn giggle.

"Not this time mister, but you have to go. Shoo shoo" Zayn says, ushering him out. Liam pouts, "Fine," he says. "But the meet and greet starts at 2, we'll get there by 12:30 so we can be in front of the line okay?"

"Yes sir, this'll be quick!" Zayn says, closing the door in Liam's face. Liam pouts a little, walking into the livingroom. "Hey Ni"

"Hi Liam, how's it going?" "Zayn kicked me out so he can get ready for tonight" "Oh he's going to go all out, normally he doesn't paint his nails. Only for special occasions" Niall says with a grin

Liam smiles, "He's so cute," he says fondly. "Say where's Harry?" "Oh he's out with Louis, doing I dunno. Sex probably" Niall says with a shrug.

"Oh well how're you and Gerald eh?" Niall's cheeks turn red as he flips through the channels, "Good, he goes back home this weekend" "Aw really?" "Yeah, he promised he'd Skype me everyday until I visit him"

Liam smiles, "Aw Niall" "Shut up" Niall says, hiding the fond smile on his face. Liam could tell by the glint in Niall's blue eyes that he really did like him and he was glad.

Most of the time Niall was single, it's nice to see him get all flustered about a boy besides it always being Zayn

"Okay I'm ready!" Zayn says, rushing into the living room with his little hello kitty bookbag. "You look so cute baby"

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