Blue Dress, Blue Box

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Jayla's P.O.V

I lent against the island in the kitchen "so now we have an original family living in Mystic Falls" Ric stated pouring him self another cup of coffee and trust me he needs it, Damon nodded as he lent against the island next to me "seems like it, so now we need to work on another way to get rid of them" I shook my head in disagreement "that was our only chance and its to risky now" I stated sternly, I didn't want anyone to get hurt. There was knock on the front door "I'll get it" I straightened myself out before walking towards the door.

I opened the front door but no one was there, instead there were two envelopes, I picked them up and walked back in to the kitchen "here" I handed Elena the one with her name on it "what is it" Damon asked from behind me "it's an invitation from the Mikaelson family" I answered opening my envelope "who the hell is the mikaelson family" Damon hissed, the invitation was beautifully written in small black handwriting "the original family, join us for music, dancing and cocktails" Elena read out loud "it's bad enough they moved to town and now they want a welcoming gift" Damon stated sarcastically, I chuckled at him which made him smile back "dear Elena I think it's time we finally meet Ester" Elena whispered as she turned her invitation over, I turned mine over "mine says the same" I stated, before I could put my invitation away Damon grabbed "save me a dance love Klaus" Damon said reading the second massage I purposely ignored, I rolled my eyes "to bad your aren't going" he hissed "Wait, if ester wants to see us then we're going" I stated snatching the invitation from him hand "Stefan back me up" Damon said looking over at Stefan "maybe its a bad idea" I shrugged grabbing my coat "too bad" I sassed walking out of the front door with Elena behind me.

"Please come Caroline,you can be my plus one" I begged giving her my best puppy eyes "no and isn't Damon going to be your plus one, I mean you did kiss" Caroline replied flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder and smirk in at me "what no, please" ass on que Rebekah strolled in to the grill and all the way over to Matt, who was working his shift. Rebekah pulled out a small envelop, identical to our invitations "is she asking him to the ball, why is she asking him to the ball" Caroline sneered as we all gawked as Rebekah handed the invention over "looks like it" Elena said as she lent back in her chair. Rebekah smiled at me on her way out and I couldn't tell if it was a sinister smile or a general one "fine what time is this stupid ball" Caroline gave in throwing a little tantrum.

When I got home the house was empty, Ric was with Damon and Elena went to see Bonnie. I groaned dragging my self up the stairs to my bedroom, the ball was tonight and I didn't have a dress or anything really. I pulled my coat off and threw it over my dresser chair, I opened my wardrobe doors and shuffled through all the items of clothing. I stopped when I got to my cheerleading uniform, it was from when I was fourteen. My mom encouraged Elena and I to join the cheerleading squad alone with Caroline and Bonnie, I was hesitant at first but I loved the idea of being part of a team. There was nothing in there suitable for a ball, I noticed something blue on my bed in the reflection on my dresser mirror. I turned around to see a blue box on my bed with a white ribbon, cautiously I stepped over to my bed. The box was a velvet light blue with small white embellishments, the ribbon was beautifully tied in the center of the box. There was a small rectangular card tucked in to the ribbon, I turned the small card over the see a small message.

"blue is your colour, it defines your beauty which compels others"- Klaus

I stared at the card for a moment longer before shakly removing the lid of the box, inside was a beautiful dark blue dress, I had crystals on the sweetheart neckline and on the waist, where the dress flared out in to ruffles and gorgeous roses. I gasped dropping the dress back in to the box. I groaned as I walked down the stairs, I didn't have time to go shopping for a dress and the ball was is in a few hours. Elena walked in hold a huge dress bag "hey did you find a dress" she asked handing the bag on the coat hanger "nope Klaus decided to get me one without me knowing" I stated sarcastically, she turned to face me with her eyebrows raised "yep I came home to find it on my bed" I explained as I stood up from my chair. Elena looked down at her watch well if we want to get there without Damon or Stefan trying to stop us the we need to start getting ready"

I stared at my self in the mirror, my waist long chocolate  hung in tight curls down my back. My hair was longer than Elenas and wilder, which was extremely annoying. My shoulders were bare and I wore a pair of dark blue gloves to match my . My heels were black but you couldn't see them because of the length of my dress. Klaus was right the blue brought out my eyes and lips, it also complimented my skin. The dress was tight around the cleavage and waist the puffed out. The necklace Damon bought went well with it and so did the bracelet Ric bought me for my birthday. I grabbed my clutch and headed down stairs "Jayla you look stunning" Elena and Caroline gushed "so do you" it was true Elenas dress was gorgeous and she looked beautiful in it, Carolines dress looked familiar, it was the dress she was going to wear for miss mystic falls before she chose the green one. Elena looked at the old clock on the wall before signing "looks like it's time to go"

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