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Jayla's P.O.V

I lifted my dress as I carefully climbed the steps towards the entrance "it's huge" Elena commented as she gazed up at th mansion "what did you expect from a family of ancient vampires" I chuckled handing the door man my wrap and thanking him. There was a dance floor filled with people taking and introducing themselves, there was also I beautiful descending stair case in the centre of the room. I felt and arm wrap around my waist tightly "nice dress what are you doing here I thought I told you not to come" Damon snapped, I turned to face him so my chest was against his "ester wants to see me Damon" I stated looking around the room "anyway I'm here now so" he signed and held his arm out, I linked mine in to his. Damon lead us through the dance floor towards Carol Lockwood, who was talking to a very attractive man "good evening Carol" I greeted sweetly, Damon smiled at her slightly "good evening Jayla you look stunning" Carol complimented "as do you" the man she was speaking to caught my hand and carefully brought it up to his lips "Kol, Kol Mikaelson. You must be the breath taking Jayla Rosalie Gilbert" I nodded bowing slightly "nice to meet you Kol" I smiled, Damon gently pulled me back "Damon Salvatore, have we met" Damon asked, Kols eyes shifted from me to Damon "I've met a lot of people and you don't particularly stand out" Kol smirked walking away. Carol glared at Damon "don't do anything stupid Damon" Carol warned, Damon shrugged slightly "at least we know who your borrowing you cup of sugar from" Damon sassed "well when a family of the oldest deadliest vampire move in to your town you embrace it" I snickered to my self before backing away from Damon "I'm going to get a drink" I stated walking away.

I stood at the small bar with a glass of champagne in my hand "you look beautiful" I stiffened before tuning around to come face to face with Klaus "thank you" I faked a smile, he reached his hand out and brushed a long dark ringlet away from my face "I was right about the dress" he smirked moving to stand next to me "well I didn't really have time to shop" I joked nervously playing with the bracelet on my wrist, I noticed Damon walking towards us "Klaus, nice tux" Damon stated sarcastically, he gently slipped his hand down my arm to my hand, Damon glared at Klaus "why thank you Damon" Klaus stated calmly, Klaus looked over at me for a moment before something over my shoulder caught his eye "excuse me for a moment" Klaus eyed Damon before carefully brushing past me "save me a dance" he whispered.

My hand was still in Damon's "come on" he pulled me in to his side. The entire original family gathered on the Victorian stair case "every time my mother throws a party it is traditional for us to dance the waltz so please join me on the dance floor" Elijah spoke confidentially, Elena had moved to stand next to me "look" she motioned towards the pretty woman standing at the top of the stair case "that's ester" I whispered. I moved quickly towards the stair case "what do you think your doing" Damon grabbed my forearms "she wants to see us alone Damon" I tried to reason with him "over my dead body" his minty breath his my lips like a brick wall "dance with me" he breathed holding is hand out "it's tradition" I placed my hand in his and he pulled me against his chest, his hand held on to me tightly as though he was scared I'd disappear.

The music started and we gracefully moved as one "if it wasn't already obvious, look absolutely gorgeous You always do" I blushed slightly as I searched his eyes "thank you Damon" he bowed he head slightly, it was time switch partners and Damon gently spun me in to familiar arms "good evening Jayla" I looked up to see Elijah staring down at me "hey Elijah" he smiled sweetly as he swept us across the dance floor "you look stunning" he complimented "thank you Elijah, you look handsome" he chuckled and twirled me around, out of the corner of my eye I saw Elena and Stefan leave the dance floor and disappear somewhere "Damon has been watching your every move since you left his arms" Elijah commented calmly.

I didn't dare to turn round to look at Damon as I already knew it was true "he just wants to keep me safe" Elijah nodded in agreement. It was time for another switch and this time it was Klaus, Elijah spun me directly in to his arms "hello love" Klaus' hand brushed the bare skin of my back before settling at my waist, the music was slow and enchanting "your an amazing dancer" I felt his eyes searching my face "well I've had dance lessons since before I could walk" he chuckled as he carefully dipped me "I know" he stated proudly "I'm sorry about Carolines father" he suddenly said, I looked up at him to see the sympathy "thank you" I brushed my hair over my shoulder as I stared up him. The song finished and I stepped away from him, before I could say anything Damon appeared at my side "I need to talk to you" he placed the Palm of his hand against the small of my back. He ushered me towards an empty corridor "what's going on"  I asked turning to look at him "Elena said she needed our help" he stated pulling me in to the study.

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