I'll Protect You

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Jayla's P.O.V

I called Damon's phone again and I still didn't get an answer, I groaned slamming my phone down. What if he does something stupid or reckless that could get him killed, I shook my head trying to clear those thoughts out of my head. Signing I grabbed my jacket and phone "Elena are you ready" she nodded grabbing her keys. I followed her down the stairs "are you okay" she asked worryingly "I'm fine" I stated as we got in to her car.

The drive to the boarding house was silent, I was pissed off and I was scared I'd say something I didn't mean. We pulled in to the boarding house and I got out with Elena following close behind "we have to tell them about ester" I nodded in agreement. Just as we were about to open the door it swung open to reveal a very tacky looking Rebekah, whose dress was ripped and her shoes in her hand. Behind Rebekah was Damon with a sheet wrapped around his waist. Rage burst through me but I pushed it away, I kept my gaze on the floor as Rebekah walked past us smirking "good morning Elena, Jayla" Damon greeted with that stupid smirk plastered on his face, I looked up at him almost feeling my heart break. I pushed past him in to the boarding house and sat down on the sofa, Elena followed behind.

"You should know Ester plans on killing her entire family" Elena told him harshly "that's great, isn't that what we wanted" Damon snapped at Elena, I stared at him "so why do you look like someone shot a puppy" he joked staring down at me , I stood up from the couch "we want Klaus dead not them all, I mean shouldn't you at least care about Rebekah" I sneered crossing my arms over my chest. Damon stepped closer to me so my body was against his but I didn't back down "don't mess this up Jayla" I shook my head "Elijah helped you, saved your life many times" I whispered looking up at him, when he didn't reply my face twisted with anger "you don't care about anyone but your self" I spat stepping away from him "I'm going home" I added slamming the front door behind me.

I sat next to Bonnie on my bed as she held the sage over the candle "he practically rubbed it in my face, like he was proud of him self for sleeping with her" I explained growing more frustrated with the thought of Damon "is it working" Elena asked standing up, Caroline head popped in throughout the door "nope I can hear every word you say about Damon the vampire jiggalow" I chuckled at her before turning to back to Bonnie "it's a tricky spell" Bonnie confirmed "ester kept the sage burning longer, there was a lot more smoke" Elena told her as she sat down on the end of the bed "speaking of ester, she came to see me and Abby this morning" my eyes widened and I frowned slightly "wait so you let me bitch about Damon when you had news on ester" I questioned looking at her "I just didn't want you guys to worry" I shook my head at her "so what did she say" Elena asked, Bonnie placed the burnt sage in the tray "she just wanted to introduce herself, it was Abby and I who brought her back so she is chanelling our magic" I sat forwards and placed my hand under my chin "I feel so bad, all I keep thinking about is how Elijah did everything in his power to try and keep me alive before the sacrifice and I'm in the same position, and I'm just going to sit here and let him die" Elena confessed.

Caroline barged in "first off this spell is totally not working and second, Elena your not doing this ester is" Caroline said softly "but it doesn't change the way we feel" I added. Bonnie turned to look at us "it's doesn't matter any way, he'll be dead by the end of the night" my jaw hit the ground at how cold Bonnie sounded "wait, what" I choked out "it's a full moon and ester needs the harness the magic and she asked me and Abby to join her"

I sat on top of the kitchen island with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand, Elena followed me home shortly after I left the boarding house. She was upstairs in her room, I groaned as a knock on the door filled my ears. I slid off the counter and walked towards the front door, I heard Elena walking down the stairs behind me. I opened the front door "Elijah" I breathed out looking up at him, he smiled "hello Jayla, Elena I don't mean to intrude, I was wondering if you'd both like to go somewhere with me. I want to show you something" he asked politely, I felt the guilt settle in "umm sure" I grabbed my coat from the coat hanger and handed Elena hers "thank you".

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