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Jayla's P.O.V

Sage and Finn are dead, Damon's life is hanging in the balance and I'm sat here staring at the corpse of two vampires who just tried to kill us "they just died, maybe Sage died of a broken heart" Caroline breathed out staring down at Sage "that doesn't explain Troy" I stated gesturing to Troy's dead body, he was Sages prodigy. I stared at the blood seeping from the side of Sages mouth, Blood "it's the blood" Stefan turned to look at me "think about it Finns an original, he then turned Sage who turned Troy. Their from the same blood line that originated with Finn, so when Finn died everyone from his bloodline died with him" Elena stared at me in disbelief "so if the originals die, then so do all of you"

I grabbed the remaining white oak stakes and packed them into a bag "what are you doing" Elena asked as I handed the bag to Stefan "we're going to help Damon" I stated pulling my coat on "let Stefan go, I want you to stay here. Bonnie said its not safe" I shook my head and turned to face her with my hands on my hips "well I don't really care about what you want right now Elena, Damon needs our help" I spun around and followed Stefan out of the boarding house, slamming the door behind me.

"Klaus I'm here, I want to make a deal" Stefan yelled loudly as he stormed into the huge Michelson mansion. We turned a corner to see Damon, his hands were pulled up using sharp mental clamps and the blood continued to seep out of his wounds "Damon" I gasped, Klaus appeared wiping his bloody hands on a napkin "Hello mate, Jayla its always a pleasure" Klaus flashed one of his dazzling smiles, I glared at him in disgust "I'm here to make a deal" Stefan spat stepping closer to Klaus "what kind of a deal" Rebekah asked appearing next to Klaus with an evil smirkon her face.

Stefan threw the bag down at Klaus' feet "Finn's dead" I spat gaining their attention "you killed my brother" Rebekah growled turning towards me "actually I killed your brother. The last 8 white oak stakes that can kill you in exchange for my brother" Stefan said calmly, Klaus stared down at the bag with an unreadable expression on his face 'who do I know this is the last of them" Klaus questioned with a devious look in his eyes "you'll just have to trust us" I said stepping forward, Klaus turned to look and smirked "I'll trust you but only if you'll trust me" Damon lifted his head up to look over at us "stay away from her" he choked out.

Klaus made his way over to Damon and grabbed his face "leave" Klaus said compelling him "no" I ran towards Damon but Klaus caught me, wrapping his arms around me "easy love"  struggled against his grip as Damon screamed in agony, His wrists almost tearing open "alright that's enough, don't hurt your self" Damon stopped and let his head drop "well now I know you can be compelled, tell me, how many white oak stakes are there excluding the one in my brother" Damon lifted his head up to look at Klaus, who still hasn't let me go "11" I felt my heart ache at the look in Damon's eyes "ahh so not 8 then" Klaus turned around to face Stefan "I'll get you the remaining two" Klaus shook his head "how can I trust you" I spun around to face Klaus, his face inches from mine "you can trust me, just give us Damon" I pleaded. Klaus just stared at me as if he was trying to read my mind "enough of this, take your brother and get us the remaining stakes" Rebekah snorted unclamping Damon's wrists.

I sat curled up on couch in the boarding house with my book on my lap, Elena had gone home with Caroline, and I decided to stay here tonight "must be one interesting book" Damon smirked coming in to the room "glad to see your okay" I stated sarcastically as I turned to look at him, he sat down opposite me "how are you feeling" he asked taking the book from my hands gently, I looked up him "I thought you were dead Damon" Damon shook his head but before he could reply Ric came in "we have a problem" he stated at he sat down next to Damon "just add it to the bottom of our never ending list of problems" Damon stated sarcastically "My white oak stake is not where I hid it" Ric explained slowly, I sat up straight "what do you mean its not where you hid it" I asked sternly "I mean its not there and I'm the only one who knew where it was" Damon stood up and downed the last of his bourbon "are you telling me that your crazy, vampire hating alter ego hid a stake that can kill an entire bloodline of vampires, possibly mine" Damon spat out, Ric sat back in his chair "that's exactly what I'm saying"

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