Checked Out

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Jayla's P.O.V

I walked further into the boarding house with Elena in front of me, Damon closed the closet door and turned to face us "you just can't stay away can you" he teased as he walked over to the fire and threw the papers in "he called last night Damon, Stefan called me" Elena said stepping forward "what when" Damon asked "last night, he didn't say any thing but I got sheriff Forbes to trace the call back and it came from Tennessee" Damon signed "Elena Stefan gone and he's not coming back" Damon's gaze flickered to me "he has no humanity, he doesn't what to be saved" I stepped closer to him "if he didn't won't to be saved then he wouldn't have called" Elena protested before storming out "your really not going help" he shook he's head then continued to sip his bourbon.

I knocked on Rics door again then moments later Ric answered "And your not who I expected" I chuckled as he let Elena and I in "so urm what are you doing here" he asked putting a shirt on "we want you to tell us about Stefan and Klaus" Elena said sitting down next to him "did you forget the part when I checked out of all this" I signed and sat down on the other side of him "come on Ric whatever Damon knows you know" he stood up and poured some coffee in to his cup "then ask Damon" he resorted "Damon's not really in the mood to help" Elena stated "and he right to be its not safe for you two, as Damon said Stefan's gone you need to give up" I stood up and turned to face him "well we're not the type of people to check out so are you going to help us or not" he signed then put his coffee down "they've been track werewolves along the coast of Tennessee, he and Klaus have left bodies behind" he spoke lowly.

We strolled into the grill and sat at the bar "hey Jeremy how's work" I asked as he continued to clean the glasses "hey Jay its good" I felt Elena nudge me "there's Tyler come on" she grabbed my hand and led me over to Tyler's table "hey Tyler" I greeted sitting down opposite him with Elena next to me "hey Jayla, Elena" he smiled "is there any wolf packs in Tennessee" he nodded picking up my phone "most of them go camping or hiking so that their away from any one they can hurt, they get to run free" I nodded understanding his words "okay so this is where most of them will be" he pointed to the map that was now on the screen of my phone "thanks Ty" he smiled "as Caroline likes to remind me Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. Have you seen her at all today" Elena sat back "no, why" Tyler shook his head "no reason" Elena and I stood up "okay well thanks again Ty"

"So your coming with us Ric" he nodded as we continued to walk up the huge hill that led to a large lake "you think I would let you girls go alone" I placed my bag on the ground as Ric handed me a grenade "a vervain grenade" I questioned "no wolfsbane" I nodded putting it into the side pocket of my bag "here" Elena held out her Gilbert ring to Ric "that's your ring" he stated "yes but it doesn't work on me or Jayla and I wouldn't want to get you killed before happy hour" I chuckled as she placed it in Ric's palm. Ric opened his back pack to reveal weapons "lost cause by day supernatural hunter by night" I signed taking my jumper off staring out at the lake "I don't know why you think your a lost cau-" before I could finish my sentence my body was lurched forward in to the water. I stood up to see Damon casually leaning against the tree "Damon how are you even here" Damon turned he head slightly to his left "thanks for the tip brother" I growled "you sold us out" Ric shrugged "you think I'm going to take you and Elena out to a mountain full of werewolves without protection" I groaned in frustration "get out of the water Jayla" I shook my head "if I get out of the water your gonna make us go home" he stepped forward and continued to do so while speaking "of cause I am, you know why because its not safe" Damon was now in front me in the water "what did you expect Jayla to go up to a camp site full of werewolves on a full moon and wait for Stefan to stop by" I looked away from him "this is the closest we've come in weeks, let me do this for my sister" I whispered "please" Damon stared at me for a moment "fine but when the moons full we're out of here okay" "okay" "or else will have to do that hole dead kissy thing" "I said okay" I followed him out of the water.

I walked into yet another tree branch "you know I can get us there quicker just one jumpy thing" I chuckled "yeah and knowing my luck you'd drop me" Ric groaned "what are you guys 12" Elena grabbed my hand "one of them is" she shot Damon a look "how long do we have till the moon is at its fullest" Ric stared up at the sky "not long" suddenly a man with blood dripping from his eyes appeared and tackled Damon to the ground "Damon" I reached in to the side pocket of my bag and pulled the grenade out and threw it for Damon to catch, Damon hit the grenade off the mans face knocking him out.

"Ric take these" I said holding the last of the rope out "arg" Damon hissed pulling his arm back "I said Ric" I stated, Ric tied the last of the rope around the man pinning him to the tree "we need to go before the moon reaches its fullest" Elena stepped towards the man "not if we can get him to talk" she lifted her hand towards his face but soon jumped back when he awoke and began to shake and twist "is he shifting" I asked "no its impossible its still light" Damon resorted "tell him that those ropes won't hold a wolf" Damon held the man back "let's get out of here" I hit Damon's back "Damon come on let's get out of here now" I pulled on Damon's shirt as he turned and followed us. We ran through the woods avoiding tripping but my foot got caught and I tumbled on to my hands and knees "don't move a muscle" Damon whispered, I looked up and became face to face with a wolf. I remained still until Damon whistled and sped off with the wolf chasing him...................

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