Masquerade Party

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Jayla's P.O.V

"Nice to see you could make it tonight, Jayla" Carol Lockwood calls out, I turn and smile widely at her "glad to be here Mrs. Lockwood. I see you're finally able to tell Elena and I apart" I tease, giving her a small twirl. "Only because Elena's already here" she replies, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Oh is she? That's great, I don't suppose you know where she'd be?" Carol glances around before shrugging her shoulders "I'm not sure dear, maybe the garden?"

I pick up a glass of champagne from the passing waiter "thank you" I mumble before bringing the glass up to my lips, just as I was about to take a sip, the glass was gone. 

"You shouldn't be here, Jayla"

I turn to see Damon holding my drink "well I'm here now, Damon. Get over it, I want to help" I snap harshly, reaching for my drink again. Damon stares down at me as he pulls the drink away from my grasp "fine. You want to help? Go home" he orders, his eyes darting around the room. I chuckle and flip my curls over my shoulder "nice try but I'm here now so let me help" I say, smiling innocently at him.

Damon looks at me again and I can see the clogs turning in his head, his eyes light up with an idea and he smiles at me "fine. Katherine is roaming around here and since she seems fairly fond of you, tell her to meet Stefan and me by the river" he whispers, I smile sweetly at him. Finally pleased that I can help.


The gardens were decorated with beautiful fairy lights, they lit up the trees and bushes. I watch the crowd, scanning the area for Katherine. I spot her in the middle near the rose arch with a woman, who looks familiar. I take a deep breath and plaster a fake smile on my face as I approach them. I pull my mask away from my face and turn the woman "I am so sorry to interrupt, please may I speak to my sister?" I ask politely. The woman's eyes widen as she glanced between Katherine and me. "Sure, absolutely" she chokes out before hastily turning away.

"Hey, Jayla" Katherine greets innocently as she turns to me "Damon and Stefan want you to meet them by the river, they have the moonstone" I inform, crossing my arms over my chest. Katherine smirks as she looks me up and down "and why are you their messenger, I mean I can hardly see Damon letting you within breathing distance of me" I glance away from her before taking a threatening step closer to her.

"I'm not scared of you, you've had so many opportunities to hurt me and you haven't. In fact, all you've done is terrorize my sister" I spit harshly. Katherine chuckles, her hand reaches out to push my hair behind my ear.

"I knew you weren't just a pretty face" she muses before brushing past me and disappearing into the crowds. "I need a drink" I murmur to myself and turned back towards the house. Suddenly, a hand wraps around my arm and tugs me into the bushes "what's going on?" Elena said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Elena, what are you doing here?" I whisper aggressively. Elena tilts her head and raises her brows at me "everyone has been dodging me all day, now tell me what's going on" she states sternly. I glance around, making sure no one could hear us." Damon and Stefan are going to kill Katherine" I blurt out. Elena gapes at me "what? Here" she cries.

"Are they stupid? So many people could get hurt, you could get hurt" She rants as Jeremy walked past, he does a double take before he stares wide-eyed at us "Elena, Jayla what are you doing here?" he groans grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the bush "Damon knows I'm here he said I could help" I mumble, yanking my arm out of his grip.

"Jayla, you need to tell them to stop"


I run up the stairs to the room I knew they were in, just as my fingers reached the handle, a searing pain erupted from my spine. I reach behind me and run my fingers over my back, blood coating my fingers. I cry out as another deep wound appears on my arm. Suddenly, Jeremy is pounding up the stairs and burst the door open "stop!! Whatever you do to her, it happens to Elena and Jayla" he bellows.

He bends down and helps me up "Jeremy, get Jayla downstairs and take care of her" Damon demands as he glares at Katherine. Jeremy nods and carries me down the stairs. "Is she okay?" Bonnie panics, Jeremy sighs and sits me down on the couch beside Elena. Bonnies begin to chant as Elena clasps her hand around mine.

Finally, the pain stops, and the wounds were healed. Elena had gone to find Stefan, while I decided I needed some air. I sat on the bench outside the Lockwood house and watched the brightly coloured lanterns float up into the sky.

"How are you feeling?" Damon asks, appearing behind me as he places his coat over my shoulders "I'm fine, what happened are you going to do with Katherine?" I mumble looking up at him. Damon smirks, his hands resting on my shoulders "the bitch is in the tomb, where she should have been all along" he states bitterly. I nod and sigh in relief "so no more Katherine?"

Damons hands rest on either side of my face and he smiles "no more Katherine" he confirms. I spot Elena walking towards her car over Damon's shoulder. Damon gently pulls me towards him "come on, I need to get you home" I shake my head and he frowns at me "no, I think I'm going to head home with Elena"

Damon sighs and glances around, I place my hand on his chest "Damon I'll be fine" I reassure him and hand him back his jacket. Damon nods reluctantly while I smile and turn away from him, heading towards Elena. I closer I got, I could hear Elena's sobs "what's wrong?" I gush, wrapping my arms around her. She shook her head and cried harder "I just want to go home."

I gently lead her towards her car, her keys in my hand. I open the door for Elena "let's go home." Suddenly, I felt a sharp pinch on my neck. I start to sway and my vision begins to blur and the last thing I see is Elena falling down beside me before the darkness could consume me........

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