Hanging in the balance

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat on my window seat holding the phone to my ear "hello" I smiled at the sound of his voice "hey stranger" I greeted as I fiddled with my sleeve "are you checking up on me" I could here the grin in his voice "do I need to be checking up on you" I asked him smirking to myself "no, I mean I'm not failing any of my classes yet" I chuckled "hey have you spoke to Ric lately" I could already feel the tears welling up "no why" I shook my head quickly "urm no reason, I miss you" a couple of tears had escaped on to my cheeks "I miss you to. Is it okay if I call you back I'm actually going out with my friends" he asked "yeah of course, go out Jeremy, go have fun. I love you" I lent my head against the window "I love you too, bye."

I walked up the stair to Alaric's apartment. I decided to bring him breakfast. I knocked on the front door and Damon answered "morning sunshine" I rolled my eyes and tried to get past him "how's Alaric" Damon moved to step in front of me "he's indecent but fine" I stepped back and raised my eyebrow at him "so does that mean there was no issues last night" I asked staring at him "nope, he slept like a baby and work up Alaric, I guess that little witch did a good job" I tried to get past him again "then why do I feel like your hiding something from me" he smirked at me "your paranoid and worried, what did you bring me" he took the bag from my hands and looked inside "aww chocolate muffins, the way to any serial killers heart" I snatched the bag back "there not for you:" I spat "fine keep convincing your self that your still mad at me" I glared at him and gave him the bag back "please just give him this and tell him we miss him" Damon smiled slightly "okay see you later, have a good day" and before I could reply he shut the door in my face. I let out a groan "fine, fuck you Damon"

"Alaric Saltzman killed my father" Caroline whimpered, I held her hand tightly "Caroline I can't expect you to be okay with this but t least the herbs Bonnie gave him are working" Caroline stormed ahead "what and that's supposed to make everything okay" I pulled her towards me "no of course not, its horrible. Hes a victim of something he can't control. He didn't ask for this and neither did Elena or Tyler" Caroline cut me off "or me" I place my hands in hers "or you, none of you did. And we can't turn our backs on each other" she nodded and pulled me in to a hug. I pulled away and smiled weakly "so why exactly are we meeting out here" Caroline asked as we approached Elena and Matt "I don't know, Damon just said to meet here". Damon and Stefan appeared and threw a bag down in front of us "we're meeting here because we have figured out away to kill Klaus" Damon stated smugly.

I turned to look at him "wait you have a weapon that can kill Klaus" Stefan smirked and threw down another bag "nope, we all have a weapon" he unzipped the bag to reveal around 12 white oak stakes "I thought Rebekah bunt the last of the white oak when she burned down wickery bridge" Caroline asked as she picked up the stake "Its a long story, wait for the movie" Damon joked smirking "okay so whats the plan" I went to pick up a stake but Damon caught my hand and pulled me towards him "okay lets go through some scenarios "but in order to pull this off we need to distract Klaus" everyone' eyes turned on me "why do I have to be Klaus bait" I stressed turning to look at Damon "because hes obsessed with you" before I could reply Stefan pulled out a bow and arrow and handed it to Elena "so Matt can keep Rebekah distracted an-" Matt cut Stefan off "how am I going to do that" Damon shrugged "keep her interested, she's lonely and desperate" Caroline snorted "she must be, I mean she slept with you" I chuckled throwing a wink at Caroline.

"Bonnie we're getting worried call me back, or call Jayla or Caroline please" Elena pleaded in to the phone "is it weird that Bonnies not answering my calls" she asked approaching us "is it weird that Klaus' brother is in the middle of the square" I turned around to see Fin and a red headed woman walking towards the grill "I think thats sage" I turned to Elena "call Stefan" she pulled out her phone and dialed Stefans number and walked away to speak to him "who's Sage" Matt asked "I'm not sure I just heard Damon talking about him" I explained, Elena came rushing towards us "Rebekah and Klaus have Damon" and I swear in that moment my heart dropped.

"wait Stefans still going to try and kill Finn even when Damons life is hanging in the balance' I panicked, Elena nodded before turning to me "but Jayla if we kill Finn then Klaus will die and Damon will be okay" I turned look at her "are you serious right now Elena, if it was the other way round and it was Stefan you would stop everything to save him" I spat, Elena stepped back and hung her head in shame "we need to help them Jay" she said as she opened the bathroom door, signing I followed her back in to the grill.

Elena, Matt and I all hid in the back room which leads to the street outside the bar "you ready" Matt asked me as he handed me the cross bow "yeah" Matt quickly burst through the door. Finn was on the floor at the bottom of the stairs and Sage was at the top pinning Stefan to the floor. Without another thought I shot the stake in to Finns torso, narrowly missing his heart. Matt lunged forward and pulled to stake out before plunging it in to Finns heart, Ending his Life.

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