Uncle John

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Jayla's P.O.V

I stood in the boarding house living room staring at Elena like I'm going to kill her "you made a deal with Elijah" she nodded innocently "yes he promised to keep every one safe from Klaus if we do nothing and then when Klaus is here he will kill him" signing I sat down next to her and looked over at Damon and Stefan "now what" I asked out loud Damon smirked and looked over at Stefan "I think we're just going to have to see what Elijah meant by killing Klaus and how he plans on doing it" Stefan shrugged as his phone rang "I'll see you guys later I have to deal with this" he gave Elena a kiss then disappeared out the door, I turned to Damon "so what are we doing today " Damon smirked at me "we're going to go visit uncle John" I stood up shaking my head "no I've been avoiding him since he got here" Damon chuckled and held the door open for me "of course you have, come on" Elena stood up and followed us out "I'm coming with you".

We walked in to the grill already noticing John at the bar, Elena and I stayed at the table while Damon went to speak to him "so where's Stefan" I asked as Elena pulled out her phone "he said he's talking to Tyler because he found out about Mason" I felt guilt wash over me as I stared down at the table mat "oh" I responded weakly. I stood up walking over to the bar, I noticed the look on Damon's face clearly stating that he heard about Tyler.

I pulled quickly pulled him in to the bathroom "no you can't this is Tyler" I gushed at him "Tyler will kill us any chance he gets and we have to get Caroline" I shook my head pacing back and forth "no there's got to be another way, you can't hurt Tyler Damon" I choked out as Damon stepped closer "look jewels wants Tyler in exchange for Caroline its not a full moon there isn't a fight" I placed my hand on his arm "that's not the point" suddenly John burst through in "do you want to tell me whats going on " he asked looking over at me "Jayla" I looked down refusing to answer, Damon turned around to look at John "no but first be a dad and ground your daughter tonight" Damon stated before walking away "no Damon wait" I went to go after him when John stopped me "I'm with Damon on this one Jayla" giving up I push past him and sat back down next to Elena "great John just grounded us" she shook her head in disappointment "I can't believe he told Jenna about him being our dad" I nodded in agreement.

I paced my room along with Elena who was staring up at the ceiling, there was a knock at the door then Stefan walked in "are you okay" Elena gushed as she jumped up to hug him "I'm alright but I need a favor from you both" I stood next to Elena and smiled at Stefan "sure " he took Elena's hand "I need you both to go to Caroline's, she's really upset" I smiled widely and looked over at Elena "slumber party" she nodded in agreement, we gathered a load of chocolate and ice cream "that should be enough"

Stefan knocked on the door and Caroline came out "I'm okay honestly" I could tell she was lying "I know that's why I bought back up" we came out to hug her tightly, I held her close as I felt her tears soak my top. I'm going to kill Tyler "don't worry Care we're going to slumber it"..........

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