Deep under

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Jayla's P.O.V

I pulled the covers back as my alarm clock blasted my favorite song, I danced my way over to my mirror singing along. After showing I pulled on my cheer uniform and "hello my darling twin sister" I chirped as I hip bumped Elena who burst out laughing "good morning girls" Aunt Jenna greeted, Elena and I made our way over to the kitchen island "Jeremy locked him self in the bathroom again, does he think we don't know what he's doing in there" I told them and I shivered "it's gross" Aunt Jenna and Elena chuckled "he's 14, they don't think" Elena shook her head and reached for the coffee "hey" Aunt Jenna slapped her hand away "you'll get me in trouble" she said nodded to behind us "morning" I spun around to see Mom walking towards us "morning Mom" Elena and I said at the same time, Mom chuckled and grabbed my face kissing my cheek before doing the same to Elena "my gorgeous girls"

I jolted up to see I was in a hospital bed, I looked around to see Jeremy and Elena standing outside of my room. I signed as I relaxed a little, my dream was a memory of when life seemed normal. I guess I miss it, I miss them.

Jeremy had finally persuaded Meredith to let me go home because I only had a minor concussion and I really did feel better. I sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket "guys I'm being over coddled, I feel completely fine" I stated looking over at Elena, Matt and Stefan. Stefan laid out some plates "your on house arrest your supposed to be coddled" I shook my head at him "wouldn't it be smarter if we just got the both of them the hell out of town" Matt snapped slightly "and do what, go on the run for the rest of our lives" Elena snorted as I wrapped my covers up "no thank you, and I'm not and invalid" I said getting up and putting the covers away, I walked out in to the hall way to see the door open and Elijah standing in front of me "Stefan" I called out as I held Elijah's gaze. Stefan appeared behind me "Elijah" Elijah looked up at Stefan "hello again"

"Once he's been disarmed and the weapon is in my possession, me and my family will scatter to the ends of the earth with Klaus' body and Alaric will follow" Elijah explained as we all sat around the kitchen table "what and you just run" Stefan asked skeptically "we've done it before, Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years escaping my father so whats another half a century while Elena and Jayla live out the rest of their human life" Elijah said looking at us, Elena crossed her arms and lent on the table "we finally stopped him Elijah after everything he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back" she told him softly, Elijah moved closer to look Elena in the eye "I give you my word Elena, I will not revive Klaus within your lifespan or even you grand children's lifespan. Maybe it will finally teach him some manors" I felt bad as I stared at Elijah, he was just trying to keep his family safe and I can understand that "why should they even trust you, all you've done is screw them over" Matt spat as he rested his hands on my shoulders "and for that I am deeply ashamed but know this they could have been dead the moment I walked through that door tonight, Jayla your very observant so I leave it down to you to decide whether to trust me or not"

Everyone turned to look at me as I held Elijah's gaze "not hello, did that concussion give you brain damage his lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get" Damon yelled from the phone that sat in the middle of the table, where he had been on loud speaker the entire time "Rebekah and Kol honor the terms if you return Klaus' body to us Elena and Jayla will come to no harm" I sat back against my chair "do we have a deal" Stefan and Matt glared Elijah down "no no no no, did I mention no" Damon spoke again into the speaker "Jayla Elena, it's up to you" Stefan said reluctantly "ahh come on" Damon commented again "why do you want Klaus' body" I asked speaking for the first time "he's my brother we remain together" I smiled slightly "we have a deal"

We put the plan straight in to action with Jeremy telling Alaric where Klaus' body was so Stefan and Elijah could disarm him, Stefan and Jeremy left about 20 minuets ago leaving Elena, Matt and I to wait. I sat on my window seat while Elena sat opposite me "aww thank you" I said as Matt handed Elena and I a hot cup of tea, I took a nice big gulp and nearly chocked "yeah sorry I over honeyed" I chuckled at him "so Stefan" Matt said looking at Elena "he saved our life you know, I never told you that. The night our parent's car went over Wickery Bridge Stefan was the one who got us out of the car" Elena told him as she held my hand "so what you feel like you owe him" Matt asked bluntly "no it's not that, after the accident I felt like I didn't know how to live anymore, like I didn't want to. But then being with Stefan somehow I figured it out and that's what love should be, you should love the person that makes you glad that your alive" She gushed smiling slightly. Matt turned to look at me with raised eyebrows "and Damon really" I looked down smiling slightly "Damon kind of just snuck up on me, when I'm with him it just consumes me its passionate and unpredictable" I explained with a on my lips "so whats the problem" Matt asked smirking, I took another gulp of my tea before looking at him "would it make me a bad person if I was willing to over look ever bad thing Damon has done" Matt shook his head and rubbed my shoulder "no it makes you human" I nodded and lent my head against the window then everything seemed to fade.

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