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Jayla's P.O.V

Klaus dragged us in to the gym while I continued to struggle against his grip "attention seniors you have officially been busted prank night is over head on home, you two I remember you" Klaus said stopping Dana and Jared "I'm sorry who are you" Dana questioned staring up at him "sorry I wasn't in my right head when we last met, Dana lift your foot and if she drops it Jared I want you to beat her to death" Klaus compelled them, I pushed my way in front of Klaus "no Klaus please you don't need to hurt anyone" I pleaded urgently, Klaus brought his hand up to my cheek "oh of cause I do love"

Dana stumbled, almost falling over "keep it up" Klaus taunted as he watched her "where's Stefan what did you do to him" Elena asked quickly yanking herself out of his grip, Klaus turned to face us and smirked "oh he's taking a little time out" suddenly the doors opened and Bonnie bounced in "Bonnie run" I yelled but Klaus appeared behind her causing her to jump "I'm assuming your the reason Elena's still breathing" Klaus accused grabbing her arm "yes so if your going to blame anyone then blame me" Bonnie hissed loudly. Klaus laughed and pulled her further in to the gym "now now love there's no need for that, but I'm going to let you fix it" just then a pretty blonde walked in with Tyler struggling in her arms "I would like you all to meet my sister Rebekah and to be warned she can be a little mean" Klaus joked pulling Tyler from her grasp.

"Don't be an ass" Rebekah snarled, Klaus shrugged her off and held Tyler tightly "every time I try to create a hybrid it dies in transition, its rather nasty so I want you to fix my hybrids Bonnie" Klaus explained before he roughly wrapped his hands around Tyler's neck, snapping it "Tyler" I screeched as I went to run to his side but Klaus caught me by my waist and pulled me against him, pinning my arms down "and for Tyler's sake I would hurry" Bonnie and Matt disappeared out of the gym leaving us with Klaus "so this is the latest doppelganger" Rebekah said eyeing Elena "the original was much prettier" she commented harshly, Klaus pulled me forward to his sister "oh but not as pretty as this one. You must be Jayla, I've heard a lot about you" .

Stefan walked in slowly "ah come to save your damsel mate" Klaus asked smirking while taking taunting steps towards him "I'm here to ask for your forgiveness" Stefan said quietly, my mouth hit the floor "Elena means nothing to me" Stefan continued,  I laced my fingers through Elena's and squeezed her hand "okay lets drink on it mate" Klaus said after a moment of deafening silence, Klaus pointed at Dana and Jared "kill them" he spat.

Elena gasped "no Stefan don't" she pleaded standing up "kill them ripper"Klaus repeated, Elena shook her head yelling "no Klaus please don't do this to him" Klaus spun around as his hand came in contact with Elena's cheek sending her backwards "Elena" I cried running to her help her up, Klaus had Stefan by his throat "she doesn't mean anything,  your lies just keep piling up don't they" Klaus sneered in to Stefan's face "just don't hurt them and I'll do anything you want, I give you my word" Stefan choked out glancing at us "your word doesn't mean very much, I've lived by your word all summer, in which I've never had to result to this. Stop fighting" Klaus said compelling Stefan "now kill them ripper"

"What did you do to him" I asked as Klaus sat behind me on the bleachers "I invited him to the party he's the one dancing on the table" Klaus muttered proudly, suddenly the doors burst opened and Rebekah stormed in "wheres my necklace I know you have it, where is it" she spat speeding towards Elena but Klaus got there before her "whats going on" he asked looking down at his sister "my necklace, I know she has it" Rebekah spat, Elena stiffened "I don't have it anymore" Rebekah's eyes changed and her fangs grew "your lying" just before she could bite into Elena I screamed, jumping up "no she's not, Katherine took it I swear" Rebekah looked over at me before stepping back "ahh well this makes things a little harder, lets put a clock on it shall we"

Klaus walked over to the gym clock and set it for 20 minutes "when time runs out I want you to feed again this time on Elena, you know you want to. Nobody leaves here if she runs I want you to fracture her spine" Klaus compelled Stefan and pulled me towards the door "let me go now" I spat struggling against him "sorry love no can do" I struggled even harder as he pulled me past Elena "kill me not her" he chuckled ignoring me.

He pulled me down the corridors, he stopped and turned to me "sorry about this love" I growled "you're a monster" I spat, he chuckled "yes love and every monster has a weakness" then everything went completely black.....

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