☆*:.。. Arse and maybe .。.:*☆

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Harry walked through the hallway of the apartment thinking of an idea for his essay, this time he gets to write about anything he wants.

Fiction, nonfiction, science frictions,fan fictions, that last part made him smile because Zayn loved reading those.

He played with the pen his hand thinking hard, why did he agree to do this? No one else had to but him, he thought this would go smooth but it isn't going as smooth as he planned

Extra credit though, he thought. He sighs turning the corner looking up to see Louis down the hall holding his kitten Echo. He carries the cat everywhere, like it was his own baby.

Harry stopped, he wasn't sure if he should go the other way or continue down this way.

Louis had looked up from talking with his pet, "Hi" he says with a small smile, spotting the taller. Harry stops to wave a little, "Hi, how've you been?"

"Fine, you?" "Peachy, I have a essay to write but I don't know what to write about" Louis raises an eyebrow, "Well why don't you write about something you like," he says petting his kitten. "Yeah but I like a lot of things"

"One of those including me?" Louis asks cheekily. Harry cheeks turn red, wasn't he angry with him from the other day? "No I'm not angry with you Harry"

Harry frowns staring, "Did you just read my mind?" "Well you just thought out loud, idiot" Louis says chuckling. "Oh, well why aren't you?"

The older shrugs, "Walk and talk with me Harold" he says staring to walk. Harry huffs following behind him, "I'm walking" he states.

"Yeah so I'm not angry with you just because-" "But I was rude to you" "I've been treated way worse, being rude is one I've experienced for a long time"

Harry bites his lip, "You know I know about Ed, how he won't like me that way"

"Yeah?" "I'll try to get over him because he likes that girl" "More like love, annoying ginger keeps telling me about it" Harry pouts, "Sorry I was being an arse"

"That's alright, you can repay me" "I'm not sucking your dick" Louis smirks, "I wasn't gonna say that, but next time that'll be one of my options"

"Louis, what do you want?" "To give me a chance, let me take you out" "On a date?" Louis nods stopping infront of his apartment door, "Yup"

"To where?" "I can't tell you, just agree" Harry thinks for a moment, maybe going on one date won't be to bad. "Fine, no funny business"

Louis smiles triumphantly, "Great, tomorrow night at seven" Harry tried not to grin at how wide Louis was smiling, he quickly looks away

"Cool" Louis opens his door setting his kitten wander around meowing, "Wanna come in? I have left over pizza" Louis says with a smile

"Alright, one slice" "And a movie, I have Netflix" he says wiggling his eyebrows as Harry comes in closing the door behind him. "Alright, only because I like Netflix"


"Daddy can we power puff girls?" Zayn asks looking in the movie cabinet he has in the living room of his shared flat. Liam cheeks flared red watching him bend down, "Sure"

He looked away slightly, I mean he could stare at his butt anytime but he was wearing Liam's shirt and no pants.

Liam had spent the night and now they were home alone since Niall went to visit some guy and Harry went for a walk somewhere.

Zayn skips over sitting next to him, "I hope you don't mind, it's kind of hot in here" he says motioning to bright pink panties. "No no, that's fine" he says giving him a smile, trying not to stare directly at the boy's underwear

"Kk" he says snuggling to his chest as the cartoon starts. It's hard, it's really hard not wanting to touch the boy's butt

But he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable, he doesn't Zayn to think of him as freaky or anything. Liam kept his hand on Zayn's lower back finally paying attention to the show

After five minutes he went back to staring at Zayn's butt, okay how could you not stare? It's so small but full, like he can put both his hands on his bum and just squeeze it forever

Liam shakes out his dirty thoughts blushing brightly, he hopes doesn't get a mr happy right now. That would be embarrassing, he drums his fingers along Zayn's waist humming

Okay he was gonna do it, he was gonna touch his butt for a couple seconds then retreat. Liam goes lower, his fingers brushing against the lace of his under

He notices the dark haired boy shuddering quietly before snugging into his chest more, his bright hazel eyes still trained on bubbles and buttercup

Liam quietly lets out a sigh of relief once he places his palm on Zayn's right cheek waiting for him to jump up and smack him. But it doesn't come, he can clearly see Zayn smiling into his chest giggling

"You know you can touch, right?" Zayn asks looking up at him with a teasing smile. "I can?" Zayn nods grabbing his hands making him cup his cheek before paying attention to his favorite show

Liam's face and neck started to get hot once he squeezes Zayn's butt a little, "You have a really cute butt"

"Thank you, I've been told" zayn says wrinkling his nose as he smiles. "Really? Who?"

"Niall tells me a lot, then there's that guy down the hall that always checks me out. Makes me uncomfortable sometimes"

Liam frowns, "Well next time you see that guy just call me, I'll bash his face in" Zayn looks at him in surprise, "Really?" Liam nods, "No one gets to check you out but me"

Zayn bites his lip grinning, "I like when you're like this," he says getting up, straddling his lap. "On the computer it said there's a name for it, I don't remember though"

"Possessive?" Zayn nods snapping his fingers, "Yeah possessive, I like when you do that. Makes me feel secure" he says leaning in to kiss his nose.

"Oh," Liam says placing his hands on Zayn's butt. "Well you're mine, okay?"

Zayn nods with a smile, "All yours" "All mine, you're my princess" Liam says giving Zayn an Eskimo kiss.

"Don't you think we should go in your room and do this? I think if Harry walked in he'd slice my head off" Liam says sheepishly making Zayn giggle.

"Don't worry, I won't let him put a hand on you"

Zeebee & Limabean≎ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now