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Jayla's P.O.V

"Wait! so you think that Ric is actually the one doing all the killing" I ask Meredith, she looks over at Ric, who lay still in the MRI machine "I do, but we can help him" she reassurre ,trying to comfort me. "So what exactly are we looking for" I asked staring at the screen "a tumor, an anomaly anything physical that can explain his behavior, if its medical I can treat it" I frowned

staring down at the picture of Ric's brain "and if its not" Meredith looked up at me and smiled sadly "well then we'll deal with that too" Rics body disappeared in to the machine and I felt my nerves set in. I turned to Meredith "when did you suspect it was Ric who was killing people" Meredith signed and turned to face me "it was after he told me about his ring, I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this but us Fell's our notorious busy bodies" she explained smiling slightly, I chuckled at her "but then why did you protect him" I asked as Meredith's cheeks turn slightly pink "because I'm a doctor and I don't like to see someone hurt because of something they have no control over, and because when he and I first met, you know I guess I just really want to help him" she confessed as I smiled to myself."I know you do and I know he's grateful"

I signed as I stepped out of the MRI room "how's he doingin there" I jumped at the sound of Damon's voice "he's fine" I spat turning to face him "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Damon smirked, when I didn't reply Damon signed "don't worry Jayla, I wont let him kill anyone. I'll take him out for some chicken soup and maybe a cocktail. We'll figure this out" he placed his hands on my shoulders "I promise" I stared up at him, debating my response "what are you doing here" Elena sneered as she approached us "I'm picking Ric up" Elena just glared at him "oh come on your not mad about Stefan, are you" Damon teased, Elena ignored him "listen to me, hes struggling big time and right now is not the time for him to go off the rails. I'm just teaching him a little self control" Damon explained, Elena Scoffed and pointed her finger at him "your the wrong person to be teaching anyone self control"

"I don't know shes really struggling Jay" Caroline told me, I turned the volume up on my loud speaker so I could hear her better "she'll be okay, I mean she has you and Bonnie there to help her" I sat crossed legged on the kitchen counter while Ric sat in the living room and Meredith made tea, We were on Ric watch "I just really want to help her, you know for Bonnie. I mean she only just got her mom back" Caroline stressed, I already felt guilty and it hurts, knowing that Bonnie's in this situation because of us "I promise everything is going to be okay, I call you later okay" I said in to speaker before hanging up.

I could hear Ric's light snores from the couch "do you want some tea" Meredith asked smiling at me "thanks" I gently took the cup from her hands "Ric do you want some tea" Ric jolted awake slightly "urm yeah, sure" his voice sounded a little harsh, Ric stood up from the couch and made his way over to us "Meredith, can I ask you a question" Ric asked leaning against the counter next to me "no mustard, I know you hate mustard" she stated smiling as she looked over her shoulder at him. Ric completely ignored her "do you feel remorse" I froze as Meredith turned to look at him "sorry" she asked as confusion clouded her expression, I slid off the counter slowly "well you are a council member and the council was formed to protect the people of this town from vampires" Ric slid the chopping knife of the counter and stalked towards Meredith "and there you all are looking the other way, even you and your vampire blood" I stepped closer to Ric "Ric please" I choked out as my heart raced "so I'm asking you, do you ever feel remorse" he stared at Meredith with so much hate it made my stomach churn."because you should" before I could react Ric swung the knife towards Meredith and the blade caught her side."Meredith run" I screamed as I chucked my boiling hot tea over Ric and dashed towards the stairs. I made it up half way up the stairs before Ric tackled me to the floor "don't do this Ric, this isn't you" I pleaded as he stared down at me "this is the real me Jayla, I'm trying to protect this town from vampires. Surely you can understand that, but then again you are in love with one" before I could reply Ric hit my head against the stairs and everything around me seemed to fade away.

"Jayla wake up, please wake up" I felt my head pound as I tried to focus on opening my eyes, I opened my eyes to see Stefan standing above me "hey are you okay" I nodded slowly before trying to get up "what happened, wheres Meredith" Elena appeared holding a damp flannel "Meredith's fine, Stefan gave her his blood. Are you okay, Ric hit your head pretty hard" she placed the flannel on my head "I'm okay, what happened to Ric" Elena rubbed my back soothingly "hes knock out, Stefan put him on the couch" I rested my head on Elena's shoulder "I've never seen him like that, it was as though he had no feelings at all. No guilt, no fear. Nothing" I explained remembering the cold look on Ric's face, the look of a killer.

I sat next to Damon as we watched over Ric, Ric stired in his sleep "what the hell are you doing here" he asked looking over at Damon "relax, I'm just watching over you and making sure the witch didn't turn you in to a toad. Don't worry she only did a little spell to put the killer in you at bay" Damon smirked slightly. Ric flexed out his hand where Meredith stabbed him with a pair of scissors "what happened" he asked sitting up "lets just say you have an alter ego who is hell bent on killing council members, so we're going to pack up some off your stuff take you home and keep you on house arrest" Damon explained placing his arm on the back of my chair "wait, where's Meredith" He asked slightly panicked "she'll be fine Ric" Damon and Ric shared a look before Ric looked down and signed "Jayla are you okay" I smiled at him "I'm okay Ric" he seemed unsure "I didn't hurt you, did I" I shook my head "no I'm okay, I promise" I said in a positive voice, trying my best to convince him "come on, I'll take you home" Damon stated standing up. I kissed Ric on the cheek and said good bye before following Damon out of the room,

"why didn't you tell him" Damon asked as we got in to his car "what, and tell him that he smashed my head against the stairs so hard he knocked me out. He already feels guilty and it must be hard form him. I don't need to make it worse" I pulled my sleeves over my hands as I spoke "we're going to help him Jayla, hes going to be okay" Damon grabbed my hand and held it tight "everyone around Elena and I are getting hurt" I choked out as I lent my head against the window "I promise you Jayla, I wont let anyone hurt you" I turned my head to look at him, Damon was already looking back at me "thats what scares me the most" Damon gripped my hand tighter "I don't want to lose you" I pulled my hand away and got out of the car and began to walk up the porch steps. Damon appeared in front of me "you wont lose me, but I also refuse to lose you"

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