☆*:.。. hook ups and hugs .。.:*☆

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Niall mumbles to himself as he picks with Zayn's lock. "Niall hurry up" "Shut up Harry, this all your fault anyways" he spits jingling the bobby pin a little more before hearing a click.

Niall sighs in relief opening the door quietly, "Aw he's napping"

Harry sticks his head in to see Zayn cuddling with his stuffed bunny close to his chest snoring slightly.

Harry goes over to tuck him in, he presses a peck on his temple before ushering Niall out. "C'mon" Harry says motioning him towards the door

"Where are we going?" "Tomlinson residence" he says cringing. Niall nods grabbing his phone, closing the door behind him.

"Why'd you say all that crap to Zayn?" "It's not crap" "It is, this Liam guy might be a really sweet guy. Who knows, this might be a successful relationship"

Harry shrugs walking up the stairwell. "What's your problem?" "I have no problem" "You do, I remember last night you looked like you've been stabbed in the heart, Haz tell me"

Harry abruptly stops at the top of the stairs making Niall stumble into his back, "I talked with Ed last night" "Mate that's great" Niall says with a grin patting his arms.

He frowns watching Harry plop onto the step shaking his head, "I told him how I felt, he said I was a sweet guy but he has a girlfriend"

Niall's smile drops staring at Harry who hung his head in shame, "Oh Haz I'm sorry"

Harry shrugs, "Its alright, I mean I knew he was straight. I thought that maybe he'd give me a chance"

Niall pats his back, "It's ok Harry, I mean there are loads of guys out there. Atleast you two are still friends"

"Eh awkard friends, I hope that he'll want to be my friend" Niall coos hugging him, "Sory for calling you a prick" "That was yesterday"

"I'm still sorry though" Harry smiles hugging him back, "Me too, now c'mon we have to talk to Lucifer"

Niall's laugh echoes the stairwell making Harry groan opening the door. They walked down the hallway looking for the tag that says Tomlinson.

Niall stops, "Here it is!" he says knocking on the door. "Ok so we make sure we get our point across"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" A loud high pitched voice from inside yells. "To talk" Harry says knocking on the door again.

They here footsteps and the door swung open, Harry was met with a shirtless smug looking man staring up at him.

"I thought I knew where that sexy old man voice came from" Harry glares in reply.

Niall snorts, "Can we come in?" "Um sure," he says opening the door wider as they walk in. "I didn't schedule a threesome this early"

Harry looks at Niall in disgust as he sits on the couch, "It's hot in here" "Well take your clothes off, it'll make it better I think" Harry moves closer to Niall, "Please stop, we need to talk"

"About?" "Your friend, we want him to stay away from our friend" Niall nods before stopping, "Wait what!? That's not why we're here!"

"Yes it is!" "No the fuck it wasn't! Are you trying to make Zayn hate your guts?"

Louis watches the two bicker back and forth loudly, pulling out a beer from his mini fridge opening it with a loud crack.

The two boys stop bickering trying to find he source of sound, Louis slurps the beer gently looking at them both.

"What the hell are you going on about?" "Your friend Liam likes our friend Zayn" Louis grins, "Aw that's cute, the little twink from last night? He's gorgeous, Liam's lucky. Is he a virgin?"

"He's not a twink and that's none of your business!" "He is a twink, all small and innocent" He says scrunching his nose.

"Shut up and stay away from him" Harry says with a warning look making Louis raise his hands.

"Liam is already infatuated with the lad already, he babbled about him last night about he says his nose was cute since he's so insecure about it"

Niall coos, "See Haz, he sounds like a sweetheart" "I don't know, he could be a druggie like you" He seethes glaring at Louis who glares back.

"I only smoke weed ok, I don't do all that other shit. Second of all you don't know Liam, he's been my bestfriend since grade school. I had to protect him from assholes like you" "Like me? How am I an asshole?" Harry asks standing up.

"A judgmental prick who picks on people, maybe Liam is a little big and muscular but the guy has feelings. If your friend hurts him i'll kick his ass" Louis says setting his beer down to stand up also.

"Excuse me? I'll kick your ass if your friend hurts mine"

Niall looks in between them unsure what do, he's pretty sure those two will start making out or some shit.

"You lay a finger on him i'll kick your ass" Louis says jabbing his finger in Harry's chest making the taller man fume with anger. "I'll kick your ass first" Harry spats getting closer.

"You wanna make out?" Louis asks raising his eyebrows.

"Sur- wait what? Ew, no" Harry says backing away. "What? I mean the mood was there, we could've just went for it yknow"

Niall nods in agreement, "I felt it, Harry you should've went for it" Harry scoffs, "Shut up Niall" he says hitting his arm.

"Well then it's settled, we're hooking our friends together" Louis says sitting back in his chair. "What if it doesn't go well? This is Zaynie's first boyfriend, I want it to be special"

"Well Liam is a special guy, I mean for my birthday made me a cake and bought me presents I never even ask for"

"Aw Harry, why don't you do that for me?" Niall asks. "Because you have legs, you can buy yourself presents and make your own damn cake" "Well fuck you and your nasty ass cakes, I like Zayn's better anyways"

Harry rolls his eyes ignoring his pouting Irish friend. He extends a hand towards Louis, "Alright, you make sure Liam isn't an ass to my bestfriend ok?"

Louis shakes it, "And for your friend too, I think this'll be a cute little relationship" Harry tries to let go of his hand but Louis grins continuing to hold onto it

"Let go before I break your hand peewee" Harry says smacking it hard with his other hand.

Louis pulls away with a squeak rubbing it, "Nice smack, can't wait to feel that on my bum"

Harry grabs the laughing blonde walking towards the door, "We're leaving" "Bye bye" Louis shouts with a smirk hearing the door slam closed.


"Zaynie, can we come in?" Niall asks knocking on the door hearing the music coming from inside. Harry knows the song training wheels because Zayn always plays it when they go to the grocery store together

Once the music stops and they hear Zayn yell come in. As soon as Niall opens the door Harry pushes him aside rushing in to give him a hug, "I'm sorry bubby, please forgive me"

Zayn squeals a little hugging him back, "It's ok Hazza, I'm not upset anymore. I took a nap"

Niall closes the door behind him plopping on the bed, "Well guess what Zaynie?" "What?" he asks playing with Harry's hair. "Well we talked to Liam's friend today, and Harry here finally agreed to let you see him"

Zayn gasps, "You're not mad with me?" Harry frowns, "Why would I be mad at you?" "Well I-I yelled at you, I didn't mean it though" he says hiding his face in his chest.

"It's ok Zayn, I was being a meanie" "You were being a jackass" Niall says causing Zayn to break out into his contagious giggles

"No one asked for an input Niall anyways, no I'm not mad with you" Zayn smiles hugging him before pulling away, "Liam's a really nice, I think you'll like him a lot"

Harry exchanges look with Niall who shrugs with a smile, "In the end, I just want you to be happy"

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