Mary Quite Contrary

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Jayla's P.O.V

Damon stopped the car outside an old Victorian house that sat alone on a hill, I got out followed by Damon and Jeremy "Jeremy I want you to stay in the car" I told him, Jeremy was about to protest when Damon cut in "listen ton your sister" Jeremy muttered something under his breath but I couldn't hear him, but Damon clearly did because he smirked. I followed behind Damon into the dark dusty house "she lives here" I stated picking up an old book "well she is around 900 years old" Damon commented sarcastically, I rolled my eyes as I climbed the narrow stairs with Damon following closely behind "nice view" I heard Damon snicker "shut up" Damon disappeared in to one room while I wondered in to the back room. I pushed open the dark wooden door and it creaked loudly, the room was pitch black so I carefully felt around for the light switch. Signing in relief I flicked the lights on, a small yelp left my lips as I stared at the scene in front of me.

"Mary" Damon sighed from behind me, her body was pinned to the wall by the wooden bat that impaled her heart."quite contrary" I jumped a spun around to see Kol lounging on the dresser chair "shame about Mary she used to be a blast, I feel the time she spent with my family may have ruined her. She was quite an original groupie" Kol stated smugly as he stood up, I stepped forward "and were you her favourite" Kol smiled at me and it made my skin crawl "you mean did I turn her,I think I did, but wait, no maybe it was Rebekah but then there was also a Klaus period and lets not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my brother I know your trying to find out who you descended from, now you'll never know " Damon moved in front of me in a protective stance "so how about we finish were we left off" before I could even react Kol had swung another bat at Damon sending him across the room.

"Jayla go now" Damon hissed, I went to run when Kol caught my arm "my brother said your off limits and I wouldn't want to kill such a beauty so please don't test me" he threw me back on to the bed and my head collided with the headboard. Damon shot up and grabbed Kol "don't touch her" Damon growled, Kol threw Damon back against the wall "oh dear it seems I've hit a nerve, relax darling I just want us to be even. You killed my brother, snapped my neck and then you humiliated me" Kol sneered as hit continued to hit Damon "Please stop" I pleaded. Kol dropped the bat "there now we're even"and then he was gone.

I ran to Damon side helping him up "are you okay" Damon held his shoulder "yeah" he groaned as he pulled out a piece of wood that was lodged in his torso "thats better" he then turned to look at me and placed his hand on my cheek, I hissed him pain as he ran his fingers over the tender cut that the headboard had left on my forehead "you okay, your bleeding" I nodded my head "yes I'll be fine" Damon at me with his hand still on my face "good" I let go of his hand and turned around so my back was to him "what are you doing" he asked, I turned to look at him "what do you mean" I knew where he was going with this "this trip, you kissing me. What the hell is this" I was facing him fully now, I manged to avoid his gaze as I spoke "Stefan and Elena think that I have feelings for you" I looked up to see him staring at me intensely "do you" I stood there for a moment not answering "I don't know" more like I didn't know what to do.

Damon bit his lip and glared "so I guess trip was for you to figure out your feelings huh, or maybe you were hoping I'd screw it up and make the decision for you-" I shook me head angrily "that's what you do Damon, You act without thinking, You hurt people without caring. Think about it every time there's a bump in the road you lash out" I gushed pulling at the ends of my hair. Damon suddenly stepped closer to me so there was barley any space between us "what if I didn't, what if there was no bump in the road" I just stared at him as he gently lent his forehead against mine "I'm sorry Jayla, but this time I'm not going to make it so easy for you. This time it's you"

The drove home was brutal, I sat in the passenger seat while Damon drove and Jeremy sat in the back. The tension was thick and I could constantly feel Damon glancing over at me, I just wanted to go home.


"so Alaric is pulling him self together why is that a bad thing" Caroline asked as I followed her through the hall "It's not I just wished I could help, I mean I feel so useless" I picked p the ugly glass chandelier "where do you want me to hang this thing" I chuckled holding it up, Caroline took it out of my hands and passed it to one of the girls "you know what if Rebekah wanted to hang up ugly decorations then she should have shown up to do it herself, just no" I laughed at her as I pulled my hair up into a bun, because last time I helped decorate for a decade dance I ended up with Glue and Glitter stuck in my hair.

