My Fault

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat down on the swing on the porch "don't listen to Katherine she always lies to save her own ass" Damon said bitterly as he sat down next to me "but what if she isn't" I looked up at him with watery eyes "then we will do something about it" I stood up and moved over to the railing "no because then Klaus will kill everyone I love" I felt tears escape my eyes "and there is nothing I can do about because either way one of us are going to die and I'm not letting her die to save me" I was sobbing now, Damon pulled me in to his arms soothing me "its not your fault I promise nothing is going to happen to you or Elena, I promise".

I strolled into the boarding house "Rose" I yelled, Rose came down the steps into the hall "Damon and Stefan are not here" I nodded following her into the living room "I know I'm here to see you" she chuckled and turn to look at me "that's exactly what Elena said" I pulled my eyebrows together "Elena" Rose nodded and pointed behind me, I turned to see Elena on the couch "what are you doing here Elena" she stood up frowning at me "I'm asking Rose to help us get more information" I raised my eyebrows at her and turned to Rose "so will you help us" she considered it "what's in it for me" Elena came to stand next to me "My friend Bonnie agreed to make you a daylight ring" she gaped at us "okay I'll help you'll, we'll go see slater first" we followed her out of the door.

Rose broke the door open with her hands "slater its Rose " there was no answer as we walked deeper into the apartment "I don't think he can help us"  Rose whispered suddenly "what why" we walked over to Rose "oh no" on the floor was slater with a stake in his chest puncturing his heart. We started to look around for anything that could help us when a woman came out of now where crying "Scarlet calm down" Rose soothed "she's slaters girlfriend" she sat her down on the couch "when did you get here" the girl sobbed once more before answering "about 5 minutes before you did" Rose nodded "when did you last see him alive" I asked keeping my voice gentle "yesterday morning"

When we had finally got Scarlet to calm down Elena sat down next to her "do you have the passwords to Slaters computer" the girl glared at Elena and crossed her arms over her chest "I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart geezs" I chuckled earning another glare "you see Rose over there she promises to turn you if you help us" I stated pointing to Rose who glared at me. Scarlet typed the password into the computer "the systems been wiped but luckily for you Slater was paranoid so he had a back up system" she typed in another password and a list of contacts appeared "go to the most recent" Rose told her. One name appeared so she opened their messages "look they have exchanged many messages about Elijah" I pointed out before taking a deep breath "tell him the doppleganger is alive and is surrendering" I spoke clearly to Scarlet "what"  Rose whispered in disbelief. Elena nodded in agreement "yes tell them".

I stood in the kitchen sipping a glass of water, you know before I die of dehydration, I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin when I came face to face with a very pissed off Damon "What are you doing here" I hissed stepping back "saving your ass" I went to turn away when he gripped my arm "you shouldn't be here" he said pulling me closer to him "Damon" Elena's voice came from behind me but Damon kept staring at me "Damon this is our decision" Elena said making Damon look up at her "and who's going to protect your asses while your both out making these decisions" he snarled, I pulled my arm out of his grip "we don't get to make decisions because you and Stefan do it for us, Klaus is going to kill every single person I love including you if we cross him" I growled loudly. Damon just stared at me before griping my arm and dragging me towards the door, I pulled away again "get your ass out that door before I throw you over my should and carry you out, you too Elena" Damon started pulling me closer to the door when two vampires appeared. They eyed Elena then me their faces twisting with shock. Really again.

"We're here for the doppleganger both of them" I went to move past Damon when he pulled be back "I will break your arm" he whispered to me before looking back at the vampires "nope no doppleganger here" the other vampire was about to speak when Elijah appeared between them with their hearts in his hands. I stared at Elijah as he did me, I opened my mouth to speak but he was gone.

Elena went home after the discovery of Stefan being trapped in the tomb with Katherine but I stayed at the boarding house so Damon could keep an eye on me "you know that was a very stupid move you made today" Damon commented as he sat on the couch opposite the one I was curled up on "no stupid was that I got caught" I played with the hem of the silk blanket that was covering me "why can't I stay at home" I asked as he sipped his bourbon "because I'm on Jayla suicide watch and Bonnies on Elena suicide watch" he smirked, my phone began ringing I picked up hitting answer as I did "hello Elena" she was quiet for a minute "I made a deal with Elijah"...................................

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