He's Sired

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Jayla's P.O.V

I continued lifting the weights when Damon walked in "ahh someones working out" he teased,I hissed as I breathed out heavily "Stefan practically called Elena a human bloodbag today" I spat out "well" was Damon replied as he pushed down on the weights "Damon what are you doing" he pushed a little harder "come on buffy" I let my arms drop and Damon placed the weights back up "we need to do something about Stefan" Damon grabbed on of the knives than sat on the draws "really oh mighty warrior princess" I shook my head at him and signed "can we be serious" I pleaded.

Damon pulled me towards him and grabbed my hand placing it on his chest "what are you doing" I felt my heart beat increase "feel that, stone" he spun me around so my back was pressed against his chest,  I felt his hand slip under my top to my ribs "right there, under the rib cage that's the way to a vampires heart Jayla" I felt his breath on my ear causing me to shiver "I'll do what you need me to do Jayla, nobody's going to hurt you especially not my brother"

I groaned as we went over the plan again, I was sat next to Damon on one of the desks in Ric's classroom "right so we'll lead Stefan away from the bonfire where Ric is" Elena said turning to look me "yes, Caroline did you do it" I asked Caroline, who lent on the table "I will make sure that the old forbes jail cell is prepped and ready" I smiles tightly nodding, this will work.

Tyler strolled in wearing the same smirk he always wore when we were dating. The dickhead Tyler smirk. I stood up "Tyler can you rade your moms vervain cellar, just enough to keep Stefan down" he looked at me like I was crazy "you can't do that to Stefan" I felt Damon's hand slide into my back pocket as he pulled me back slightly "what, Tyler its in Stefan's best interest" Elena tried to reason "yeah but its not in Klaus' " I stared at Tyler in disbelief "yeah but Klaus is the bad guy Tyler" Caroline exclaimed "no Klaus has given my this...gift I'm in his debt" Tyler said proudly.

I turned back to see Damon staring intensely at Tyler as his grip on me tighten "Tyler why are you acting like some freaky hybrid slave minion" Caroline asked turning her body to face him completely. Tyler snorted and turning to leave, suddenly Damon sped past me and injected Tyler with vervain "Damon what the hell" Caroline yelled dropping to her knees next to him "he's sired" Damon stood next to me "what does that mean" I asked looking up at him "it means that because it was Klaus' blood that turned him he feels forever in Klaus' debt, he'll do anything Klaus wants him to" I stared back down at Tyler and Caroline "well how do we fix it"she asked looking back at us "get a new boyfriend" Damon replied seriously.

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