☆*:.。. Parents and approval.。.:*☆

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Yeah that rhymed lmao, but don't kill me cause I'm gonna start updating more :')

"You ready?" Liam asks, looking down at his boyfriend who was adjusting his little bow tie.

"Yeah" Zayn says with a shy smile, Liam grins kissing his cheek before ringing the doorbell. "Another warning, my mum really loves to hug people"

Zayn was about to respond until the door opens with a loud squeal. "Oh my big boy!" Karen exclaims, pulling Liam into a tight hug.

Zayn smiles fondly watching Liam blush embarrassingly, glancing over at him. "Yeah, I missed you too Mum. Look I brought my guest" Liam says, trying to get out his mother's death grip.

Karen gasps, "Oh you must be Zayn! Get over here, aren't you just a cutie pie" She gushes, pulling Zayn into a tight embrace.

"S-S'nice to finally meet you Mrs. Payne" Zayn cough out, patting her back. "Mum you're gonna break him, stop" Liam says protectively, making his mother let go.

"I'm sorry dear, I just love hugs. Liam never told me you we're this handsome" Zayn's cheeks turn red, "Thank you, you're beautiful as well"

Karen pinches his cheek, "Oh Liam you brought home a good one, come in. I just got finished with dinner"

Liam takes Zayn's hand leading him inside, "Is dad here?" "In the kitchen, no doubt trying to sneak some rolls" Liam grins, "My dad is really nice, you'll love him"

Zayn nods, smiling at the multiple baby pictures of Liam everywhere. "Hi dad" Liam says, waving to his father who jumps away from the stove.

Zayn bites his lip to keep his giggles in, he waves shyly when Liam's day looks over at them

"Oh hell Liam, is this the lad you've been talking about?" Geoff asks, after hugging his son. "Yeah, this is Zayn. Zayn this is my dad Geoff" Liam says, his cheeks slightly pink. Zayn smiles shyly, "S'nice to meet you sir" he says extending a hand.

"Oh it's nice to meet you Zayn, Liam here talks nonstop about you" Geoff says with a grin, shaking his head.

"Really?" "Oh yes, he always talk about you being important to him and how much he loves you" Liam clears his throat loudly, "okay m'gonna show Zayn my old room now thanks" he says pulling his boyfriend out the kitchen

Zayn smiles fondly, "You talk about me a lot?" He asks as Liam leads him up the stairs. "Sometimes" "Didn't seem like sometimes"

Liam raises an eyebrow, "When did you have a smart mouth?" "Louis, it's actually kind of fun" Zayn says as Liam opens a door at the end of the hall

"It's gonna get you punished," Liam says making Zayn's cheeks turn red. "This is my old room" he says, motioning to the light green walls filled with posters

"Aw little Liam" Zayn says with a grin, staring at a picture of Liam winking at the camera.

"Aw little Liam" Zayn says with a grin, staring at a picture of Liam winking at the camera

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