"Because Of You Damon"

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Jayla's P.O.V

I threw another kick at Damon but once again he caught my leg "sloppy" he commented letting me go "shut up I'm new at this, hey Ric hows it going with those drawings" Ric turned around to face us "I'm not sure,  this looks like the symbol that was on Elena's necklace" he held up one of the drawings that were engraved on the walls under the Lockwood mansion.  I took the picture from him "its the exact same,  where is Elena anyway" I placed the picture back down on to the table "she went to barbie Klaus to see if she can get the full story of the drawings from her" I turned to Damon and hit his chest "you let her go alone"he chuckled and grabbed my arm "she can make her own decisions" I pulled away from him and walked towards the door "well I'm going to go find her" I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and moved to open the door "no your not your staying here with Ric" Damon stated as he tapped his finger gently against my forehead "and your going to use your pretty little brain to help him figure out what all these drawings mean" he stepped back smirking as I glared at him "and where are you going" I sassed taking my jacket back off and watching him head towards the door "I'm going to go check on my little bro" I signed as he closed the door behind him.

"I think this one means hybrid" I said pointing to the photo, Ric placed a sticky note of it that read 'hybrid'. I placed all the pictures in order, we had now figured out what all of them meant. I jumped as Elena burst through the door "well Rebekah told me the full story and guess what, the original witch turns out to be Klaus' and Rebekah's mother and Mikael killed her" she stated sitting down, I thought about her words as I stared down at the pictures again "Elena" I whispered picking up the photo "yeah" she stood up and walked over to me "it wasn't Mikael who killed her" I stated handing her the picture and pointing to the hybrid symbol "that is the symbol for the one who killed the original witch" I explained looking down at the picture in Elena's hands "okay so what" she said waiting for me to continue "its also the symbol for hybrid, therefore the hybrid killed the original witch not Mikael,  Klaus." She stared down at the picture in shock.

Elena quickly pulled her coat back on "wait Elena where are you going" she grabbed the picture and ran towards the door "I have an idea, I'll meet you at home" I signed and rolled my eyes, why am I never allowed to do anything.  I let out a groan of frustration as my phone rung loudly "what" I answered harshly "ohh someone's moody" I rolled my eyes at the sound of Damon's voice "what do you want Damon" I lent on the table that Ric was sitting at "I just wanted to check in on how its going with those drawings, oh and Stefan and I are out somewhere in a bar" I stood up straight and hissed in to the phone "you did what" I could practically hear him smirking "I thought he could use a little break" he replied, I ran a hand through my curls "okay so where are you" I raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer "oo your breaking up Jayla I'll call you back" then the line went dead. I turned to see Ric staring at me with his eyebrows raised "Damon let Stefan out and when I see him I'm going to kill him" he shook his head and stood up "does Elena know" I shrugged pulling my hair up and grabbing my keys "I don't know but my guess is that when she finds out she's going to freak" I stated, I walked over to the door and opened it "well I'm going to find Jer so I'll meet you at home" Ric nodded not looking up from the rest of the unsolved drawings.

I walked in to the grill and instantly felt everyone's eyes on me, I ignored it and made my way up to the bar "hey Matt" I greeted, Matt looked up and smiled "hey Jayla, what are you doing here" I sat down on the stool "I'm looking for my baby brother have you seen him" Matt shook his head "no, have you checked at home" I signed standing up "I will now, I'll see you later" he chuckled and waved as I left the grill.

When I got home the house was empty so I just went for a shower and began to cook dinner. I was in the middle of cooking the rice when Ric and Elena walked in "hey guys I made dinner" they sat down at the Island "thanks Jayla" Ric thanked "so any luck with Rebekah" Elena nodded hanging her coat over the wooden stool, I began dishing up the food "yeah I think we have her on our side now. I learnt that she's just a girl who lost her mother to young and now she loves blindlessly and recklessly even if it consumes her" Elena explained, I felt bad for Rebekah I don't think she's that bad.

I sat the plates on the table and sat down opposite them "well its a start right" I said trying to lighten the mood "it is a start Elena" Ric said agreeing with me "I know it is but I can't help but feel bad" we then continued eating in silence, it was a nice silence. I stood up and placed my plate in the dish washer "I'm going bed so I'll see you in the morning" I yawned heading up stairs in to my room.

I opened my door and nearly jumped 50ft into the air "sorry jumpy" Damon teased as he stretched he hands out behind his head "well it looks like we have Mikael on our side" my head snapped up to look at him "since when" I asked trying to pull my covers back "since he showed up at a bar and threatened to rip my heart out unless we lure Klaus back to mystic falls, so now have your rant I'm sure you've been planning it all day" I pulled of the duvet harder but Damon's body weighed it down "I'm not mad" I huffed out throwing the little cover I had back before getting in next to Damon "come on sure you are" he pressed, I turned on my side so that I was face to face with him "I'm not mad, you were just giving him a break. I mean he's your brother" I whispered to him. His blue eyes searched mine "I admit my plan backfired, hes an even bigger dick than before but at least now hes a dick thats on our side" I smiled slightly as I snuggled in to my pillow "we'll get him back Damon and when we do it won't be because he loves Elena it will be because he loves you"........

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