Sounds Like a Stefan and Klaus Problem

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat next to Elena in the Grill, Bonnie was telling us about her creepy dream "and you keep having this dream" Elena asked, Bonnie nodded sipping her drink "how are you both holding up"  I shrugged in response "well I was jogging this morning and I'm so paranoid".Klaus hasn't made a move against us since the night we tried to kill him, and since that night Katherine fled and Stefan's missing. Damon has literally been stuck to me like glue because he thinks Klaus might try something  "we're okay" Elena answered grabbing my hand under the table.

I stood up leaving Bonnie and Elena to talk "hey" Damon greeted as I sat on the stool between him and Ric "hey" I replied, I noticed Jeremy wasn't behind the bar "hey isn't Jeremy supposed to be working" I asked taking a gulp of Damon's bourbon, Damon and Ric shared a look "he was fired last week" I shook my head in confusion "why didn't he tell us" Ric shrugged and passed me a folder of paper "that's his midterm result" I stared down at the big 'F' on his paper "it was straight out copied from the internet" Ric explained, signing I placed the paper on the bar.

I stood next to Damon as he threw another dart at the dartboard, hitting the bull "you have to teach me how to do that" I stated, without warning he pulled me back against him and held the dart in my hand "focus and aim" I did as he said, his hand held mine as I threw the dart and it almost hit the middle "thanks" he chuckled moving closer to me "am I interrupting" we turned to see Klaus casually leaning against the table "what are you doing here" Damon spat standing in front of me "oh I was just visiting the local bar, you see I've come to like this little town and I've decided to take a permanent residence. Now you may be thinking how will this affect your life, simple it won't as long as Stefan gives me my family" Klaus explained, I stepped out from behind Damon "well we don't know where Stefan is" Klaus looked over at me and smiled "we haven't seen him since he saved your ass" Damon stated grabbing my hand "well I need to find him he has my family, the rest on the originals. And if I don't find him war will break loose" I stepped closer to Klaus "that sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem" Klaus moved his face closer to me "well consider this me broadening the scope" he whispered before walking away "Damon what are we going to do"

I helped Elena set the table as Jeremy walked in "hey" he greeted as he got a bottle of water from the fridge "sit down we're having a nice normal family dinner" Elena said smiling "actually I can't Tyler's waiting outside" I looked up at him "why are you hanging out with Tyler" I asked politely, he shrugged "Jeremy he's sired to Klaus" Elena exclaimed "You of all people Elena can't tell me who to hang out with" Elena went to protest when Jeremy continued "you want to have dinner fine, yo Tyler come on in" the front door opened and Tyler walked in, I stared up at a very smug looking Jeremy "hey Tyler" I greeted sweetly "hey Jay" Tyler said smiling. Ric set out dinner and sat down next to me "so Tyler tell me what is the difference between compulsion and being sired" Ric asked casually, Tyler signed before answering "compulsion you do it because you were told to where as being sired is like..religion you do it because you feel it's the right thing to do" Tyler explained "so if Klaus asked you to jump off a cliff you'd do it" Elena spat bitterly "what, he wouldn't and if he did I'd be fine. I'm a hybrid." Elena shrugged "okay we'll what if he asked you to rip your own heart out" Elena resorted "again he wouldn't" I looked over a Jeremy and we shared a look, but Jeremy's phone went off and he got up to answer it "well what if he did" Ric cut in "then I guess I'd rip my heart out" Tyler stated bluntly before standing up "god you guys sound just like Caroline, thanks for dinner. Bye Jay, see you later Jeremy" Jeremy nodded as he sat back down again.

" I don't think Tyler truly realises that there is something wrong" Elena murmured as I did the dishes and Ric dried them "which is why I don't think it's a good idea for you to be hanging out with him Jeremy" Elena said turning to Jeremy "Jeremy" I turned to find Jeremy was gone. I walked out in to the hall with Elena and Ric following behind me, the front door was opened. I walked out on to the porch to find Jeremy standing in the middle of the road "what is he doi-" before I could finish a care came speeding around the corner, Ric ran past me and I followed him. Ric pushed Jeremy to the ground and the car crashed straight in to Ric.

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