☆*:.。. feelings and mine.。.:*☆

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Harry quickly walked towards his apartment, rushing to open the door before slamming it closed once he's in.

He presses his forehead against the cold door before letting out a sigh in relief. He was trying to avoid Louis, he's been jumping, running and literally sprinting away from the man so he wouldn't be seen

He had a fun night with Louis a week ago, the most fun he's ever had in his life. Louis took him to this diner where they served the best pizza in the world

After that he had taken them to an arcade in which Harry thought was childish. But he soon began having fun learning that Louis too was a competitor player especially in air hockey

Deep down Harry was starting to catch feelings for the older boy, which frightened him. This was supposed to be only one date, he didn't think one date would lead him to wanting more

Harry huffs turning away but jumping ten feet in the air seeing Louis smiling at him on the couch. He noticed Niall sitting next to him with a smug look

"Harry, you're finally home" Harry really and he meant really wanted to smack the white off of Niall's face

Harry swallows hard, "Yeah" "Where'd you go?" Niall asks with a smirk. "None of your business"

Louis grins getting up, "Well whatever, how're you Haz?" Harry takes a step back shrugging, "I'm fine, why're you here?"

"Well I wanted to ask you to come with to this Italian restaurant I went to with my pals" Harry breaths in, it was a simple no answer

"Sure" Harry internally punches him self in the face by the way Louis' smile grows wider grabbing his coat. "Cool, let's go. The breadsticks there are awesome" he says dragging him towards the door

Harry looks back at Niall for help, instead he gets a sweet smile and wave in reply watching them leave.


Zayn clutched onto his Victoria secret's bag filled with new panties he had bought, he was heading over to Liam's to show him.

Usually Liam would come along with him and watch him try some on but Zayn decided he would go by himself and surprise him.

He was satisfied with himself, he even bought a new outfit that had a bedazzled collar which he had to get.

He was excited walking on Liam's floor, he was just about to pull out his phone and text him until he felt a hand on his wrist

Zayn jumps looking up to see the guy that always checks him out down the hall, Norris. "Hey sweet cheeks, haven't see you in a while"

Zayn cowers away gripping his bag, "O-Oh hi Norris" "You haven't been around lately, how come?" "Been busy" Zayn says trying to loosen the grip on his wrist

"Busy doing what?" "With my boyfriend, he's big, strong, and he has a punching bag" "oh does he? Where is he? I don't see him anywhere"

"Y-Yeah I was gonna surprise him" "Well I think that can wait, how about you come inside and chill?" Zayn starts to get scared, "N-No thanks, maybe another time"

"How about now? I got cookies" he says pulling him towards his opened door. "N-No Norris, I don't feel comfortable" Zayn says sternly trying to stand his ground, just like Harry says so

Zayn starts to freak out once he's half way in Norris's apartment before feeling himself be yanked it of his grasp. Zayn flinches backing into the wall seeing Liam gripping Norris's collar, pining his against the wall

"The bloody hell do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?" Liam growls making Zayn whimper covering her eyes. "Hey was just asking him to chill"

"He fucking said no, and you ignored him. I swear to god if I ever see you touch my boyfriend again I'll slam your face into your floors, you got that?"

Norris nods as Liam shoves him to the ground with a nasty glare. Liam walks out slamming the door behind him trying to calm down, no one and he means no one touches his boyfriend

"Zee you're alright" Liam says pulling the sniffling boy into his chest. "I-I told him no and h-he wouldn't listen" Liam picks him up, the younger boy immediately wrapping his arms around him clinging onto him like a koala

"It's alright princess, that asshole isn't going to bother you anymore" Liam says rubbing his back, walking towards his door.

Liam kept one hand under Zayn's bum as he unlocked his door, "Do you think you can get down for a sec?"

Zayn nods wiping his eyes as he gets on his feet. Liam closes the door behind him taking Zayn's bag before pulling him to his room, "You went shopping?"

Zayn sniffs nodding shyly, "Wanted to surprise you" Liam smiles kissing his temple, "You are the sweetest little thing, you know that?"

Zayn cheeks turn red as he sits down on Liam bed shrugging. Liam had pulled off Zayn's shoes off as well as his before climbing in bed, pulling his sniffling baby in his arms. Zayn snuggled in his chest taking in his scent, "I was gonna model for you"

"We can do that later, I wanna talk to you" Liam says rubbing his back. Zayn nods lifting his head up, "Am I in trouble?" "Of course not sweetheart, I just tell you something" "Well can I ask you something first?"

"Sure, what is it?" "C-Can you make sure Norris leaves me alone? He scares me" Liam clenches his jaw, "Don't worry about him, okay? If he ever comes near you just tell me and i'll handle it" "Really? Like a bodyguard?" Liam grins nodding, "Sure i'll be your personal bodyguard"

Zayn smiles pressing a kiss on Liam's birthmark before patting his chest, "Okay your turn" Liam glances at his nightstand, "I wanted to give you something" Zayn sits up straddling Liam's lap, "Daddy, I didn't get you any gifts" He says pouting.

Liam smiles bringing his hand up to caress the younger boy's perfect jawline, "I think you modeling for me later is a gift" he says cheekily making Zayn smile shyly.

The older man leans over to his nightstand opening the drawer moving his hand around for the box

Liam grins finally getting a hold of it before taking it out, "You know what this is?" He asks taking out a silver ring out showing him. Zayn furrows his eyebrows, "That's a ring, but what for?"

"Well it was my grandma's and she gave it to me. She said to find the one I care about deeply and give them this"

Zayn smiles as Liam takes a hold of his hand sliding it on, "Is this like a promise ring?"

Liam nods kissing each one of Zayn's fingers coaxing a giggle out of the younger boy. "Liam this is beautiful" "I'm glad you like it baby girl"

Zayn cheeks turn red as he bends down to hug him, "Thank you daddy, I love you"

Liam hearts beats a million times fast embracing his boyfriend, "I love you too princess"

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