My Blank Pages

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Jayla's P.O.V

I began to panic as Elena pulled out her phone and called Caroline "Jayla go and make sure Damon doesn't hurt Caroline" I nodded as I ran back towards the Lockwood mansion,  I heard a loud thud so I took off towards the source. I opened the door to see Damon pinning Caroline to the table by her throat "Damon stop" I yelled "I'm stronger than you little girl" Damon sneered ignoring me "yeah well I'm angrier" Caroline spat twisting Damon's arm back before colliding her head with his, knocking him back "Caroline get him out of here" I said gesturing to bill, she nodded and sped away with her dad "bummer I love a good girl fight" Damon joked as he stood up.

"what the hell is your problem" I yelled furiously "what he was going to out me" Damon said stepping closer to me "that is Caroline's father Damon" he smirked "then she'll have one more parent than we do" Elena came running "Damon you can't do this, not here and especially not around us" Elena yelled holding my hand tightly "why because I'm a vampire Elena its what I am" he snarled back "yes but you don't have to act like one" she resorted "I'm not Stefan Elena so why don't you stop trying to turn me in to him" Damon said pushing past us.

I sat in my bed with my diary on my pillow, I stared at the empty page unable to fill it with inspiring words or feelings. Maybe because I'm not sure how I feel. Leaning over I turned my light out and pulled my duvet closer to my body, trapping the warmth......

Their Princess  (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now