"Hey what are you doing, you cant just hang them their supposed to trickle down" Caroline yelled at Matt and Jeremy who where hanging up trickling stars "trickle" Matt mumbled laughing "look at the all bromancy" Caroline said smiling "yeah Elena asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust, he got him his old job back at the Grill" Caroline turned to look at me with her arms crossed over her chest "well that was nice of him" I nodded as I continued to rearrange the candles on the tables "yeah Jeremy's got a lot on his mind, the whole thing with Alaric has really gotten him stressed out" I explained, Caroline flicked her hair over her shoulder "are you sure it's got nothing to do with you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a screvy hotel" I rolled my eyes as she smirked at me "I did not tell you that so you could torture me with it" I mumbled, Caroline grinned and pulled me into a side hug "well what are friends for"

"So who are you bringing to the dance" I smirked wrapping the feather tinsel around my neck "what do you mean I thought you, Bonnie, Elena and I are going as girl dates" Caroline laughed and pulled the feathers "actually Bonnie has a date with Jamie" I smiled widely "aww that's so cute" Caroline nodded "so here's a thought why don't you ask Damon" I froze, Caroline wasn't Damon's biggest fan so I turned to look at her "I told you I made out with Damon and you freaked, and now you want me to ask him to be my date" I stated with my hand on my hip, Caroline signed in defeat "okay fine, Elena's going with Stefan and I don't want you to be lone especially with Klaus lurking around you" I shook my head and continued to decorate the hall.

When I got home I decided to make some coffee before I have to start getting ready "hey" I jumped at the sound of Elena's voice "oh hey" I handed her a cup of coffee "thanks" I lent against the counter and smiled at her "so Caroline told me that you asked Stefan to the dance and he said yes" she looked down and fiddled with her hair "yeah, I wasn't sure at first but he said yes" she explained, I placed my empty cup in the sink "well I'm going to start getting ready" she nodded as I bounced up the stairs.

I pulled out a nice fitted black  which had a fringed hem and it was covered in sequence, I laid the dress out on my bed and sat at my dresser to finish my hair. I couldn't help but stare at my phone "screw it" I cursed as I pick up my phone and dialed Damon's number, after a few rings he picked up "hey" he said softly "hey" I paused for a moment "I was just wondering if you would maybe want to go to the dance with me" I pulled a face at how stupid I must sound, Damon was quiet for a moment "I'd be honored to, I'll pick you up at 7" I could hear the smirk in his voice, I smiled "I'll see you then, goodbye Damon" "goodbye Jayla" I hung up and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I finished curling my  and reapplied another layer of , I stared at my reflection and nodded in approval. Elena came in wearing a beautiful white dress "you look amazing" I gushed at her, she smiled and did a twirl "thanks, Jay you look smoking" I grinned and flipped my hair "why thank you" the door bell rung interrupting our little compliment session "that will be Stefan" Elena stated grabbing her purse "or Damon" I added grabbing my own purse and coat "wait your going with Damon" Elena asked as we descended downstairs "yeah, I asked him earlier" Elena didn't reply she just walked over to get the door. Damon stood there dressed in all black with a small smirk on his lips, Stefan stood next to him with his usual brooding look "good evening ladies" Stefan said smoothly as he held his hand out to Elena, who took it gently "lets go" Elena followed Stefan out to the car leaving Damon and I alone for a moment "you look absolutely beautiful" Damon breathed, I smiled at him "thank you, you look handsome" He pulled out a stunning red rose from his pocket and took a step towards to me. Damon gently placed the rose in my head band "thank you" I whispered looking up at him, he took my hand and led me to the car "so are you going to show me how they danced in the 1920s" I asked smirking, Damon got in to the drivers seat "the 1920s were the decade of dance, are you sure you could keep up" Damon stated grinning, I gave Damon a flirty look "you've clearly never seen me dance"

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