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Jayla's P.O.V

I felt guilty because Elena daggered Rebekah and I was pissed about it, she didn't need to be daggered. I'm really starting to hate being Jayla Gilbert, because everyone around me seems to constantly be in danger.

I pulled down the dress Rebekah picked out for me once again, It was dark blue and it hugged my body, totally Caroline's taste. We were at Tylers house because the dance hall at the school had been flooded "how can Tyler throw a better party than me in less then 2 hours" Caroline said coming up behind me "come on Care just have fun" she smiled nodding her head, I looked around the crowded garden "do you know anyone" I whispered leaning over towards Caroline "no, I'm going to go find Tyler" she handed me her red cup before disappearing in to the crowds.

Signing I took a sip of the drink and cringed as the alcohol burned my throat. I sat down on the wall of the fountain and allowed my eyes to wonder around the crowded garden, all these people could potentially be in danger because of our plan. I was scared, scared that someone was going to get seriously hurt tonight, someone like Damon or maybe even Caroline and that scared me to death "deep in thought, love" I jumped and turned to my left to see Klaus casually standing there with a drink in his hand and a smirked etched in to his features,  when I didn't reply he chuckled and moved to stand in front of me "what do you want Klaus" I asked not wanting to talk to him "how about a dance" I chuckled and stood up "how about no" I went to walk past him but he grabbed me arm and swirled me around then pulled me towards him "you just can take rejection can you" I hissed and he placed his hand in mine and pulled me closer "not from you" I just ignored him and continued dancing with him "blue looks perfect on you" he complimented "thank you, your sister picked it out for me" I looked over Klaus' shoulder to see Damon motioning me to go to him "thank you for the dance but I would much rather spend the rest of this evening with my friends" before he could reply I practically ran towards Damon  "come on" he gently grabbed me hand and pulled me in to the house "the plans in action" he whispered as we walked in to the hall where Stefan had to lead Klaus.

Minutes later Stefan appeared with Klaus not far behind him "so where is Mikael's body" Klaus asked turning to look at stefan. Mikael appeared in the door way of the entrance "Niklaus" Klaus' face held an expression of fear before it was replaced with a stone cold scowl. Klaus turned to face Mikael "Mikael what a lovely surprise" he spat sarcastically "Aren't you going to let me in boy" Klaus shook his head smirking "why when your out there with my hybrids and I'm in here" Damon's arms were locked around my body as if protecting me from any possible threat "your still a coward, hiding behind your hybrids. Your a lonely coward" Mikael laughed bitterly before he pulled Elena in front of him, my heart stopped and I went to move towards them but Damon held on to me tightly.

"Niklaus why don't you come out here and face me like a man, or am I going to be forced to kill her. Then this lot will be the last of you obomination species" I struggled against Damon, Klaus turned to look at me "are you forgetting there are two doppelgangers" Mikaels eyes flickered over to me then back over to Klaus who was still staring at me "you wouldn't hurt her Klaus" Mikael said confidently, Klaus turned to stand in front of Mikael "you won't do it" he stated, Elena struggled in Mikaels grip "no Klaus he'll do it" Elena chocked out "I'm calling your bluff" Klaus spat out through a clenched jaw.

Mikael swiftly plunged the dagger in to Elena's back, I let out a cry falling down to my knees but Damon kept me up. Mikael dropped Elenas body to the floor and turned back to Klaus, suddenly Elena got up "Katherine" Mikael whispered,  Katherine turned towards the hybirds and held up wolfsbane and vervain grenades "Kaboom". After that everything happened to fast and I was knocked to the floor and Stefan had pinned Damon to the ground, and I couldn't hear a thing.  Klaus had grabbed the white oak stake and knocked Mikael down the front steps before plunging the stake in to his chest. I stood up swaying slightly,  I went to move when my vision blurred "Jayla" I heard Katherine whisper and I felt her hand on my arm, then I fell forward in to Katherine as darkness consumed me "its okay I got you".

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