☆*:.。. Sobs and tickets.。.:*☆

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"Will you two stop fucking by the time I get back?!" Liam yells, pounding on Louis' door. "Go away!" Louis yells.

"No! I want to be able to sleep tonight!" Liam yells back, glaring at the door. After a while it's silent, Liam was just about to walk away until the door opens

"Dude!" Liam shouts, covering his eyes when Louis stands in front of him naked. "Just spend the night at Zayn's" Louis says shoving him a little

"Puts some fucking pants on! I don't want to see you swing your dingaling" Liam's says turns away, his eyes covered

Louis smirks, "Don't act like you don't want to peek" "Louis!" Harry growls from inside his room.

"What? Everyone wants a piece of this!" Liam blindly walks slowly, grabbing for his jacket. "M'gonna go see Zayn"

"Good, come back with 11 yeah?" "Tonight?" "Oh yeah, Harry plans on taking me everywhere" Louis gushes

Liam turns his back in him, "That's nice," he says cringing. "What about you though? When are you gonna hit it?"

Liam scoffs, "Whenever Zayn is ready to go that far, now go back to having sex. It's starting to smell" he says walking to the door, grabbing a thin wrapped paper from the coffee table

"Will do, hey Hazza! Let's take this to the kitchen real quick" Liam gags, slamming the door behind him. He's not ever coming back until Harry leaves, and he's not touching anything in that kitchen

- - - -

Liam knocks repeatedly at Zayn's apartment door, he couldn't go back home. Now that Harry and Louis are 'together' they're having sex 24/7 and Liam seriously can't take it anymore

He literally has to turn his earphone up so he would just hear the music instead of loud moans getting him to sleep

Niall swings the door open, "Hi Liam" "Hi, is Zayn here?" "Oh yeah, poor thing is upset" Niall says opening the door for him to enter

"Why?" "Well he finally got his money together," he says locking the door. "And he went to buy the tickets offline but when he checked they were all sold out"

Liam frowns, "What?" "Yeah I know, he's been crying since last night" Liam digs in his pocket taking out a wrapped paper with a bow on it, "Well I bought him tickets already, I knew he would probably take too long"

Niall grins, "Aw Liam, you're a great boyfriend" Liam blushes with a shrug, "It was an extinct to buy them"

"Well go and give it to him, he's probably replaying the album again" Niall says groaning.

Liam nods walking to his door knocking on it, "Zaynie?" He presses his ear to the door hearing the music playing loudly.

Liam opens the door slightly, he peeks in seeing Zayn laying on his side sniffling, he coos coming inside.

He quickly walks in closing the door behind him, "Baby?" He asks, turning Zayn's stereo down sitting on his bed

Zayn looks over pouting, "Leeyum" he says starting to cry again. Liam shushes him before pulling him in his arms, "Oh don't cry princess"

"B-But the tickets are gone," Zayn says hiding his face in his chest. "M'not gonna ever see her Liam, I missed the chance" he says clinging onto him

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